He doesn't actually get 40k a month that's nonsense. And yeah I agree.They are back for political power and build a stronger opposition. HSM was getting $40K/month being a member of the parliament while living in Turkey, next they should deal with the 100-150 people that don't attend cabinet meetings.
Lool, look up the definition of the word fact. That one is based on perception and nothing real at all, it's meaningless. Whereas the IMF and WB actually work very closely with the FG in Somalia. Dr Beileh explains at around 7:20. 'Western countries' have acknowledged all the progress and have decided to support the govt with hundreds of millions recently. Too bad you hate all the progress.Acccording to transparency international Somalia is the most corrupt 'country' in the world .
This is a undisputable FACT, western coutries should not send money to the Somalian gov but pay for projects directly .