Garaad Jaamac: HG oo dacwo ah ayaa ii timid oo ka dacwoneeso Mudulood

He's obssesed old man why don't he nominate himself for the next presdenrial elections as loves to talk about politics all the time :bell:

Ximan iyo Xadeed

Nigga there isn't single jiffo of your clan that Muuse Caare Muuse Ismaacil and Sacad Yoonis have never met or looted geels from warsangeliyo :)

the former is literally fighting for their life in burco yare as we speak

the mi are literally getting sold to hindis by Muse Bixi

Sacad Yoonis fighting to keep Dararweyne

Bah Ugayslabe alone cleared Sacad Yoonis in Ceelafweyne
Didn’t Hawiye elders go to Las Anood during the war there last year? The garaad is just returning the favor, let’s not be hypocritical here. Also, these are Somali government public lands, there are no tribal reservations in Somalia so it is his land just as much as it is anybody else’s.


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