U barely grasp science or numbers bro, you should stay out of this and stick to your marfish shit.
Says the guy who thinks can make a 1st world economy from scratch.
You're on something, the economy is a ladder you can't get to the top by jumping
U barely grasp science or numbers bro, you should stay out of this and stick to your marfish shit.
Ok let's start like this. What is it we intend for PL? Rather then haphazardly talking about investment, factories, oil, gold, this and that. What is our 'end goal' let's start the discussion there and then work backwards to figure out the 'steps' needed to achieve that goal. My goal for PL is to at least enter 'second world' status. This will require each person in our population has between 10-20k in his 'pocket' thru the production of our economy. So what is our overall population, we need to know this first before we can even start planning industries.
If the population of our people is 4 million in PL. We will need an economy that produces anywhere between 50-100 billion in every financial year. That is 12 months ma garatay ina adeer? you need to produce this in your industries. We gave u the figure for your population and what the industries nee to turn over in products, services, trade, etc. Because once u turn that over we can divide 100 billion GDP over 4 million people and it will be around 25k per person. So every person in your economy is worth 25k now because your economy produces that in a year.
Will making 'pipes' achieve this wonderful GDP growth towards this SET GOAL we have identified? OF COURSE NOT. Even @Finesse was not impressed with this and asked for data on our factories, service industry and trade. Even she knows how critical it is you understand it's about your FINAL PRODUCE WORTH in MONEY TERMS because that will be divided into your population.
What is the final product worth of this pipe factory? maybe 10 million a year? oh wow divide 10 million a year over 4 million people, your talking a 'few cents' ayaa uu soo kordhay umada niyahow DHINACA GDP GROWTH. War ka baxa sheekadan, ha soo faristeen raggi cusman maxamudki ahaa
's not great investment wallahi. This is small valued product. It costs less then 100 dollars to buy these pipes.
View from Fridays restaurant.
Yes.Did I just hear Amharic in the background?
They are menial workers. At Friday's/AJJ Palace (also at Grand hotel) they mostly work as gardeners.
Shame on you @Manzana you are one of my favorite posters on here, your direct to the point and you add knowledge and don't get caught up in the FKD crap. I like your style. But come on don't you think we need Nobel Peace Prize Winners in Puntland to help build our sectors and not damn Amhara, no offence if I am sounding a bit 'racist' lakin ninkani liito oo addis ababa oo ku xaari jiray doesn't even know sanitation, I want the creme la crop of the world coming to Puntland and trainig us, I want us to learn from the best. Not this Amhara.
Depends on the humidity.Roughly how long does that amount of water last?