gay pedo Arab

It’s that entire region of the world, from the Middle East to South Asia and parts of Central Asia it’s like khaniisnimo is a latent part of the genetic code that sometimes gets awakened
these niggas are without a doubt the gayest dudes on planet earth. Even US soldiers were suprised at how gay they were when they went there and saw how women was for reproduction men/boys were for pleasure.


Wabari Guleed Liban
I met this Arab dude in high school on the first day. Bro was fat as hell, like East. So, we went running, and as we were coming back, there’s this spot behind the school where the Cadaan gay and lesbians hang out. When he saw them, this dude started cursing to me, saying they’re disgusting and how they’re going to hell.

The next day, I didn’t see this guy in the gym like I said, fat as a motherfucker. A few days later, I’m walking past that same spot, and guess what? I see this dude holding the ass of a Cadaan lesbian girl. He saw me, I looked at him weird (knowing this was the same guy who insulted them), and he just stared back at me. I walked away, and for the rest of the time I was at that school, this dude was always hanging out with the girls and the gay kids.

I don’t know, though maybe he did it to get closer to the girls. Who knows?

