Fraudulent Nature of Somali Geneologies

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Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
I know the guy behind the account. He's a well intentioned idiot. Nonetheless, we in the real academic fields let our retarded cousins "cook" :mjlol:as the youtz like to say. Seriously tho:bell:do your Google's son.
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I know the guy behind the account. He's a well intentioned idiot. Nonetheless, we in the real academic fields let our retarded cousins "cook" :mjlol:as the youtz like to say. Seriously tho:bell:do your fact checking.

Yea, he brought some good evidence. He sited everything he said

It is you who didn't make any counter argument

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
My friend his research is flawed and questionable. All you have to do is read his citations and data he pulls (skewed). Out dated and purposefully doesn't present opposing findings. I could go on about why our friend will never write a real scholarly paper but I'd be a hater:drakekidding:
My friend his research is flawed and questionable. All you have to do is read his citations and data he pulls (skewed). Out dated and purposefully doesn't present opposing findings. I could go on about why our friend will never write a real scholarly paper but I'd be a hater

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
Arranging your argument in a cute picture doesn't make it any more concrete and factual. Yes it's a mix. Part of the Somali ancestry is Arab specifically of the Mehri tribe of Yemen, Omani, Saudi, and not to mention the Benadari/xamar who are mostly Persian,Arab and East African mix. All of us dont look proto subsaharan African no offense brother :mjswag: "passing color" in America is what counts. I'm Robert Purvis level passing.:rejoice:
All of us dont look proto subsaharan African no offense brother
You say it as if that's a bad thing. That's an issue well observed amongst those us who buy into this myth. You run from being black because you genuinely believe beauty and nobility are proportional to one's position in the spectrum of colour from black to white. Inferiority complex.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
The bullshit in Somali genealogy is the arab fallacy and this Samale bs. Isaaq, Hawiyes, ajuuran, and Dir are/aren't related according to who you speak to.
Regardless of the validity surrounding the lineages ,a simple DNa test will show neither Isaac or d block are the progeny of a medieval migrant from the Middle East . Gurey of somnet recently claimed that Isaac was formed as a coalition of sheik isaacs followers, some of his relatives and the dir clan . The Isaac apparently living under the Mahe dir coalition for the first hundred years of their existence .this is a more logical theory than a descent from quraish


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Regardless of the validity surrounding the lineages ,a simple DNa test will show neither Isaac or d block are the progeny of a medieval migrant from the Middle East . Gurey of somnet recently claimed that Isaac was formed as a coalition of sheik isaacs followers, some of his relatives and the dir clan . The Isaac apparently living under the Mahe dir coalition for the first hundred years of their existence .this is a more logical theory than a descent from quraish

The quraish thing is a product of an identity crisis. Every clan is claiming to be jaberti now, this includes Darood, Isaaq, Dir, many Hawiyes, and Sheekhals. It's getting out of control right now.

What you said makes sense anyway. This is probably how all tribe families are formed for all nomadic peoples.

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
You say it as if that's a bad thing. That's an issue well observed amongst those us who buy into this myth. You run from being black because you genuinely believe beauty and nobility are proportional to one's position in the spectrum of colour from black to white. Inferiority complex.
My sjw brother I love your spirit and open criticism but I do feel you might be misguided in your analysis.:kanyeshrug: If you read the first part I acknowledged that there is a mixing. Also friend it's a bit amateur to confuse cultural and physical feature(s) pride as racism, occasionally lines do get blurred unintentionally.:manny:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Isn't anthromadness just a blogsite for people to perpetuate their own grievances using genetic studies as a supplanting property?

Because I remember that mota man controversy still where Somalis chimped out after finding out there was some crazy Eurasian flux into sub Saharan Africa. And then promptly backtracked when they found out there was a program error but still threw up the same numbers. And none of them make a lick of sense anymore and the original bloggers went into hiding.


I'm more inclined to air on the side of caution with regards to African genetics because of some inherent flaws that manifest. :kanyeshrug:

Not to say they aren't relevant (because they absolutely are) or that we haven't gathered significant concrete information... Just be cautious.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
My sjw brother I love your spirit and open criticism but I do feel you might be misguided in your analysis.:kanyeshrug: If you read the first part I acknowledged that there is a mixing. Also friend it's a bit amateur to confuse cultural and physical feature(s) pride as racism, occasionally lines do get blurred unintentionally.:manny:
There is clear difference between mixing(ex. cadcads) which would naturally happen considering the geographical proximity but to claim that all somalis descended from some arab refugee is preposterous. It's most likely due to the fact that people want to claim having descended from some ahlu bayt so as to add more legitimacy to their claims of nobility.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Guys what do you tell non Somalis when they ask where did Somalis originally came from, i always tell them, Somalis are the oldest descendants in Africa. :lolbron:

We made Africa and we are fucking shit up now. :mjlol:

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
There is clear difference between mixing(ex. cadcads) which would naturally happen considering the geographical proximity but to claim that all somalis descended from some arab refugee is preposterous. It's most likely due to the fact that people want to claim having descended from some ahlu bayt so as to add more legitimacy to their claims of nobility.
Last part :rejoice: very true but if you cut through the bs you'll find we have real ties with southern arabia.
Wholly unimpressive and proves nothing. Most of his citations link back to a website called 23&me. That data alone would never be acceptable to be published in a peer-reviewed journal or as part of a broader scientific argument. They have no way of addressing the statistical biases as a result of their extremely small and nonrandom sample size. In short, it's all baloney.

Clans are very real. It is very real that many of you originate in Southern Arabia, while others originate in North Africa. This kumbaya idea is nothing more than propaganda by communists and immoral liberals/sjw who wish to dismantle a great heritage that Somalis have held deeply to for centuries.

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
Wholly unimpressive and proves nothing. Most of his citations link back to a website called 23&me. That data alone would never be acceptable to be published in a peer-reviewed journal or as part of a broader scientific argument. They have no way of addressing the statistical biases as a result of their extremely small and nonrandom sample size. In short, it's all baloney.

Clans are very real. It is very real that many of you originate in Southern Arabia, while others originate in North Africa. This kumbaya idea is nothing more than propaganda by communists and immoral liberals/sjw who wish to dismantle a great heritage that Somalis have held deeply to for centuries.
Thank you. :yousmart:
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