Final battle to defeat Ethiopia

Why is that? What makes them fear FGS intentions?

No one trusts the government because hsm is a corrupt leader, arrogant and never consults with anyone.. But that doesn't mean one should turn into an Ethiopian dabodhilif.
Could it be what HSM has alluded to… also what’s with the recent patriotic fervour (un genuine id argue) which has engulfed reer ak-47 and beesha Teknikal? I never knew them to be die hard patriots, they’re usually pocketwatching and hating on D5….

I think they're only patriots when their uncle is in office which shows that is not true patriotism.. A true patriots loyalty to his country and people doesn't come with conditions.
geniune question btw
Thats a tit for tat thats been ongoing. Just 2 days ago Hiiraan gov released a note calling the border for a "xuduud beeneed"
Ethiopia trampling the shit out of Somalia sad getting bullied by other Subsaharan Africans. Colonists I understand but this to much
Its not hard to step on a country that's been in a failed state with an arms embargo for 30+ yrs broski. Like bullying a kindergarten kid for candy. Nothing impressive about it. What's clear to me at least, is that xabashi are losing all the gains they made on Somalia in all those years. In a matter of 9 months the FG have stood its ground and even went as far as to say we'll go to war. They still have some influence in sone states, but that'll evaporate the moment their thrown out and Egypt takes over those bases.

What's funny tho, is how they're shitting themselves at the thought of Egypt in Somalia. We all know Egypt doesn't give a f about Somalia, but their priorities allign with ours at the moment. It’s in our shared interest to see an SNA thats capable of defending its territory. That's what scares them imho. They have a very short moment to try something instead of talking. Intaa kale waan iska qoslaya when I read some of the shit they say

"Egypt shouldn't involve itself between brothers"

Brother ku yiri :draketf:


Let him cook
Thats a tit for tat thats been ongoing. Just 2 days ago Hiiraan gov released a note calling the border for a "xuduud beeneed"

Its not hard to step on a country that's been in a failed state with an arms embargo for 30+ yrs broski. Like bullying a kindergarten kid for candy. Nothing impressive about it. What's clear to me at least, is that xabashi are losing all the gains they made on Somalia in all those years. In a matter of 9 months the FG have stood its ground and even went as far as to say we'll go to war. They still have some influence in sone states, but that'll evaporate the moment their thrown out and Egypt takes over those bases.

What's funny tho, is how they're shitting themselves at the thought of Egypt in Somalia. We all know Egypt doesn't give a f about Somalia, but their priorities allign with ours at the moment. It’s in our shared interest to see an SNA thats capable of defending its territory. That's what scares them imho. They have a very short moment to try something instead of talking. Intaa kale waan iska qoslaya when I read some of the shit they say

"Egypt shouldn't involve itself between brothers"

Brother ku yiri :draketf:
💯 hopefully they leave new year


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
Bro’s Fantasising about a battle that will never happen
Not to hurt your feelings but its gonna happen

What have I told you guys, this is what ethiopians from professors, leaders and the common man are pushing. Division to somalis in anyway possible, they do this in many way. propaganda, impersonation, all of that.
Thats why I am telling you guys to flip back onto them, these guys are throwing rocks out of a glass house. Thats why I will not be using the term ethiopian you must use more divisionary terms. These people have been funding the division of somalia since its inception in the 60s. Its a massive problem that needs to be fully dismantled and destroyed. It will be very easy if a competent government takes charge.

