Free 23andMe kit for american somalis

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Well once they have your DNA to begin with, what's the use of fretting over storage :icon lol:


Feel my D in her abs call me Abdi
Unless you know you have recent non somali ancestry then this test is a waste of time.You will get the exact same results of other Somalis


The Somalis who do these tests are usually Arab bootyclappers and want to prove their J1 roots. Of course it's never J1 and they go into depression once they see their result.

I'm so curious, but I'm a skeptic that finds this whole project highly suspect in the grander scheme of things, even though we literally leave our DNA lying around every-freaking-where on the day-to-day. Plus, if my DNA sequencing were done, I'd want access to that too, not just some basic components of origin info I can probably already have a guess at. My hands are itching though lol.

Isn't this the less accurate version? I think there's a more comprehensive, expensive one out there that I can't remember it's name.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood

I'm so curious, but I'm a skeptic that finds this whole project highly suspect in the grander scheme of things, even though we literally leave our DNA lying around every-freaking-where on the day-to-day. Plus, if my DNA sequencing were done, I'd want access to that too, not just some basic components of origin info I can probably already have a guess at. My hands are itching though lol.

Isn't this the less accurate version? I think there's a more comprehensive, expensive one out there that I can't remember it's name.

Whole genome sequencing is what you are looking for, but that is around $1,500. If you are a female and want to find out mostly ancestral information it is probably better to have your brother sequenced so that you can get an idea of your paternal ancestors as well your maternal.

For Somalis there is probably little to no diversity among Maxa Tiri speakers in terms of genetic diversity. Very boring population from that standpoint. What would be of interest to me is whether or not Somali stories of common descent from eponymous founders is actually true. As in do people from the same clan or subclan share a common ancestor? For a clan or a subclan to be "real" at least 85% of males must have the same
Y-DNA subclade in my opinion. That is the part of this I find incrediably interesting and it is something we will for sure know everything about in the next 5-10 years.
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