Fraudulent Nature of Somali Geneologies

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Wholly unimpressive and proves nothing. Most of his citations link back to a website called 23&me. That data alone would never be acceptable to be published in a peer-reviewed journal or as part of a broader scientific argument. They have no way of addressing the statistical biases as a result of their extremely small and nonrandom sample size. In short, it's all baloney.

Clans are very real. It is very real that many of you originate in Southern Arabia, while others originate in North Africa. This kumbaya idea is nothing more than propaganda by communists and immoral liberals/sjw who wish to dismantle a great heritage that Somalis have held deeply to for centuries.



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
We're different races that are joined by a common language even our culture is not the same, that's why hawiye & Isaac view darood with so much disdain, it is what it is, ain't no one begging no one, stay on your side & we'll stay on our side.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Wholly unimpressive and proves nothing. Most of his citations link back to a website called 23&me. That data alone would never be acceptable to be published in a peer-reviewed journal or as part of a broader scientific argument. They have no way of addressing the statistical biases as a result of their extremely small and nonrandom sample size. In short, it's all baloney.

Clans are very real. It is very real that many of you originate in Southern Arabia, while others originate in North Africa. This kumbaya idea is nothing more than propaganda by communists and immoral liberals/sjw who wish to dismantle a great heritage that Somalis have held deeply to for centuries.

Arab is not equal to white. There were jet black Arabs (like Southern South Asians) before they started mixing heavily with lighter skinned races and integrating them into Arabdom so maybe some Somalis were blick Arabs.
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