Gedo Population Estimation


Come in all Sade phobes and Sade a-like. This a pure estimation using a 'reliable' base-line of 'garissa' since it's been censused and working out Gedo Area SQ and comparing it against Garissa. For example Garissa district is 45,000 SQ KM in area, and it's population 900k but they are disputing it the 'ogadens' so let's just say 1 million. So this is a clear baseline for 45,000 SQ KM land the population is 1 million. Now let's compare Gedo to that.

Gedo total area sq is 32,000 SQ KM. Even though it's wikipedia article says 85,000 SQ KM, it's garbage. I measured it and u can also if u so wish. 85,000 SQ KM is nearly 15% of Somalia and that's clearly not the case in Gedo kkkk when PL(sool-sanag-bari-nugal-north mudug) are only 30% how in the world did gedo become half PL land mass? kkkkk war wuxu ma xishoodan miyaa, clearly more 'cadifad' sade posting on wiki lies because that's all cadifad can create is lies not knowledge.

Now let's get crunching on Sade. Let's just say they own 'Gedo' which their is a 'dispute' it's shared with 'Absame' kkkkk it's 32,000 SQ KM goof. That would be a population of 70% of Garissa total population method is simple 32000/45000 which gives u 70% of Garissa district. So their population is 70% of Garissa, that's around 700k so the UNFPA estimate is off by 200k for Gedo giving them 500k. I wud go dispute this waryaa duli and use Garissa as baseline as evidence. I wud also 'measure' your villages by 'area sq' and combine the 'area sq' of all of them and 'compare it' to mogadishu or hargeisa area sq to see if it's larger. I would also not neglect the nomadic population and measure their 'goof' and 'water wells' since gedo is semi nomadic now and not fully farmers. But I assume Gedo is 500k for Marehan.

I wud also check out your 'goof 'in GM since HG is sitting on 45000 SQ KM for their portion of GM which is total of 79,000 SQ KM. So your literally working with a remaining Goof of 30,000 SQ KM and 'wacaysle country' ceeldheer is 9000 SQ KM so u will need to deduct that and also 'elbur' and the rest is yours most likely. I am not sure of where in DDSI 'marehan' is and if it's 'worthy' goof to even calculate or if their just in 'sea of kablalax'. But in my assumption Marehan kama badno 1 million kor iyo hoos uu bod. HG n Marehan are similar in size is my assumption. Majerten is 4 million as I worked out our 150,000 SQ KM for north-mudug-bari-nugaal-wardheer. I didn't include JL which I am not familar with and will leave it to @Jablibax to check that shit out


GM as total is roughly 1 million for HG and their 45,000 SQ KM goof. While their remainder non HG is sitting on 30,000 SQ KM Goof. U can assume the non HG population will be 40% of the population while HG is 60% so if HG is 1 million in GM the rest of the non HG are 40%. I say this on the premise 30000 SQ KM/45000 SQ KM which is 65% of HG over-all goof and hence population giving them a total of 650,000.

This means what is Marehan portion will depend on their 'goof' in abudwak based on that 650,000 population which is shared with abgaal-murusade. I wouldn't accept any figures above 1.6 million for GM as a whole that includes south-mudug-galgaduud if I was PL. That is being 'generous' since Garissa population is boosted by 'dadaab' and we know that isn't absame clans-men, so in all reality absame in garissa is 800k not that 1 million since 200k is Dadaab. Ma jirto cayaar dhinaca Puntland hadi tiro jirto we will not accept anything less then 30% of the representation of Somalia just for PL as Hartis I mean who sit on 220,000 SQ KM goof by themselves of Somalia total 650,000 SQ KM goof, plus that's not including JL at all which is 'sheeko 'kale' kkkk. I also urge @Farjano-Walad inu soo dhacsado wixisa from South West for his 'goof' there kkkk and work it out based on South west 'goof size' and your Elbarde Goof percentage, in la xishoodo waa republican attitude like political correctness, tribal correctness and shit all stem from a class-less society project which means to deny your shit for somali kkk or american or watever citizenship nonsense given on paper when we believe citizenship is based on blood or degaan as long as u report to the 'aristocracy' also
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As for Mogadishu niggas don't listen shit about their population being 3 million, it's only 1.5 million when u do the maths. Square of 100 meter by 100 meter zone count how many houses there is and multiply that by 1000 meters by 1000 meters. That will give u the population of 1 km sq area in mogadishu and since we know mogadishu is 90 SQ KM, it won't take u long to know that population in the 1 sq km x 90 sq km will give u the total population. The other problem in Mogadishu is 'diversity' and do not 'count' the camp area since those are other southies.

