Games come in

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Your superior
what is wrong with this creature.

1) why does he act like he is a hutu
2) why is be obsessed with isaaq and darod when hutu raped
3) why do you act like you are somali


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I've analyzed games and this is what I came up with.

Games mother is HG who probably used to abuse and steal from his father and his family. He was teased by his mother's side the longest. So he thought if he went hard for them then maybe they could accept him. He drowns his sorrow with a bottle of jack Daniels. And engages in haram activities such as selling his booty to white old men on Craigslist. Games hates the two most proud qabiil MJ and Isaaq. He wishes he was as proud of as them. He hates the fact that he has to hide his qabiil from people.


Your superior
I've analyzed games and this is what I came up with.

Games mother is HG who probably used to abuse and steal from his father and his family. He was teased by his mother's side the longest. So he thought if he went hard for them then maybe they could accept him. He drowns his sorrow with a bottle of jack Daniels. And engages in haram activities such as selling his booty to white old men on Craigslist. Games hates the two most proud qabiil MJ and Isaaq. He wishes he was as proud of as them. He hates the fact that he has to hide his qabiil from people.

I can imagine his hooyo beating up his soft cadcad father when he is late with the malawax. Domestic abuse is a

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
:dead::dead1: comments killed me

Games is cool wallahi, you could tell dude is actually intelligent. His attacks on Isaaq are bait cause he knows 20 of us will come and comment:damn: and he gets a kick out if that:lol:. Sometimes he actually says the funniest shit but noone catches it
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