Gaalo women will do all these elaborate hygiene routines meanwhile…

It’s sad they think they’re very hygienic too. They’re just trying to flex on the less hygienic gaalo women. Let them have their moment. Some people have nothing else to flex online.

Another reason I can’t stand these videos is how they glorify and promote mass consumption. A lot of young women will be influenced to waste their money when they could be financially savvy.
I was reminded of this post as I was reading this earlier this morning.

راقت لي ( حسن التصرف وسرعة البديهة والذكاء وقل ما شئت)

امرأة بيضاء تبلغ من العمر حوالي الخمسين تجلس بجانب رجل اسود
وكانت متضايقة جداً من هذا الوضع ، لذلك استدعت المضيفة وقالت لها
( من الواضح أنك لا ترين الوضع الذي أنا فيه ، لقد أجلستموني بجانب رجل أسود ، وأنا لا أوافق أن أكون بجانب شخص كهذا
. يجب أن توفروا لي مقعداً بديلاً )
قالت لها المضيفة ( اهدئي يا سيدتي ، كل المقاعد في هذه الرحلة ممتلئة تقريباً ، لكن دعيني أبحث عن مقعد ... خال ) !!

غابت المضيفة لعدة دقائق ثم عادت وقالت لها ( سيدتي ، كما قلت لك ، لم أجد مقعداً واحداً خالياً في كل الدرجة السياحية . لذلك أبلغت الكابتن فأخبرني أنه لا توجد أيضاً أي مقاعد شاغرة في درجة رجال الأعمال . لكن يوجد مقعد واحد خال في الدرجة الأولى الممتازة
وقبل أن تقول السيدة أي شيء ، أكملت المضيفة كلامها ( ليس من المعتاد في شركتنا أن نسمح لراكب من الدرجة السياحية أن يجلس في الدرجة الأولى الممتازة . لكن وفقاً لهذه الظروف الاستثنائية فإن الكابتن يشعر أنه من غير اللائق أن نرغم أحداً أن يجلس بجانب شخص مقرف لهذا الحد ، لذلك ... )

والتفتت المضيفة نحو الرجل الأسود وقالت ( سيدي ، هل يمكنك أن تحمل حقيبتك اليدوية وتتبعني ، فهناك مقعد ينتظرك في الدرجة الأولى الممتازة!!!!!!

في هذه اللحظة وقف الركاب المذهولين الذين كانوا يتابعون الموقف منذ بدايته وصفقوا بحرارة للمضيفه لتأديبها الغير مباشر للسيدة البيضاء المغرورة والقبيحة بأفكارها البالية العنصرية البعيدة عن الأخلاق والمبادئ الإنسانية ..
اذا اتممت القراءة فاحمد الله​


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Stop trolling. Aren’t you married man? I can’t get over the fact that you show your face and troll as well. Bravest man I know.
Ain't he a construction worker? Them man can say anything they want it doesn't affect his job.

They don’t even clean their xaar with water after using the bathroom 😭

I always see these “hygiene” “smell good” routines on my tiktok and youtube but what’s the point of it all if you’re walking around with dried pee and sh*t on you that isn’t properly cleaned off? I find gaalo people so repulsive for that.

Sorry just had to get that off my chest, lol
Not all gaalo are unclean, you never heard of a




Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Indhoyar iyo timo jileec wash their ass they’re very hygienic people it’s only cadaans madow and latinos that are disgusting.

overall most of the human race is hygienic 🙏🏿


East African pastoralist. Cushite. Samaale.
Indhoyar iyo timo jileec wash their ass they’re very hygienic people it’s only cadaans madow and latinos that are disgusting.

overall most of the human race is hygienic 🙏🏿
Tjs….said no one ever with their curry BO but lately I have noticed the shiir that emanates jar66rs especially adolescent males. Growing up I was never around them but a lot of them come to my place of work. Wallahi that shit is bio-hazardous. Magaca Afrika maalin walba way ceebeeyaan ufff, the second hand embarrassment.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Tjs….said no one ever with their curry BO but lately I have noticed the shiir that emanates jar66rs especially adolescent males. Growing up I was never around them but a lot of them come to my place of work. Wallahi that shit is bio-hazardous. Magaca Afrika maalin walba way ceebeeyaan ufff, the second hand embarrassment.
After they get introduced to deodorant they’ll be solid 😂
Isn't it better for them to out themselves and save a poor miskiin virgin from the likes of them.
It’s haram to out your sins. Plus if you were outrageous in the past, people will talk if you do background research tbh. However, if Allah has covered your sins, why would you expose yourself?
Ain't he a construction worker? Them man can say anything they want it doesn't affect his job.
Doesn’t matter. People don’t stay stagnant. One advice I’ll give you, don’t ruin things just because of here and now. Always think about the future and understand that you might change your mind when it comes to work and other opportunities.
Heyy! Don’t call me Edo! I’m of the impression I’m probably a little younger than you. We’re probably the same Gen though.

I’ll let the likes of @Khaemwaset call me Edo since he’s a kid but NOT you! 😂😭
Oh come now, with my birthday being on 01/01/'01, I am as old as oum al dunya, if not more senior. In reciprocating your earlier 'young man' blister, I wanted to instigate an all out roar of the youngins calling you Eedo Angie. (Do you remember the Angie character in EastEnders? That is whom pops to mind whenever I see you tossing the lads off your shoulder :) )

I thought the Fuhrer of Hackney @Khaemwaset was one of the geezers in the congregation.
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