Garacad Port & Town Construction Project

Everyone is buying up land there now. I sure have I suggesting you all do the same.
It's only 100 Miles from Galkayo.
I’ve never been there but I have a lot of family there and from I’ve heard it’s cooler than Gaalkacyo that’s all I really know.
Hot cool kaad sheegeesiin waa xay? War wuxu dhan waa naar. Anoo garowe gubanooyo ayaa la lee yahay"alla jawwi macaanaa qaboob badanaa" i geuss everything is relative


Reformation of Somaliland
Yes town planning is a must, since it’s being built from scratch after seeing other cities like Garowe’s planning. I expect it to be top notch.

Thanks for the info:
If they're going to buildit from scratch they should just make the city fully run on renewable
(solar streetlights / cycle lanes /pavements) gotta emphasis not just making a city for economy but a healthy liveable city with parks beachfronts outdoor spaces.

if built correctly can be the 3rd Somali City and the 1st best one

Mog (unsafe & needs alot of Work)
Harg (too crowded and busy streets)
Berb (Too Hot)


the pussy is never yours, its just your turn.
Some time (less than 2 months) back the government announced that Xero Siinay and Xerada Kabidda in Gaalkacyo would be sold in order to invest in Garacad. That word had been in circulation for more than a year, so I was of course dubious to begin with. To my pleasant surprise, I was told by relatives recently that most of Xero Siinaay had indeed been sold within the last 2 months. So I checked Google Earth that had updated its images of Gaalkacyo 29th Oct last month. It was true. This is really happening! Alloow adaa mahad oo dhan iska lehe khayr inooga dhig!

This shows that not is only reer PL, specifically reer mudug, ready to invest. PL government is also ready.


Btw, I see lots of new paved roads in Glk in this update of Google Earth :mjswag:






Trust me it costs a lot more than they can afford you are talking hundreds of millions or more, they promise things they can't do

You obviously don’t know what you are talking about.... ports don’t have to cost hundreds of millions.

Either way the port is under construction as we speakand the trusted Turkish company says it’ll be done in 2 years, so need to speculate. They are even building a company building in Garacad that should tell you how confident they are.
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𐒖 𐒚𐒒𐒘𐒂𐒗𐒆 𐒖𐒒𐒆 𐒈𐒂𐒇𐒙𐒒𐒌 𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂. PIM.
Masha Allah. Looking forward to visiting Garacad next year God wiling.