Algeria had around 1 million to 1.2 million European slaves "Barbary slave trade
Algerians aren't real Arabs.
Was thinking of the Peninsular Arabians and the Mesopotamian Arabs.
Algeria had around 1 million to 1.2 million European slaves "Barbary slave trade
Go to Arab forums and post there, it has nothing to do with us.You are hands down the dumbest poster on this forum.Oh my god.
She actually thinks just because they have laws which prohibits slavery that it no longer exists there
Those laws weren't even made by them, but enforced by western countries
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Slavery In Zanzibar
I get it. Something tells me they weren't. Those who were enslaved had chiefs that profited from enslavement. It was a common practice in Zanzibar and Tanzania, Xabeshis also have a history of enslaving each other, particularly the nilotic people of Southern Ethiopia. Mainstream Somalis would rather kill you than enslave you.
Atheist agnostic, no empirical proof that a higher power does not exist.^^ Oromo deserved it though. They pushed us out of the highlands
@supz what are your beliefs? Are you atheist?
Atheist agnostic, no empirical proof that a higher power does not exist.
Thankfully there has never been any documented Somali slave, nor has there ever been a history of Somalis enslaving each other. The Abysinnians enslaved and exported Nilotes, while the Arabs preyed on the poor Zanj. Unfortunately, some Somali clans would purchase slaves from Arab slavers on their way to Somali ports, from which the rest of the unfortunate souls were shipped to the Mideast. For the most part, our hands are clean.
Except for shameful raids on our Oromo cousins.
I'm not 100% sure, I don't think anyone is 100% atheist, although they might identify as that. Its illogical.Why atheist agnostic? Aren't you 100% sure that there is no God?
I'm not 100% sure, I don't think anyone is 100% atheist, although they might identify as that. Its illogical.
No one can disprove god, I therefore cannot rule it out. If there was a god which stated that creation was driven through evolution, I would believe in that god. However no god has pushed that narrative...The entire concept of atheism is illogical. It's much safer to go with agnosticism like most scientists.
I'm guessing the reason you are not 100% atheist is because you are uncertain whether there is a God or not. Right?
https://www.quora.com/Islam-Are-Islam-and-the-theory-of-evolution-compatibleNo one can disprove god, I therefore cannot rule it out. If there was a god which stated that creation was driven through evolution, I would believe in that god. However no god has pushed that narrative...
http://en.islamtoday.net/artshow-416-2992.htmNo one can disprove god, I therefore cannot rule it out. If there was a god which stated that creation was driven through evolution, I would believe in that god. However no god has pushed that narrative...
No one can disprove god, I therefore cannot rule it out. If there was a god which stated that creation was driven through evolution, I would believe in that god. However no god has pushed that narrative...
If god created Adam and eve, are the apes descendants of Adam and eve. We share 98% of our dna with the bonobo chimps and 96% of our dna with chimps. Genetic correspondence indicates common descent does It not.but evolution does not conflict creationism.. Couldn't the process of evolution be described as the process of perfecting creation?
Evolution itself seems to be genius. The way it's organized and the way it runs is definitely intelligent.
Did this genius process just pop out of no where or something?
If god created Adam and eve, are the apes descendants of Adam and eve. We share 98% of our dna with the bonobo chimps and 96% of our dna with chimps. Genetic correspondence indicates common descent does It not.
I agree, every living organism is a product of evolution. There is so much evidence... From our fused chromosome, retrovirus genes which have amalgamated with our genome , protein similarities. Different hominids have been found....Generic correspondence also indicates that we share 50% of our DNA with Bananas
All organisms on earth are related some are related more than others. Doesn't mean anything or change the fact that they are all results of millions of years of evolution aka process of created according to me.
I get it. Something tells me they weren't. Those who were enslaved had chiefs that profited from enslavement. It was a common practice in Zanzibar and Tanzania, Xabeshis also have a history of enslaving each other, particularly the nilotic people of Southern Ethiopia. Mainstream Somalis would rather kill you than enslave you.
Go to Arab forums and post there, it has nothing to do with us.