Garowe Needs Cheap Mass Housing


A Laandheere always pays his debts
Galkacyo is all good till u weigh up the fragile situation of that region vs the risk and as human we value security or risk with a higher value vs all the benefits u listed which are genuinely true but the risk outweighs it.
We can build and establish security infrastructure before the city is officially made the capital. This way it has greater potential than Xamar to keep its citizens safe. so you want Xamar to remain the capital? PL will not get secession, so it will have to stick with the moryaans. Pragmatically the best solution is to give us a better chance of leading Somalia, as PL and YAY always intended PL to be. PL wasn't a secession plan to cut off, but a role model for others to follow. How can that be without having our hands on the capital? Honestly, do you not care that since the capital is in Xamar they have a permanent advantage to the control centre (capital city) which means control on resources, influence, etc. Those who are screaming PL only really arent seeing the forest for the trees, are looking at it from a narrow vision. What other solution is there other than changing capital? I'll even compromise with Baydhabo but thats still konfuur albeit better than Xamar


We can build and establish security infrastructure before the city is officially made the capital. This way it has greater potential than Xamar to keep its citizens safe. so you want Xamar to remain the capital? PL will not get secession, so it will have to stick with the moryaans. Pragmatically the best solution is to give us a better chance of leading Somalia, as PL and YAY always intended PL to be. PL wasn't a secession plan to cut off, but a role model for others to follow. How can that be without having our hands on the capital? Honestly, do you not care that since the capital is in Xamar they have a permanent advantage to the control centre (capital city) which means control on resources, influence, etc. Those who are screaming PL only really arent seeing the forest for the trees, are looking at it from a narrow vision. What other solution is there other than changing capital? I'll even compromise with Baydhabo but thats still konfuur albeit better than Xamar

My bad I mistaked u want to change garowe amni badan to galkacyo amni xumo and then selling its location, linguistic, tribal diversity as a argument vs the much heavier security factor vs those fluffy elements. But you are right compared to Hamar, Galkacyo is paradise and definitely a contender for Somali capital. Other towns are also like Erigavo and Baydhabo also who all have their unique advantages.

When Puntites think of Galkacyo it's amni xumo in a puntite context which is true, but in a somali context especially vs the south, it's heaven.


A Laandheere always pays his debts
My bad I mistaked u want to change garowe amni badan to galkacyo amni xumo and then selling its location, linguistic, tribal diversity as a argument vs the much heavier security factor vs those fluffy elements. But you are right compared to Hamar, Galkacyo is paradise and definitely a contender for Somali capital. Other towns are also like Erigavo and Baydhabo also who all have their unique advantages.

When Puntites think of Galkacyo it's amni xumo in a puntite context which is true, but in a somali context especially vs the south, it's heaven.
Yeah, more than anything however the priority should be to not normalise Xamar being the capital permanently.
@wheel don't be like this dudes who thinks it's all about effort, hand, and work he will die no different to animals who follow that playbook. Its about brains, converted to ideas called strategies and then converted into tactics or steps addressing the idea or strategy. Once that stage is done only then is effort stage addressed which is also measured, calculated for maximum output.

Every idea or strategy is then measured over time for gains and its compared against other strategies also to see the least worst or the better among the good.
Every person has a place in society though, there are people only good at handicraft/labour which is a respectable skill of its own. Not everyone can be the brains working behind the scenes. Also its best that your labour is sourced internally, its better for the economy and in reducing unemployment.


Every person has a place in society though, there are people only good at handicraft/labour which is a respectable skill of its own. Not everyone can be the brains working behind the scenes. Also its best that your labour is sourced internally, its better for the economy and in reducing unemployment.

All skills are valuable and I don't think believe there some hierarchy between them, it's an eco system and they all play a role an important role, kinda like the federal layout where every region is a stakeholder in a political eco system, I think social layer is no different. Infact we need more hands on people I think if I was there I would target that due to low supply and huge demand.


