Ya guys a kaffir, but it does help the palestinian cause by increasing pressure on the biden admin. Im not saying its the final straw, but its a very bad look for a white service member to do this in an election yr. Its fucked but thats whats important to genocide joe and his handlers, a second term.this isnt helping though lol. what does this do to benefit the people of palestine who are under fire? wouldnt it be better if he focused on aid to the area?
also ppl are constantly mentioning he may have been a kaafir and died as such cuz ppl are saying stuff like this
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Self immolation is on the far end of what you can call nonviolent protest though. Its going to get some gears going in the american mind, people dont just light themselves on fire for the flavour of the week social justice cause.
Aid would be good too, but all roads lead to rome.