For those who watch game of thrones

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Pepe Trump
it's cuz there's like 3 tullys, not much info to go by :lol:

blackfish is that dude tho

Watch the history and lore of game of thrones on YouTube. The actors are telling the history of the Houses of westoros and the beta that lead to where we are.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Littlefinger was the c*nt who got Ned Stark killed. He's a treacherous little bastard.
Ned Stark was pretty cool but Littlefinger is hands down one of the most slept on characters in GoT. He pretty much started the whole war if you think about it for a second. The first step of his grand scheme was to get Lysa to poison Jon Arryn (the hand of the king) knowing that Rick Ross Baratheon would head north to try and recruit his boy Ned which was the only person he could trust. Baelish knew that Ned had a history of distrust for the Lannisters, this would later play a part into his plans. The second step to his plan was getting Lysa Tully to lie to her sister Catlyn Tully by getting her to email her regarding the death of Jon Arryn, she blames it on the Lannisters. The Starks get suspicious af and it slowly causes a rift between the Lannisters and them. The icing on the cake was Bran Stark getting hadouken'd out of the window by Jaime and the assassin that got fucked up by Bran's dog DMX. Ned touches down in Kings Landing with a huge distrust for the Lannisters. Catlyn investigates the samurai sword the assassin that was trying to sushi Bran had and she tries to sneak into Kings Landing.

Baelish gets his boys who were running Kings Landing to capture her and guide her to the brothel, he waits for Varys to say that he knows nothing about the dagger then lies to Catlyn saying that it belonged to Tyrion, he then tells Ned and Catlyn not to accuse the Lannisters (mind games are real) unless they have proof which they really can't get.. And he knows that they won't go to Robert Baratheon without any proof or findings.
He gets lucky af as Catlyn runs into Tyrion and she makes him her hostage, even more icing on the fucking cake. Watch Season 1 again and you'll notice that Baelish is the one that pretty much tells Ned where to go, who to speak to, the blacksmith and so and so forth. He finds out that the Lannisters are planning something big and the same time Robert and Ned start beefing. Ned resigns and prepares to leave Kings Landing but Baelish delays him by sending him a that recently gave birth to one of Robert's bastards. Notice that he waited until the moment were Ned was preparing to leave to delay him and so that he ends up fighting with Jaime. He was pointing Ned in the wrong direction the whole time.

After assisting the Lannisters by putting the prick Joffery on the throne, he kicks back and carries on with his work but he isn't really allied with the Lannisters without cause. He kept avoiding the new hand of the king Tyrion which eventually figured out that Baelish had goons in almost every section of Kings Landing. Baelish and Tyrion work together to create a Tyrell and Lannister alliance by arranging a marriage between Joffrey and Margaery. Motherfucker gets promoted to Lord Paramount of the Trident meaning that with his newly elevated status he could marry Lysa Tully, he also planned to take Sansa Stark the heir of Winterfell (since everyone believed that Rickon and Bran were dead) with him giving him pretty much full control of the north knowing Rob would meet his end. Varys catches on onto his plans with the help of that red headed prostitute and he arranges a marriage between Sansa and Margaery's brother (AbdiJohnson), Baelish snitches to Tywin about the Tyrell plan and he arranges shit between Tyrion and Sansa. This works out for Baelish because Sansa remains in Kings Landing. Baelish plants some rumours, the Tyrell's catch wind of it and in a matter of time they plan to take out Joffrey since the ayeeyo didn't want Margaery to get abused and shit. Baelish got Sansa to unknowingly sneak in the necklace with the poison and he also set up the imp joust to annoy Tyrion, which it did. He gets one of his goons to remove Sansa from the wedding and to his ship, suspicions fall on Tyrion who was known to dislike and backhand Joffrey. Baelish took out Joffrey and got rid of Tyrion which could've eventually found him out, the others being Tywin and Varys.

The master manipulator of Game of Thrones


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
No love here for Hodor :francis:

Hold the door, hold the door, hold the door, hold the door, hold the door, hold the door, hold the door, hold the door, hold the door, hold th door, hol t dor, ho dor, hodor.


Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
Littlefinger was the c*nt who got Ned Stark killed. He's a treacherous little bastard.
And why should he have not killed Ned Stark? The women he loved was first taken from him by Brandon Stark and then eventually, after his death, she had to marry Ned Stark. Littlefinger suggested him a better alternative which was to take the bastard children away but this nacas cares about honor, and eventually this "honor" of his got him killed. Littlefinger is the best strategist in the whole of game of thrones. Deal with it.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Ramsay Bolton, the compassionate and misunderstood Bolton bastard that always made sure that his dogs were fed. Not only did his best friend since Season 3 Reek kill his mistress and run off with his wifey Sansa but his dad was poisoned by the enemies and his step-mother died from child birth complications. Sadly the child never made it thus making Ramsay the only remaining Bolton as he lost his entire family within a single a day. Feelsbadman, he never wanted to be the only child. Things quickly took a turn for Ramsay. He found the runaway lord of the Stark sub-clan, Rickon his brother-in-law and he went out of his way to escort him back to his elder sister with an army. The banished bastard Jon interrupted the royal escort and tried to snatch Rickon away, Ramsay tried to protect Rickon by covering him with his bow and arrow but Rickon jumped into one of the arrows there were shot. Rest in Pepperoni, Rickon.


Fast forward a bit and Ramsay's army held a peaceful protest around the Stark militia but they weren't having it and things quickly took a bad turn, Ramsay soon enough had a ragtag alliance of barafjires and Starks along with a giant ajanabi chasing him back to his ancestral home Winterfell. Like the police brutality that we now see in the states, Ramsay was pinned down to the ground, beaten with a shield, punched to a pulp before being locked up in a cell where they eventually fed him to a Cerberus.


The patrician choice



Loves milk is lactose intolerant, kill me
Ramsay Bolton, the compassionate and misunderstood Bolton bastard that always made sure that his dogs were fed. Not only did his best friend since Season 3 Reek kill his mistress and run off with his wifey Sansa but his dad was poisoned by the enemies and his step-mother died from child birth complications. Sadly the child never made it thus making Ramsay the only remaining Bolton as he lost his entire family within a single a day. Feelsbadman, he never wanted to be the only child. Things quickly took a turn for Ramsay. He found the runaway lord of the Stark sub-clan, Rickon his brother-in-law and he went out of his way to escort him back to his elder sister with an army. The banished bastard Jon interrupted the royal escort and tried to snatch Rickon away, Ramsay tried to protect Rickon by covering him with his bow and arrow but Rickon jumped into one of the arrows there were shot. Rest in Pepperoni, Rickon.


Fast forward a bit and Ramsay's army held a peaceful protest around the Stark militia but they weren't having it and things quickly took a bad turn, Ramsay soon enough had a ragtag alliance of barafjires and Starks along with a giant ajanabi chasing him back to his ancestral home Winterfell. Like the police brutality that we now see in the states, Ramsay was pinned down to the ground, beaten with a shield, punched to a pulp before being locked up in a cell where they eventually fed him to a Cerberus.

M favorite psychopath :banderas:
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