Since that is displaced constituency from South West. Surely u guys can 'zone off' 100 meters vertically and 100 meters horizontally in some 'xaafad' of mogadishu right? it's not a large area to zone off at all and multiply it by 1000 sq meters x 1000 sq meters to get the area sq for 1 km. Once u know their population u will know hargeisa population also which is 70 sq km, it's basically 70 villages of 1 sq km by 1 sq km which is the tiniest 'village' in PL/JL and they are 'countless' not to mention our large cities/towns but what will really boost us is our 'nomads' since a large majority are unsettled and in the pastoral game and their water infrastructure is the 'key' and also 'pasture' size that speaks volumes about their population number since our largest 'export' is livestock it wud be safe to assume their population is still the largest in comparison to the 'settled' population in PL/DDSI that is for certain without a doubt.

I urge u all to speak out about 4.5 and declare it 'clan shuuci' and has no place in our religion or culture, as Islam doesn't teach people are equal but individuals and everything is merit based and we are only equal before the law nothing else not mp representation, wealth, positions, etc. Nor is it in our saldanad class orientated system to create such 4.5 system, this is something from uncultured clan who only thinks 'tribes' are 'tribes' kkkk and doesn't know there is key distinctions to organized clans to disorganized clans


I will be honest with u about Mogadishu population let's work out 100 meter by 100 meter zone and assume a 20 x 20 sq meter by vertical/horizontal ratio for each home. So within 100 sq meter x 100 sq meter, how many houses can fit in that area? only 5 houses can fit in such a diameter if u multiply it by 1000 sq meters x 1000 sq meters, how many houses does this generate? 5 x 1000, that's 5000 properties should be in roughly 1 sq km by 1 sq km in Mogadishu and that's assuming a housing ratio of 20/20 consistent blocks of properties. The density population per sq km wud be 30,000 if u assume each household is 6 people. That's 5000 homes x 6 per household for 1 sq km by 1 sq km.

Since Mogadishu is 90 sq km. That's 5000 homes x 90 sq km or 30,000 x 90 sq km so that's 2.7 million and that's a maximum and that's assuming a 6 person household. I would prefer if someone actually does a 'real measurement' of the 'housing ratios' because it's not 'uniformly' 20 x 20 as some properties have different dimensions and therefore an averaging formula wud need to be worked out to bring in line the population based on the housing measurement ratio variation.

Wallahi no-one is going to eat shit in Somalia without 'evidence' I am telling u now the truth, as I am majerten second generation and skilled in art of the sciences and do not buy into 'sheeko sheeko' but pure numbers if power is going to be shared and if you don't want to share on number till a proper census is done and don't like the estimation method, then we going back to 91 filibuster rule and sharing on district using an equal portion of mps for each district untill a census is done so a proper 'porportional representation' is achieved based on numbers.

Mogadishu 2 or so million population is not going to eat shit either untill that cesspool is defined what status it will take because it sure as hell no federal member state, forget that shit if I were u since the federal govt is located there it has to take on the character of federal district/territory/region/ it doesn't matter the term u apply but it will always contain the word 'federal'. Since it's federal it will need to be shared federally at national level not at local level, you can have your local god damn council for banadir but you will not eat shit in federal parliament since your not even 'regional govt' and cannot be due to the federal govt, you will get 'federal status' and that federal status will mean all the somali regions are going to participate not just the locals
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This is the Dr when 4.5 is removed for district porportinal representation kkkkk and Isaaq claims to have nomads yet not a single well or dam exists beside one in hargeisa.


Majerteens will be standing with all their 'village measurements' town measurements' and city measurements and bringing their wells/dams as indicator of our nomadic population on top of that we will use 'garissa' census to shut their ass up and show em that was a proper census down and we will not use another model of estimation till a proper census is achieved.

Wax naxaris la yirahdo ma jirto, wixina soo dhacsada meeshan axsan layskuma galaye kkkk. The reason Somalis hate Majerten is I will tell u.

1. We are no nonsense u only eat what u constitute and we know how to work it out in a matter of seconds in provable method and baselined on other censuses

2. We are still nomads and know the world of 'aarsi' kkkk, we will not do bun iyo ambulo with them and they know it

3. We are vicious discriminators on 'uncultured' people with no history and viciously discriminate people who led the nation yet leave nothing tangible on the ground but mere time waste

4. We love our history/sultanates and our founding father Darod and his like our 'george washington', sanaag is like our ancient egypt, the valley of the kings. All his sons are cultured/sultanate/aristocrats and nobles with an elected monarch thru his elder 'Mohamed Harti'. We will introduce the Jabarti accolodate to the most promising religious person who has firm grasp of Islam and world knowledges not Islam taught in colonial flavour but of the Jabarti flavour who is in 'eritrea' mind u till today. We will introduce the binu uqail order for the bravest Somali who resembles our ancestor Binu Ukail in battle and casualties.

