Free Israel

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
Palestenians are worse off than us 💀 they are the ones getting carpetbombed to hell.
Somalis caused there own suffering while Palestinians are being sold out by gulf Arabs and will soon end up like the native American

Settler colonial societies are genocidal and always stick together as they all come from the mother country of Britain that’s part of the reason why America is Israel’s biggest supporter


East Africa UNUKA LEH
You people are childish. So if one or two South African black would have insulted you during apartheid would you have then just out of spite supported the apartheid regime? You shouldn‘t support the oppression of a group of people out of principle doesn’t matter if their arabs, black etc
Whats crazy is that we all know Israelis are insanely racist even to their own black jews and they support Ethiopia against Somalia. All these African countries have relations with Israel and are still poor af. If anything, Yahuuds are bare tuugs who’ve screwed over countries all over Africa. These niggas have no morals and are extremely pathetic. B**** made.
I'll import 7 million Israeli's
Shabbat shalom my fellow chosen one

Let’s import 7 million Shalomies and take over those hut dwelling, Flintstone car driving, oog-booga sounding African goyims
Humans are easily swayed, the issue of Palestine is not a nationalist one but truely a religious one. I dont care about the souls who have false kibir and look down upon their fellow Muslims.

You best know I would be on the frontlines with my sincere muslim brothers fighting for baytul maqdis, which our beloved Prophet s.a.w made the night descent to the heavens from and is the third holiest site in Islam.

Let them call me an cabeed, but I don't judge myself by the words of man because the Hereafter is greater and everlasting. I will always support Muslims against gaalo, and know for a fact that the day Israel takes over Palestine fully they will destroy baytul maqdis and build their temple Mount or whatever they are dreaming off with their red heifer.

Humans are easily swayed, the issue of Palestine is not a nationalist one but truely a religious one. I dont care about the souls who have false kibir and look down upon their fellow Muslims.

You best know I would be on the frontlines with my sincere muslim brothers fighting for baytul maqdis, which our beloved Prophet s.a.w made the night descent to the heavens from and is the third holiest site in Islam.

Let them call me an cabeed, but I don't judge myself by the words of man because the Hereafter is greater and everlasting. I will always support Muslims against gaalo, and know for a fact that the day Israel takes over Palestine fully they will destroy baytul maqdis and build their temple Mount or whatever they are dreaming off with their red heifer.

Posted wrong vid this one is better and in depth, the other one sounds like AI or something lol.

We would have gotten a lot farther with if we said from 1960 to free Israel. This is what these rich arabs did. We should never try to free not help another country no more. They insulted us for wanting there betterment. This is a learning lesson for all Somali people I don't care where you're from. We should be an ass whole to all arabs. An ass whole gets what he wants and ever loses anything. I'm done with all the boycotts I'm gone get myself fat juice burger and Starbucks to wash it down with. Free Israel 🇸🇴🤝🇮🇱
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