Gay Marriage Legal in Somaliland and Djibouti


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
What I said above, you just confirmed, it's not the people but "few elites/politicians brainwashing the rest into believing they're different from the rest of Somalia.. This is the agents of division, the millions of isaaqs you speak of are hypnotized into sleep by these few people.. You guys should wakeup and stop these people.
All Somalis should wake up. Not a single leader in Somaliweyn is good. We need to smoke these elites who've run every Somali region into the ground with their silly games and short sighted pride. Bastard children of shaytaan every single "leader" in Somaliweyn is.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
This map is rigged and not reliable at all.

Eastern Europeans are extremely conservative compare to their western counterparts.

Russians are extremely homophobes.

@Qeelbax the post came in 2015 what’s your intention? :ulyin:
Didn’t check the date, proof that it just came up on my TL
All Somalis should wake up. Not a single leader in Somaliweyn is good. We need to smoke these elites who've run every Somali region into the ground with their silly games and short sighted pride. Bastard children of shaytaan every single "leader" in Somaliweyn is.
Yes, these old retards need to die out, we need some visionary young new blood, every somali tribe should form a youth group and arrest their adeers/ politicians and tell them your times up adeer.


Amaan Duule
This is a lie. Somaliland is one of the most conservative parts of Somalia. There's a reason why most of Shabaab's leaders come from there.


Forza Somalia!
This map is rigged and not reliable at all.

Eastern Europeans are extremely conservative compare to their western counterparts.

Russians are extremely homophobes.

@Qeelbax the post came in 2015 what’s your intention? :ulyin:
You are right. Some Eastern European states recognises gay marriages but others don't, for instance Latvia had its first gay head of state, The first gay head of state in Europe. While Next door Russia bans gay marriage altogether.
Theres no shame in correcting each other.
Abaarso will forever be a fat L for reer waqooyi. Reer xamar are qashin for promoting Indian films and culture as well.
Abaarso is a great educational institution were students have bright future like this kid

Abaarso is a great educational institution were students have bright future like this kid

That’s just for promotion reasons sxb
don’t let them get to you. Their agenda is very clear.
what happened to him? Where is he? I can’t find any other boys from abaarso that attend Harvard was he the only person? Definitely seems like an advertisement for their agenda.
Abaarso is a great educational institution were students have bright future like this kid

I’ve heard of uni graduate Somalis from Nairobi that probably speak better English than this guy and had to start from the bottom (grade 12 courses). But they’re saying a geeljire that took 5 years to learn English is attending Harvard. This is all qashin.
I’ve heard of uni graduate Somalis from Nairobi that probably speak better English than this guy and had to start from the bottom (grade 12 courses). But they’re saying a geeljire that took 5 years to learn English is attending Harvard. This is all qashin.
You probably don't know how excellent Somali geeljire kids are once they're given the opportunity of education :)
That’s just for promotion reasons sxb
don’t let them get to you. Their agenda is very clear.
what happened to him? Where is he? I can’t find any other boys from abaarso that attend Harvard was he the only person? Definitely seems like an advertisement for their agenda.
Abaarso is doing fine you're ignorantly obsessed with it because of the anti SL FKD folks on social media spreading bs without factual source of evidence of what they're saying sxb :)
Abaarso is doing fine you're ignorantly obsessed with it because of the anti SL FKD folks on social media spreading bs without factual source of evidence of what they're saying sxb :)
Im not ant-Somaliland sxb there are thousands of reer waqooyi students that attend jigjiga and qabri dahar jano universities. And no it’s not just the southerners that are against your fake british kissing state btw it’s every other Somali we’re only worried for our people we don’t wanna see khaniis protests in “jamhuuriyada barakaysan ee Somaliland”
Im not ant-Somaliland sxb there are thousands of reer waqooyi students that attend jigjiga and qabri dahar jano universities. And no it’s not just the southerners that are against your fake british kissing state btw it’s every other Somali we’re only worried for our people we don’t wanna see khaniis protests in “jamhuuriyada barakaysan ee Somaliland”
Why aren't you seriously worried about your politicians state reps in the US getting endorsed by khaniis lobby groups and attending their qashin parade that this individuals can bring that sort of stuff in Somalia ??🤔


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
I only believed the title for a sec because you added Djibouti,I would not be suprised if Djibouti made gay marriage legal kkkk