Galmudugs Borders and Populations

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Gbyallmeans said:
Galmudugs is state of 146,000 km2 with a borders well known, a border that starts from Hiiraan and S/Dhexe regions all the way up to the border of Nugaal.

Like all states that have started at the roots of establishment by laying down the foundations starting with institutions and reconciliation among its people before focusing on its territorial integrity of its borders.

With any states throughout the world that have neighbours there are allies who wish you good (like Somaliland & Hirshabelle) and their are foes (Puntland) who wish you nothing but misery, instability and trouble, knowing all this one must know that all good and bad can be controlled only be controlling its borders by any means necessary as it is your Territoriality integrity RIGHTS.

Federal law of Somalia (Constitutions) states that a federal State is one who has 2 regions combined and not less, hence why you see Jubaland forcing itself violently in claiming 3 regions (with the backing of Kenyans occupation) it does not have while only be confined in Kismayo for the past 6 years and same for Puntland which claims Sool and Sanaag which on reality is farce because those 2 regions of Sool and Sanaag are Somalilands Territory.
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It says 2 regions or more. So jubaland is legitimate. Which federal state do u want middle jubba to join?
And what about khaatumo state? SSC obviously in the future cannot be represented by an isaaq dominated federal separatist state.
But all this is useless politics, federalism is a temporary measure to end the tribal war and defeat shabaab.
Federalism is a suicide pill, nothing beats centralized governance, nothing.
The gulf states, Ethiopia and Kenya will interfere with Somali politics if federalism persists. Corruption will be rife.


Yuusuf direed Founding Father of Ahlu-naar
It says 2 regions or more. So jubaland is legitimate. Which federal state do u want middle jubba to join?
And what about khaatumo state? SSC obviously in the future cannot be represented by an isaaq dominated federal separatist state.
But all this is useless politics, federalism is a temporary measure to end the tribal war and defeat shabaab.
Federalism is a suicide pill, nothing beats centralized governance, nothing.
The gulf states, Ethiopia and Kenya will interfere with Somali politics if federalism persists. Corruption will be rife.

Sxb Jamal at least you understand, and with all due respect Madobe and Ogs have no legitamacy in ruling whole of Jubaland, they have singled out all clans in the conference held by Kenya and Raskamboni in Kismayo in 2012/13, that conference has excluded/marginalised all clans in Jubooyinka and Gedo to make it legit in face value for a viable state.

If Jubaland plays like that, then why not Galmudug, when all Clans (except Minority Cumar Mahmoud) in Mudug have joined it, even my Dir Surre clan joined Galmudug, you can not allow a single minorty clan stop a State from forming and functioning when others can, its PURE HYPOCRISY.


Yuusuf direed Founding Father of Ahlu-naar
:francis:And from speaking the truth, they call me names such as; Kafir, Mooryan,Tutu, and even a domesticated pet

No wonder Isaaq went mental dealing with these folks, i'm already starting to tire out with all these uncalled shots :wowsweat:
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Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
This guy is not a dir, he is HG. Ask him to turn of the lights, and you'll see his yellow eyes


Agent 47

21st Divsion of Somali National Army
kkkk Dhabo*** trying to start a fire between brothers with merka and Hiraan fighting:drakelaugh:
Hiran beef (Hawadle Hawiye vs Surre Dir) was solved many years ago. few Dir militias were armed by Abdiiley ragtag Ethiopian slaves militia and rumors say Somaliland financed them so The Dir milia could capture hawadle Hawiye farm lands so they can invest in them because all the Somaliland food is shipped from Ethiopian farms. Liyu police armed them so they can control more land mostly Somalia (Hiran) border towns to impress their masters.

merka beef (Habargidir Hawiye vs Bimaal Dir Militia) started after the creation of sw state. Bimaal Militia led by Militia leader named waafow funded by Their Politicians and business owners because the Bimaal wanted to get more representatives in SW state so they tried capturing Merka including the neighborhoods they don't live in so they started killing Cayr Habargidir Hawiye residents of Merka. The Cayr Habargidir elders asked them to stop before this gets out of hand, they didn't listen they killed again which led to the Cayr Habargidir residents funding and creating their own clan militia for protection. consisting of Teenagers. Not only Habargidir residents look up to these teenagers for protection but also other Hawiye residents do.

