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Nugaal? :fantasia2:
Don't you mean Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn.

Before the expansion war where we EXPANDED the land of the somali people Marehan lived in Nugaal region. WE GOT RID OF THE OROMO AND BANTU scum for fertile lands for the somali people :rejoice:

and look at how we are repayed :kendrickcry:

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
Reer mudug need to show the middle finger to Gaas and these retarded elders who accepted this. Id welcome oromos before Galnus folks:camby: send them home asap and put a bullet on any trespassers.
Before the expansion war where we EXPANDED the land of the somali people Marehan lived in Nugaal region. WE GOT RID OF THE OROMO AND BANTU scum for fertile lands for the somali people :rejoice:

and look at how we are repayed :kendrickcry:


Mareexaan played themselves when they let go of Dhuusomareeb and much of Galgaduud. That was not a good decision.
I would get it if you guys ALL vacated Central Somalia but leaving a few pockets of Mareexaan is just cruel.
Hutus don't honor Somali Xeer.
This has been obvious since the start of the civil war, when they used to rape little girls inside mosques.
Our hate for them isn't irrational, it's really the result of the way they behave.

What happened in Balibusle is horrible no doubt, but let's not generalize and claim Hawiye as a whole don't honour xeer. Whoever did this were some rogue psychopaths who need to be hunted down and put down like the rabid dogs they are.
What happened in Balibusle is horrible no doubt, but let's not generalize and claim Hawiye as a whole don't honour xeer. Whoever did this were some rogue psychopaths who need to be hunted down and put down like the rabid dogs they are.


But please show us another faction or clan in Somalia known for burning mothers and children?
Or that is known for shamelessly ethnically cleansing people to steal land? I'm not even going to discuss the isbaaro culture or the other crimes against humanity.

Also, which other group has ELDERS who SUPPORT these actions?
& "Islamic scholars" who stay silent and complicit????

It is one thing to place peace-maker but another thing to play pretend.
What happened in Balibusle is horrible no doubt, but let's not generalize and claim Hawiye as a whole don't honour xeer. Whoever did this were some rogue psychopaths who need to be hunted down and put down like the rabid dogs they are.
It's not an isolated incident, as others have pointed it, it happens all the time.
H have decayed socially. They don't follow traditional law, and they don't listen to their traditional leaders. Mooryian culture has become their culture.

Mareexaan played themselves when they let go of Dhuusomareeb and much of Galgaduud. That was not a good decision.
I would get it if you guys ALL vacated Central Somalia but leaving a few pockets of Mareexaan is just cruel.

True we took one for the somalinimo but the only people that dont believe in somalinimo are some Hawiye/ & other you know who you are :kodaksmiley:

But allah S.W.T repayed us with Gedo we will develop with the fertile lands and oil

But please show us another faction or clan in Somalia known for burning mothers and children?
Or that is known for shamelessly ethnically cleansing people to steal land? I'm not even going to discuss the isbaaro culture or the other crimes against humanity.

Also, which other group has ELDERS who SUPPORT these actions?
& "Islamic scholars" who stay silent and complicit????

It is one thing to place peace-maker but another thing to play pretend.

I'm not playing pretend, I have no reason to because I'm not even Hawiye. Even if I was I would still be completely objective, and people on this forum know that about me because I criticize my own clan the Isaaq the most. The only reason I'm not going along with ur narrative of Hawiye being more savage than ISaaq and Daarood is because I know it's a false one. I just don't have the energy to bring up the countless atrocities perpetrated by ISaaq and Daarood. I'll give u just one, the attack on Gaashaamo last year by the liyuu police where they killed women, children and the elderly. The Hawiye obviously weren't involved, so how do u explain that one?
It's not an isolated incident, as others have pointed it, it happens all the time.
Hutus have decayed socially. They don't follow traditional law, and they don't listen to their traditional leaders. Mooryian culture has become their culture.


But alhamdullah the younger people in moqadishu have left that its just the moryaans left !
I'm not playing pretend, I have no reason to because I'm not even Hawiye. Even if I was I would still be completely objective, and people on this forum know that about me because I criticize my own clan the Isaaq the most. The only reason I'm not going along with ur narrative of Hawiye being more savage than ISaaq and Daarood is because I know it's a false one. I just don't have the energy to bring up the countless atrocities perpetrated by ISaaq and Daarood. I'll give u just one, the attack on Gaashaamo last year by the liyuu police where they killed women, children and the elderly. The Hawiye obviously weren't involved, so how do u explain that one?

Liyuu are a death milita operated by DDSI and ethiopian federal leadership---they are outside traditional xeer.
Here we are talking about Hutu civilians committing communal violence and killing women and children.
Can you name an example of a non-H doing the same thing? Somali camel herders kill each other, but they don't kill women and children unless they're h.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis

They killed AN MJ MOTHER AND HER FOUR CHILDREN. A surprise night attack and they kill women and children.

Another example of "Somalinimada" iyo "walaaltinimada Galmudug".

Surprised, they didn't barbecue them like they did the Dir mother and her children.

Dhagayso:- Hooyo iyo Caruur ay dhashay oo lagu xasuuqay konfurta Balibusle & Aas loo sameyeey

Seems like my prophecy was fulfilled. I thought it would take them longer than a day. AUN to that hooyo and her kids.

I won't be long before our Dahir Alasow resident swears on Allah's name and says that he knows 80 year old Hagites that were born in Xarfo. It won't be long before they burn grannies in Xarfo :ohlord:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
You folks are serious why don't you do something about it? Take the next flight to Galkacyo drive to Balibusle pick up your AK47s and go kill some mooryaans.

If your not prepared to do that shut the f*ck up and pray for peace not escalation.

We don't need more innocent people killed during Ramadan:9uoofqd::francis:


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
You folks are serious why don't you do something about it? Take the next flight to Galkacyo drive to Balibusle pick up your AK47s and go kill some mooryaans.

If your not prepared to do that shut the f*ck up and pray for peace not escalation.

We don't need more innocent people killed during Ramadan:9uoofqd::francis:
As people have said, the only way to truly stop this from happening, requires a preemptive strike from Puntland


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
Why don't you go and join the battle then? Or do you expect innocent teenagers who have their whole life ahead of them to die for your qabyaalad?
Why do i need to join the battle when the Puntland militia already there are armed to the teeth? I don't need to go there because the problem isn't lack of fire power, the problem is Gaas won't give the go ahead to destroy them to stop these things from happening in the first place
Look at these comments:snoop:

Somalia will always be a shithole. I have no hope in anyone to fix that country anymore if even the "educated" Somalis in the west have the same toxic mentality:wow:


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
Look at these comments:snoop:

Somalia will always be a shithole. I have no hope in anyone to fix that country anymore if even the "educated" Somalis in the west have the same toxic mentality:wow:
Go up to the family and friends of the innocent civilians who died and tell them how their hatred of hawiye is unjustified and how they have a "toxic mentality".

Your family hasn't been personally affected so of course its easy for you to echo these sentiments
Look at these comments:snoop:

Somalia will always be a shithole. I have no hope in anyone to fix that country anymore if even the "educated" Somalis in the west have the same toxic mentality:wow:

I troll but legit feel my self becoming more Qabiilist on this site might have to take a break.
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