We will introduce the Dombiro Awards for the greatest somali female of the year award. We will introduce the entrepeneur award of the year with 'ali saleban' having the longest known history of it. We will offer the 'Sayid Abdulle' Award for the greatest poet. We will offer the 'Darwish' award for any soldier that shows the same level of bravery against 'foreigners' not 'Somalis' kkkk
Look how Luuq looks like. Gedo is heaven compare to Puntland. Puntland hardly inhabitable. It’s Arid desert and rocky that receives less than 40mm< of rain precipitation. The ground water is usually salty meaning it would hard to create irrigation. At least in Sahara desert you could conduct large scale irrigation because of its significant groundwater aquifer and because of the soil that have a lot of minerals as Sahara in the past had savannah to tropical landscape. In conclusion, Puntland can not achieve food self reliance because it’s harsh environment and little precipitation and poor soil. Even today Puntland import food from southern Somalia and DDSI. Also, Puntland will lose their main income from Bosaso port. Ethiopia would be willing to investing in new ports in SL and southern Somalia. Because of the proximity to highland Ethiopia.


Hargeisa urban area occupies 75 square kilometers with a population density of 12,600 according to themselves

That's 900k population. Bosaso has a far higher density rate for it's per sq km, you can see how jam packed it is always and how much 'space' their exists in hargeisa between people and traffic. Bosaso density is 30,000 is my view but I will need to measure of 100 x 100 meter n see the foot traffic and multiply it by 1000 x 1000 sq meter for sq km density calculation. Plus I doubt mogadishu is 30,000 people in 1 sq km as they are very 'people spacious' indeed and u hardly see that type of 'traffic n ppl jam' like u wud in Bosaso n Kismayo.

Bosaso n Kismayo need not accept a lower density rate then these two cities and fight for more people per sq km then hargeisa-hamar is a fair deal and accept a lower 'area sq' in total but not less people per sq km. But where will we kill these guys is the number of villages we have and towns and the subsequent 'area sq' total of them on top of our 'nomadic' population which is obvious as day or who else is those dams/wells/barkads for in our large 'goof' kkkk these guys will be 'swing' factor in PL/JL favor when things are shared porportionally.

Get your damn 'maths' game on guys do not let these illerates fool u. Draw a line vertically n horizontally over a 'target' area for 100 meter x 100 meter on each side once u get the data, just multiply that shit over 1000 x 1000 sq meter and u will know what sort of population exists in that space and then u can multiply it over the over-all city sq km to get a 'estimate' untill a proper census is done, but at least now they can't just 'create' figures out of nowhere, it wud need to be 'within an acceptable range' of your own measurements.


Look how Luuq looks like. Gedo is heaven compare to Puntland. Puntland hardly inhabitable. It’s Arid desert and rocky that receives less than 40mm< of rain precipitation. The ground water is usually salty meaning it would hard to create irrigation. At least in Sahara desert you could conduct large scale irrigation because of its significant groundwater aquifer and because of the soil that have a lot of minerals as Sahara in the past had savannah to tropical landscape. In conclusion, Puntland can not achieve food self reliance because it’s harsh environment and little precipitation and poor soil. Even today Puntland import food from southern Somalia and DDSI. Also, Puntland will lose their main income from Bosaso port. Ethiopia would be willing to investing in new ports in SL and southern Somalia. Because of the proximity to highland Ethiopia.

PL controls 3 out of the 5 trade corridors not just Bosaso u dumb kids. Galkacyo is central hub, Bosaso is the port hub, plus kismaayo is ours and we own 'gedo, jubba, nfd' as our clients. PL has 3 of the 5 markets hence 60% of the economy is circulating where u dumb f*ck? it's circulating in PL, if the GDP is 7 billion u will need 60% that shit for us cause our trade corridor is far as burco-erigavo-khatumo-makhir-pl-gm-hiran, that's a large market that we export livestock from to the gulf and import goods/products. PL literally owns the largest economy in Somalia, those telecoms ain't shit in Mogadishu since we are controlling the service of 'mass products/goods/livestock' for a much 'larger' market then 'mogadishu' by itself kkkkk.

