galmudug nomads moving to puntland and somaliland for pasture

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
If they don't claim their greatgrandfather owned the land they will claim their great grandmother was MJ so therefore they must stay. Naga fuuqka .
Are you being deliberately obstinate? We are talking about the same people that waged a war because of a road being constructed, the same folks that falsely claim they border Burtinle, the same people acting tough in Galkayo after being expelled in the 1990s and welcomed back few years later. Only a naive person would applaude this development. You can play into emotions and say starving nomads, though they are not starving and came with hundreds of well fed goats. But history shows that this kind of hospitality to this kind of people is a recipe for disaster.

We've done more than our share of being good neighbours and welcomed thousands of nomads during the height of the drought. But we know who we are dealing with.

Who? You asked me how come earlier. You changed your question.

Yeah nobody seems to know which city in SL hosts them.
If I confused you (even though I already clarified the question), I refer you to the same question you just quoted
Tell me who. You seem to insinuate that the nomads from Galmudug, DDSI and SL or anybody representing them are ungrateful for this good deed by Puntland.

So who are them? Or are you talking about somebody on this forum that are "ungrateful", and then, who?
Are you being deliberately obstinate? We are talking about the same people that waged a war because of a road being constructed, the same folks that falsely claim they border Burtinle, the same people acting tough in Galkayo after being expelled in the 1990s and welcomed back few years later. Only a naive person would applaude this development. You can play into emotions and say starving nomads, though they are not starving and came with hundreds of well fed goats. But history shows that this kind of hospitality to this kind of people is a recipe for disaster.

We've done more than our share of being good neighbours and welcomed thousands of nomads during the height of the drought. But we know who we are dealing with.

I was harping on what you said in your earlier post when you mentioned "they are ungrateful". The disconnect between us is that you're bringing up past history while I took it literally.

There is nothing wrong applauding a charitable helping hand done by Puntland. Even with the context you showed I really can't see the nomads harboring ulterior motives. All they care about is saving what they have


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Soomaalidu waxay Ku maahmaahdan "rag weys dagaalaan, shahna isla caban"

Wa gobonimo inaad walaalkaada gacan siisay biisha Barakaysam ee Ramadan.

Many here don't know Somali nomadic culture and hospitality.

Such hateful creatures they are:kodaksmiley:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
All them sheep from galmudug have to go through a body scan before they can come into puntland to see if any of them Has a bomb inside them.


Your superior
Puntland played a major role in handling this devastating drought by hosting nomads from DDSI, Somaliland, Galmudug and Ahlu sunnah regions. Yet they are ungrateful. We are regretting doing the good things for the wrong people.

I asked this before but nobody answered. Which SL city is hosting these 500 families?

we don't 'host' them in any place, they are free to go where they want. And stop acting like pl state is doing anyone a favour your nomads are allowed into other regions


f*ck you im from Mudug
there is not fighting, we are exercising our right to disagree with the decision by Gaas to place 500 enemy combatants in our region. If a single puntite life is wasted for this it is on his head. We will feed them and cloth them do not worry my friend, we will take good care of your people. we may make them honory puntites and send them back to the deep south to spread the gospel.

We will not be persuaded by your tears or your mirage of fake nationalism, i want to see every puntite child is a school, with food on his table and clothes on his back. that is my first priority.

"We will not be persuaded by your tears or your mirage of fake nationalism".

What do you mean by this?:mjkkk: "We"? :notsureif:


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Loooooool no wonder why Somalis don't like mjs in general. Weird people you guys are. So you are crying about a handful of nomads coming to feed their camels and goats? That's if there's even any truth to this story. :mjlol:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Loooooool no wonder why Somalis don't like mjs in general. Weird people you guys are. So you are crying about a handful of nomads coming to feed their camels and goats? That's if there's even any truth to this story. :mjlol:
theyre not just any goats & camels



Go see for yourself this happens all over somalia all clans are allowed to enter another clans land during droughts its the only brotherhood we share we should be supporting it hopefull all Somalis can settle where they like freedom of movement is xeer and its xeer to stay


Apart from daallo no one should enter the blessed land with animals protect shimbris region at all costs


Loooooool no wonder why Somalis don't like mjs in general. Weird people you guys are. So you are crying about a handful of nomads coming to feed their camels and goats? That's if there's even any truth to this story. :mjlol:
Are you sure abaayo? I think it's your clan and their lust for bililiqo and destruction which is why y'all can't go near the madaxtooyo :browtf: Even Marexan got in before you.


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Are you sure abaayo? I think it's your clan and their lust for bililiqo and destruction which is why y'all can't go near the madaxtooyo :browtf: Even Marexan got in before you.
Lol it's a well known fact that mjs are disliked by Somalis, even by your fellow darods. HG are known for violence big deal I already know that. HG aren't running for madaxtooyo, we didn't even have a candidate, we left that to our abgaal brothers. :mjlol:


Lol it's a well known fact that mjs are disliked by Somalis, even by your fellow darods. HG are known for violence big deal I already know that. HG aren't running for madaxtooyo, we didn't even have a candidate, we left that to our abgaal brothers. :mjlol:
Kharaar aa hayo abaayo.
Are you sure abaayo? I think it's your clan and their lust for bililiqo and destruction which is why y'all can't go near the madaxtooyo :browtf: Even Marexan got in before you.

"hated", means "jealous of".

I hope they hate MJs until the end of time.
Whether it's in the diaspora or in Somalia, MJs have countless celebrated people, whether politicians, businessmen or scholars. That's a fact.
Alhamdulilah, we're not known for theft, murder, rape or bullying the masaakiin.


"hated", means "jealous of".

I hope they hate MJs until the end of time.
Whether it's in the diaspora or in Somalia, MJs have countless celebrated people, whether politicians, businessmen or scholars. That's a fact.
Alhamdulilah, we're not known for theft, murder, rape or bullying the masaakiin.
Fellow Darood hate us but are always the asking for our help out of Daroodnimo. :comeon:

HG didn't leave the presidency to Abgaal by choice. They've had their own bitter rivalry going on.
Fellow Darood hate us but are always the asking for our help out of Daroodnimo. :comeon:

HG didn't leave the presidency to Abgaal by choice. They've had their own bitter rivalry going on.

Daarood "hate":
Some of them blame us for their own issues, as if we are supposed to babysit their regions. Did we invite others to their land? NOPE.

Others hate us because they think we are in competition for Daarood internal power with them.

As for other Somalis and their "hate"-- more like envy out of sheer incompetence. :mjlol:

Our unity is what they hate and fear most which is why they try that bullshit "maxamoud saleebaan is the problem" divide and conquer shit.
As if we listen to it. Have we ever allowed another qabiil to rule our land? Can you imagine. That's when I know the world is about to end. Alhamdulilah I am MJ and a Puntite.:pachah1:


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
"hated", means "jealous of".

I hope they hate MJs until the end of time.
Whether it's in the diaspora or in Somalia, MJs have countless celebrated people, whether politicians, businessmen or scholars. That's a fact.
Alhamdulilah, we're not known for theft, murder, rape or bullying the masaakiin.
Stop using the actions of a few in the 90s to define an entire clan. Because I could say the same about mjs. Always inviting foreign parties to kill fellow Somalis. So get off your moral high ground. You guys do nothing but spy, be traitors and cause mischief in the lands.

No one is jealous of you. Most of Somalia is relatively peaceful except for al shabab controlled areas. So what exactly are we jealous of? A few dusty tuulos? Delusional is an understatement.
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