GCSES ARE OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Prima Hablood
pipe down young girl the adults are talking go play roblox or something :mjswag:
you reminded me of something :wow1: i was playing Roblox earlier but I rage quit because the b*tches on there are so fucking annoying they don’t listen


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
you reminded me of something :wow1: i was playing Roblox earlier but I rage quit because the b*tches on there are so fucking annoying they don’t listen
Bro is the roblox group leader 💀 what were you playing? adopt me ?:mjlaugh:


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
How do you know adopt me????Anyways I forgot what I was playing but I hate those annoying ass people :comeon:
my siblings (who are children like you) play those types of games alot I play with them time to time if I am not busy 😂 also how can you hate them? they are CHILDREN like you :hahaidiot:
The nice thing about going from yr 11 to Sixth Form is the fat break. What are you planning on doing during the holiday