It feels ‘weird’ (atleast in my honest opinion) to place Palm Trees in Garowe. I think palm trees would really highlight its beauty if they were placed in a coastal city such as Bosaso.@Velœcity in garowe town plan, the major public areas like 'barxadda' and other big roads we should designate as 'palm trees' while these normal type of 'trees' for other non important areas.
Palm trees is natural to Puntland environment
Clearly demarcated
Zebra Crossings that are also raised (speed bumps)
Masha'Allah, bless Garowe's leaders.
It's not even about color as there are so many Somalis from Southern Somalia/North Western Somalia in Puntland working in restaurants/hotels and pretty much doing the jobs that our ppl refuse to do. Unfortunately, most reer Puntland believe certain jobs such as most jobs in the service industry, are beneath them. I am just glad to learn that Puntland Dowlad will finally be tackling this issue.How embarassing our culture is. They consider work is about 'racial status' and only darkies do poor jobs and Somalis do high jobs. Wallahi gumaystuhu si fican bay noo waaleen. Look at this yemeni who just arrived now doing low end jobs and his probably going to own houses soon.
The world is capitalist world it's not about skin color or hair texture, it's about wealth and assets, may we please start teaching this as soon as possible at a young age and make them have a chinese mind-set of work and study in Puntland.
you are judged based on your individual and state productivity, nothing else.
It's not even about color as there are so many Somalis from Southern Somalia/North Western Somalia in Puntland working in restaurants/hotels and pretty much doing the jobs that our ppl refuse to do. Unfortunately, most reer Puntland believe certain jobs such as most jobs in the service industry, are beneath them. I am just glad to learn that Puntland Dowlad will finally be tackling this issue.
Not sure sis but at the end of the above video that @DR OSMAN posted, President Deni said his Gov will be tackling this issue but he didn't mention any more detail than that.That's a relief sis! How are they planning to do that? I hope they realised that they are losing on tax revenue and local development since Southerners and Isaaqs send their money back home and build houses in their own lands.
Not sure sis but at the end of the above video that @DR OSMAN posted, President Deni said his Gov will be tackling this issue but he didn't mention any more detail than that.
They have been trying to tackle it for years but only a public information campaign can change the mindset.
During the Gaas administration, PL had a big anti-tahriib campaign. Every second billboard in the cities were warnings against tahriib. Television ads were scaring people into not going.
If they made similar effort into energising people to work, you will see big difference. Plus taxes on remittances to the unemployed will help.