The Bimaal Militia as of 2017 has no support from their Politicians, elders nor their business people, The Habargidir elders, and politicians already agreed on peace. The Cayr Habargidir are being nice and defending themselves, They could have literally gotten 30 filled up military trucks from Galgaduud and pulled up but like I said they know who is their enemy or not. Cayr maintains a good relationship with all their neighbors and formed an alliance with them, for example, ah lu Suna which consists of Cayr, marexan and Dir. their purposes was to protect their people and to kick al-Shabab out, None of their territories are occupied by Alshabab except for Marexan (The ones in Gedo).

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!


Neighbourhoods they don't live in? Horta have you been there?

Also bimaal (militia as you put it) isn't just supported by bimaal but a lot of other dir clans ila NFD ila K5.

When will ceyr stop trying to play the game of their abti (mareexan) they're going to get bit very very hard. Horta focus on not getting sixir from the local Madowweyne. :siilaanyosmile:

I'm not even Somali but I just had to put that out there.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
kkkk Dhabo*** trying to start a fire between brothers with merka and Hiraan fighting:drakelaugh:
Hiran beef (Hawadle Hawiye vs Surre Dir) was solved many years ago. few Dir militias were armed by Abdiiley ragtag Ethiopian slaves militia and rumors say Somaliland financed them so The Dir milia could capture hawadle Hawiye farm lands so they can invest in them because all the Somaliland food is shipped from Ethiopian farms. Liyu police armed them so they can control more land mostly Somalia (Hiran) border towns to impress their masters.

merka beef (Habargidir Hawiye vs Bimaal Dir Militia) started after the creation of sw state. Bimaal Militia led by Militia leader named waafow funded by Their Politicians and business owners because the Bimaal wanted to get more representatives in SW state so they tried capturing Merka including the neighborhoods they don't live in so they started killing Cayr Habargidir Hawiye residents of Merka. The Cayr Habargidir elders asked them to stop before this gets out of hand, they didn't listen they killed again which led to the Cayr Habargidir residents funding and creating their own clan militia for protection. consisting of Teenagers. Not only Habargidir residents look up to these teenagers for protection but also other Hawiye residents do.

The Bimaal Militia as of 2017 has no support from their Politicians, elders nor their business people, The Habargidir elders, and politicians already agreed on peace. The Cayr Habargidir are being nice and defending themselves, They could have literally gotten 30 filled up military trucks from Galgaduud and pulled up but like I said they know who is their enemy or not. Cayr maintains a good relationship with all their neighbors and formed an alliance with them, for example, ah lu Suna which consists of Cayr, marexan and Dir. their purposes was to protect their people and to kick al-Shabab out, None of their territories are occupied by Alshabab except for Marexan (The ones in Gedo).
:mjlol: 'Trying to start fire kulaha" nigga we dont care. Just pointing out the doqonimo of the OP if what he claims is true.

:mjlol: adeer, as you were

Agent 47

21st Divsion of Somali National Army
as for @Gbyallmeans, Him supporting Galmudug is not kissing anybody's ass. He openly said he hates Hawiye.:manny: Galmudug isn't a private company or clan state. everybody who lives within Galmudug is indeed a Galmudugian. You can say f*ck Habargidir or any clan and still be Galmudugian. from Somali to Habargidir, marexan, Mursade, Dir, Duduble, sheekhaal and madhiban are Galmudug citizens, You don't become galmudug citizen with Clan membership, you become one by being resident within galmudug borders.:nvjpqts:


Neighbourhoods they don't live in? Horta have you been there?

Also bimaal (militia as you put it) isn't just supported by bimaal but a lot of other dir clans ila NFD ila K5.

When will ceyr stop trying to play the game of their abti (mareexan) they're going to get bit very very hard. Horta focus on not getting sixir from the local Madowweyne. :siilaanyosmile:

I'm not even Somali but I just had to put that out there.
Let me guess your Madowweyn :ayaanswag:
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