Bantu Liberation Movement
We should be moving to the coast, not build Garowe which is in the driest part of Nugaal. I can see Garowe becoming a 20 or 30 km2 city with 200k people but that should be it. It's 10 km2 now for the last 15 years or something. Absolute shambles.
@DR OSMAN The only problem I have with you is all your views are based off your father kkkk. ‘My father said, my father said’. You even support Afweyne and kacaan because your daddy worked for him. If he didn’t work for him or was arrested by him you would say they were the worst. Come on sxb, you are a 40 year old man with no opinions of your own. If your daddy tells you ‘waan gaalobey’ you gonna say you are gaal gaal dhalay tomorrow sxb? No disrespect to your family but you need to update your software. @Libaax-Joore Tell this dude he’s not an 8 year old child talking about his daddy on here 24/7. If you ask him the weather he’s gonna say ‘my daddy said it’s raining’. I don’t know if I’m debating the Dr or his father 😂
Walking In How I Met Your Mother GIF by Laff


@DR OSMAN The only problem I have with you is all your views are based off your father kkkk. ‘My father said, my father said’. You even support Afweyne and kacaan because your daddy worked for him. If he didn’t work for him or was arrested by him you would say they were the worst. Come on sxb, you are a 40 year old man with no opinions of your own. If your daddy tells you ‘waan gaalobey’ you gonna say you are gaal gaal dhalay tomorrow sxb? No disrespect to your family but you need to update your software. @Libaax-Joore Tell this dude he’s not an 8 year old child talking about his daddy on here 24/7. If you ask him the weather he’s gonna say ‘my daddy said it’s raining’. I don’t know if I’m debating the Dr or his father 😂
Walking In How I Met Your Mother GIF by Laff

Nah bro its when I saw 91 to 2024 I ran back to damn siyad u were the best we ever had, u can build off siyad even if bad u can't build off 91 to 2024, well except abdillahi yusuf Federalism but even that is no way in comparison to siyad its just better then anything else on offer post 91 to 2024 which is just alot of dreams and sick hearts.

I don't know it's a reer nugaal thing even ina farole is the same, we look at the past and try to build of it, we don't like your let's just go wild and try anything and everything because I wanna look original.



I learned his mistakes he was banking on HG in the early 90s, he wasn't anywhere near The PL founding or group, he wears it.

He was banking on siyad era colleagues who he had confidence in their ability till he saw the 4 month war toll on the best hamar had, saying gee darod best fled, but these guys fell to 2 cents bullets?

I switched immediately didn't I? I didn't rule out PL as he did, and I didn't put as much faith in hamar as he did, I have my own ideas bro.



My dad is adamant that the 4 month war in Mogadishu was the greatest tragedy to befall all Somalis not 91 not 88 but the 4 month war where the best of the nation fell to 2 cent bullets yes 2 cents is its value yet the value and calibre of those people exceed 50 years worth of experience, vision, talent and a national character. He calls it the Somali Holocaust of the best we had.

Those ppl sxb don't have a qabil their true wadanis who could've passed on knowledge for all Somalis to build of.

My dad is adamant that the 4 month war in Mogadishu was the greatest tragedy to befall all Somalis not 91 not 88 but the 4 month war where the best of the nation fell to 2 cent bullets yes 2 cents is its value yet the value and calibre of those people exceed 50 years worth of experience, vision, talent and a national character. He calls it the Somali Holocaust of the best we had.

Those ppl sxb don't have a qabil their true wadanis who could've passed on knowledge for all Somalis to build of.
If that’s the case then what was 2006? Return to the promised land after 40 years bondage in Egypt by fircoon?


If that’s the case then what was 2006? Return to the promised land after 40 years bondage in Egypt by fircoon?

I told u he did back Abdillahi Yusuf only because he saw what the nation turned to post the 4 month war and he banked only someone like yey character can get thru these low calibre people which started to fill the ranks of clan leaders.

He only liked yey for that plus his vision to at least re do his wrong for setting in motion what we see in 91 to 2024 as he really did have a genuine will to balance that negativity with a positive legacy for Somalia which he did, we inherited and built of the govt he left in Mogadishu. When u combine positive n negative u get zero even with electricity wire it zerooooos out into neutral and from neutral they can manipulate it to control the flow of energy.

But zero is way better then the negatives and minuses the other clan leaders are inside of. U can build of zero just like electricity can u can't build from negatives going into negatives.

