Mr Sufi
Imagine being so triggered by a anonymous forum site you write the Bibles new editionI really love how you Liberal Xalimos and some of You Simp ass Niggas like to shit on the U.K. Diaspora lots, like sure these lots are stuck on some island with almost 70 million people and are broke asf. But let’s be honest, me coming from the Reer Minnesota Diaspora, the U.K. Somalis are more committed to the Deen, know more about our Dhaaqan and Somali History, I know damn well Reer Hennessey Canada is trynna give a full on lectures to U.K Somalis and act like they’re superior just cause they aren’t racist and are open minded Sufis, and Reer America especially South Minneapolis Qaxooti, you niggas literally rob your own elders and allowed some African American Waceel beat down an elderly 70 year old Somali Woman. As for this troll, I absolutely denounce the words used against this Comoros Muslim brother, but my question is how did he allow himself to get shaken up by some online troll with less than 10 followers?and how do you know of the troll is Somali or not? You’ll be surprised to know how many Ajinabis know our language just because our interaction with them, especially me as person from the twin cities metro area, I got Latinos telling me “Hooyodatha siilkeed uusheg”. What evidence can you provide and produce to show it was a Somali Man behind this account? Or is your evidence based upon the one time use of a Somali word? We Somalis like to generalize and group entire groups of people even if it’s online trolls, you guys inherently believe the Internet represents an entire ethnicity. Stop obsessing over the Internet and get a life, learn to invest in the stock market or government bonds before you become an unemployed online anti-racist police activist or intersectional feminist. The Internet is a free world, anyone can say whatever they want, even the most racist shit you can ever see. I even saw a person say 60% of Somali Men are racist, LMFAO, what evidence can provide to prove that? Where is your statistics or analytical data? Or are just speaking from anecdotal evidence? And as For Reer UK Somalis, you guys maybe close to the Dhaaqan and Deen in some ways, but you Niggas are not only broke but got victimized by Jamaican Waceels and I see some of you crying about on this site, LMFAO pattern up mandem, workout, be traditional, commit yourself to Deen and don’t take shit from anyone like our Ancestors. And for Reer North America, you Niggas need to stfu, acting like your the best diaspora, you Niggas are actually becoming like African Americans, single motherhood rising, criminal gangsters, fatherless homes and especially Reer Minnesota raping Xalimos left right and center.