As for PL soils, u never been to PL u dumb f*ck. PL has different geologies we have the nugaal valley, dharoor valley, mudug plains, the karkaar/calmiska mountains, your talking about the 'small northern sea bed' arid area, that's a very small portion of PL land. In-fact the guban in SL is far larger then that small strip. Majority of PL land is fertile besides we are not interested in your primitive occupation we are aiming to be your skills-hub and take the large untapped skilled market in technical-professional-science-technology-etc while your ass is stuck to 'farming' a 2 dollar product, no matter how much u produce of that 2 dollar product, it will always essentially keep you a peasant kkkkk and that's the truth. Skills is what makes u rich, especially highly in demand and rare skills and that's knowledge economy. PL is going to transform into your knowledge center


@PuntiteQueen don't worry sis cawaantu nagama hos bixi karan, we were their sultan. Sharafta puntland wala ilalinaya at all times based on 'facts' iyo indhaha layska galo oo aan been laysu sheegin dambe. Mogadishu is 90 SQ KM and got a district at rate of 90 SQ KM/16 districts.

That's 5 sq km is a district sister, we will demand nothing less in PL for any district if there is 5 villages per 1 sq km by 1 sq km, we will put them together and declare a district. In-fact if the nomadic population is large in terms of water wells/dams we will delimit that to 1 sq km to 1 sq km is a district since the nomads constitute the rest. Infact I am disgusted how galdogob-harardheere and so many places recieved 'district' status as it's clearly not following any sort of district formula law but something futadooda ay kala soo baxeen not any district zoning law.

Dagaal ayaa dhacayso around districting on porportional representation but PL is ready for that battle sister, hubkeena waa caqli iyaguna hubkooda wa qayli iyo cadifad oo aan ku fadhin wax caqli since caqli require a culture and they lack it. We will set district and gobol rules based on purely 'district zoning laws' that is applied to all regions and no exception, qof kama hos bixi karo.

U will need 3 'districts' as a per minimum before a 'gobol' is named. A district can be formed only on a 5 SQ KM land ratio area which will equate with 5000 houses being a minimum with a population rate of 5000 x 6 people which is 30,000.

If a district lacks '30,000' in either one town or a number of villages in a district, it will not be declared a district it's simple as that since it failed the district formula law.

We also expect to see a semblance of service delivery such as primary school, secondary school, hospital, district council, and 30,000 residents of that area as bare minimum before becoming a district. Let's crack down on these people and roll up our sleeves and stop the games in Somalia, we do not want clan communism but porportional somali based on what you constitute.
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@Ferrari have u noticed sade always hides out when a method of 'reason' is used, these niggas wud be running in if the method of 'cadifad' was used and cheerleading, kill em with brains, it's obvious where the weakness is and focus on the weakness not their strength, make em just look 'shocked' on TV as u present all these measurements on somali tv and say 4.5 clan communism nama deeqdo. Bring in the kab iyo lax elite squad in suits and throw in all our measurements of each village 'area sq' kkkk and water wells/dams and say take this NIGGA and start allocating MPS based on it, watch them niggas 'censor' the tv back to 4.5 cadifad


HAGS also hate the number game and prefer this 4.5 as it keeps the ball park equalized where-as in pure district parliament, they're voices wud shrink with PL/JL having the most villages, nomads, towns and cities. 3.5 million keliya ayaa joggo 150,000 SQ KM goof of Majerteniya proper and that is using 'garissa as goof template' since it was censused by Kenya.

If they don't like that as baseline, we can calculate the 'area sq' of all our villages, towns, cities and work out the same formula of 1 sq km by 1 sq km and present the 'total area sq' and show them how many 'mogadishus' it can create. But we will not neglect our nomadic population since the largest economic driver in PL is nomads and our dams and water wells are key indicators of their population. Hence 3.5 million is being fair.

Makhir/Dhulbahante is around 1 million. 4.5 million is very reasonable population estimate of PL Harti Clans no matter what mechanism you want to 'sample' on be it garissa or the area sq km and nomad calculation by water well/dams. We can finally then allocate based on real population and district porportions, I don't want nothing less then what I constitute, I am not asking for more but I won't settle for less thru 4.5 and boosting of langaabs.

