French mayor tells Halal supermarket to sell pork and alcohol or face closure

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Suicidal men adore me.
Emotions are clouding your judgement. You should be more understanding. Selling pork should be the least of your worries.

Selling pork should also be the least of your and France worries yet that hasn't stopped you from continuing your emotional tirade
Westerners were flocking to our land! Oh how you have forgotten the Italians, the French and The British inside of the Somali peninsula.

Somalis stole Bantu and Oromo land. Somalis enslave Bantus to this day. Who are we to blame European colonialism? That happened before our parents were even born. They left when our grandparents were just getting married. It's done. Its over. It's 2016.

Umm yes they do. They complain about not being able to get their swine in every country they visit, they complain about the attire of the women and even complain about the UAE who cater to their ever desire.

There are loads of whites in the gulf. They're there for the same reason we're here to get cold hard cash. They don't plan on changing their lifestyle and are well known to create ghettos.

They don't complain. They're only say those things to counter the arguments when you complain that the burka should not be made illegal.


Suicidal men adore me.
Somalis stole Bantu and Oromo land. Somalis enslave Bantus to this day. Who are we to blame European colonialism? That happened before our parents were even born. They left when our grandparents were just getting married. It's done. Its over. It's 2016.

They don't complain. They're only say those things to counter the arguments when you complain that the burka should not be made illegal.

Somalis did not steal bantu land. Arabs stole Bantus from Southern East Africa and the Italians continued the tradition.

Somalis are expansionist so are your beloved whiteies and they've been far crueler than we have ever been 10 million Congolese killed, where's the outrage Abdi? We didn't kill any Oromos we Somalizied them and gave them our qabil!

Whities can't force people to sell pork and alcohol especially when it interferes with their laws on religious freedom.


Suicidal men adore me.
I am not emotional.

I find it strange you're living in the West.

I live in the west I follow the laws. I have right and I have obligations to my country. My right is to live free and my obligation is to follow the law. The law does not say it's mandatory to sell pork and alcohol.

I bet that mayor wouldn't force a Vegetarian to sell pork
I live in the west I follow the laws. I have right and I have obligations to my country. My right is to live free and my obligation is to follow the law. The law does not say it's mandatory to sell pork and alcohol.

I bet that mayor wouldn't force a Vegetarian to sell pork

Be more considerate to the French people
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