GM is 1.6 million with 1 million being HG and 600k being abgal/murusade/sade, they are 60/40 sharing of their 'goof' which is 79000 sq km kkkkk. HS i stopped measuring when Hiiran came in as 1 million based on their 'goof size'. 1 million in Hiran, 1.2 million in GM, Mogadishu is 1.5 million which is subject to 'density' of course which I think is not 'high' as it's quite spacious city. Middle shabelle maba 'eegin' cause I know South Galkacyo illa Hamar banankeeda waa 150,000 SQ KM goof wuxu uu dhigma Majerteniya keliya. So whatever population is in Majerteniya is what is HS/GM combined. I think if we throw in makhir/khatumo with their 1 million that can check the hawiye population in hamar since it's not fully 'hawiye' either. The problem with GM/HS is their goof is the size of my goof yet it's shared by 1000 different clan oo aan is bixin karin kkkk due langaab
Your numbers are totally fallacious, Gedo is second largest region in Somalia, which makes only Bari a larger gobol.

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The landmass of Gedo is 32,800 miles squared and when it's converted to km that is roughly 83,000 km squared and makes up 13% of Somalia's land mass. For a comparison Hiraan is roughly 16,000 miles squared and when converted into km is about 41,600 KM squared. This difference in size can be seen in maps as well since Gedo is the largest southern region.

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You will have to either bring a source for your measurement or a document, we will not go off of nonsensical hearsay. For example Gedo is made up of 7 districts and all district commissioners and deputy commissioners are Ardul Sade and they come under the Ugaas this is all documented. You can continue to make false assertions on other regions, but it won't fly here. You'll have to go back to your notes and bring some evidence not tales.

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Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Your numbers are totally fallacious, Gedo is second largest region in Somalia, which makes only Bari a larger gobol.

View attachment 154237

The landmass of Gedo is 32,800 miles squared and when it's converted to km that is roughly 83,000 km squared and makes up 13% of Somalia's land mass. For a comparison Hiraan is roughly 16,000 miles squared and when converted into km is about 41,600 KM squared. This difference in size can be seen in maps as well since Gedo is the largest southern region.

View attachment 154234

You will have to either bring a source for your measurement or a document, we will not go off of nonsensical hearsay. For example Gedo is made up of 7 districts and all district commissioners and deputy commissioners are Ardul Sade and they come under the Ugaas this is all documented. You can continue to make false assertions on other regions, but it won't fly here. You'll have to go back to your notes and bring some evidence not tales.

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View attachment 154236
Gedo smaller than jubbada hoose... 2nd biggest gobol after bari is sanaag
Gedo total area sq is 32,000 SQ KM. Even though it's wikipedia article says 85,000 SQ KM, it's garbage. I measured it and u can also if u so wish. 85,000 SQ KM is nearly 15% of Somalia and t

It seems as if you rushed in making this thread since you failed to convert (Miles Squared) into (Kilometers Squared)

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Estimates are pretty useless, especially when the majority of Somalis are nomadic people. There should be a western-led census but I dont think Somalis are mature enough to know the truth; it may create more tension and contribute to more violence. Some census even include the number of livestock in an area.... Lol
Estimates are pretty useless, especially when the majority of Somalis are nomadic people. There should be a western-led census but I dont think Somalis are mature enough to know the truth; it may create more tension and contribute to more violence.

I don't mind this rudimentary attempt of making a census estimation, if anything I find it quite comical. However if you're going to attempt such a thing the least you can do is base it off of accurate information.

For instance he is basing this 'census' on land mass and has a totally inaccurate land mass for this region and still attempts to make an estimate on population. It's just plain nonsense and correcting this for his sake and other readers that might be misled by is necessary.


Estimates are pretty useless, especially when the majority of Somalis are nomadic people. There should be a western-led census but I dont think Somalis are mature enough to know the truth; it may create more tension and contribute to more violence. Some census even include the number of livestock in an area.... Lol

Yes it will get very heated niyahow, there is no doubt and remember the DR loves any topic that 'creates' heat but i won't join the topic based on the usual unfounded 'emotional' driven but try to really use 'practical' methods that are convinceable to not myself but also my enemy so he goes silent. I don't doubt what u say, that it will create a brutal 'violence' but violence is purely bred by 'emotional type of people' as it's well know violence is the result of people resorting to emotions alone and disregarding rationality, this is a well established fact.


Estimates are pretty useless, especially when the majority of Somalis are nomadic people. There should be a western-led census but I dont think Somalis are mature enough to know the truth; it may create more tension and contribute to more violence. Some census even include the number of livestock in an area.... Lol

It's well known the nomadic population is not 'small segment' since their contribution to Somali GDP is estimated anywhere from 40-60% depending on 'economic zone' kkkkk. That's 40-60% of the 7 billion economy circulating which is ironically tied to the 'trade corridor' of PL either Galkacyo-Bosaso. It can be argued they constitute no less then 40% of the Somali population on those indicator


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