Gedo Population Estimation


@Western4Life I would honestly prefer a 'porportional' parliament based on districts but if we can't get that, I will settle for 91 filibuster rule and if they were assigned a district, we all get an equal 3 mp like PL uses. Even though I do not agree with that method as some districts are tuulos in other places and some places that were named gobols are 'districts' kkkkk.

I mean Garisa alone is larger then all HG districts combined see what I mean? and u see their is clearly no district law that is being used here but all coming out of 'sade' futo @Dues Ex Machete and he knows it came out of his futo to allocate 150,000 SQ KM of Majerten as 2.5 gobols yet allocate hawiye 150,000 SQ Km land between galkacyo to mogadishu as 4.5 gobols.

Nigga went as far as to give galdogob-harardheere a district showing u how fucked up he is and their just tuulos of either galkacyo or hobyo in all reality. He gave Mogadishu 16 districts on the account of 5 sq meters x 5 sq meters which is literally 5000 homes and 30000 population as 'maximum' density rate which it probably is 'far less' dense in my opinion. He really boosted up hawiye and broke up their little land into so many districts/gobols all over 'gaining supporters' nothing based on the rule of law or district zoning practises. Majerten will always smash him though and he knows it and I know it, alll Somalis know it


@Western4Life the nomadic population will be measured on total amount of wells/barkads/dams. Region to Region will need to bring these figures and 'confirmed' by all 'somali region' team that visits it to confirm. We can split the nomadic population based on total number of wells/barkads/dams.

If my region has 100 wells/500 barkads/10 dams and total number of somali wide wells is '500' and total number of barkads is 1000 and the total number of dams 15. Then it can be shared 'porportionally' also the total population of the percentage of water infrastructure total vs regional water infrastructure. If I own 100 wells out of total 500 and 500 barkads yet there is 1000 barkads nation wide and have 10 dams yet there is 15 dams nation wide. U can adjust population size of nomadic population based on this as long as u have set 'total population' worked out.

The set total won't be hard to agree on as their maths available on population ratio around water infrastructure. Everything can be agreed to but it needs rational minds not emotional hearts. Somalis won't have an issue working out 'total' population for the nomads, the issue will come down to how it's shared between regions and that cane be done if their is rational minds but as u know the rational mind are missing and emotionally driven 4.5 clan communist is all we have. Emotions created 4.5 not any sense of rationality.

I mean murusade which is my abtiyaal and I got no issue against them but they have like 5 villages and 5 wells all together not even a 'dam' that's how small they are get 7 MPS, go figure waryaa that's all clan communism created, when Majerten is 12 MPS. That would mean murusade wud need 100,000 SQ KM of land to match that sort of representation which they clearly dont have.
@Western4Life the nomadic population will be measured on total amount of wells/barkads/dams. Region to Region will need to bring these figures and 'confirmed' by all 'somali region' team that visits it to confirm. We can split the nomadic population based on total number of wells/barkads/dams.

If my region has 100 wells/500 barkads/10 dams and total number of somali wide wells is '500' and total number of barkads is 1000 and the total number of dams 15. Then it can be shared 'porportionally' also the total population of the percentage of water infrastructure total vs regional water infrastructure. If I own 100 wells out of total 500 and 500 barkads yet there is 1000 barkads nation wide and have 10 dams yet there is 15 dams nation wide. U can adjust population size of nomadic population based on this as long as u have set 'total population' worked out.

The set total won't be hard to agree on as their maths available on population ratio around water infrastructure. Everything can be agreed to but it needs rational minds not emotional hearts. Somalis won't have an issue working out 'total' population for the nomads, the issue will come down to how it's shared between regions and that cane be done if their is rational minds but as u know the rational mind are missing and emotionally driven 4.5 clan communist is all we have. Emotions created 4.5 not any sense of rationality.

I mean murusade which is my abtiyaal and I got no issue against them but they have like 5 villages and 5 wells all together not even a 'dam' that's how small they are get 7 MPS, go figure waryaa that's all clan communism created, when Majerten is 12 MPS. That would mean murusade wud need 100,000 SQ KM of land to match that sort of representation which they clearly dont have.

The time for clan politics should be over and the country should move towards a true party system.

There could be 1 MP per 100,000 people. This will end up with different clans from different areas sharing 1 representative. It will be good for the country.

Local people from whatever clan can run for party nominations and then in general elections representing their parties.

The nation should be forced to adopt and adapt and move away from the barbaric clan representative system that does nothing to better people's lives. They will be accountable to the constituents they represent. These clan MPs are not held to account by their clans because they are not seeking any outcomes or planning; they are there to fill a clan quota. This explains Somalia's stagnation.


Somalia should base it's parliament quota based on it's over-all population and then sub-dividing it on villages-towns-cities-nomads using a district formula law process and also 'state' formula law process, since it's a law it needs to be uniform across the nation and not bended here n there like siyad mickey mouse shit @Calaf @Dues Ex Machete his damn emotions got carried away again and over-rided his intellect and as u can see it's led to a nation that see's how he set up the districts/states has now resulted in anger across all the nation, why? it wasn't based on any intellect whatsoever and more emotion and emotion is the direction towards hell.

Australia is a country of 25 million and it's parliament consists of

There are currently 151 members of the House of Representatives, each representing one geographic area of Australia. Members are elected for a 3 year term and when in parliament take part in debate on proposed laws and public policy, representing the views of the people in their electorate. Where-as The Senate is one of the two houses of the Australian Federal Parliament. It consists of 76 senators

They use 'district formula' purely on numbers and create district geographic areas called 'electorates' and from that they have 'state' law that determines 'state' creation which hasn't been done besides northern territory and australian capital territory, notice the distinction their 'territories' meaning their not going to get the same sort of 'power nor representation' as real federal regions. They are also 'controlled' by a 'federation act' in terms of their duties not similar to the 'regional govt' in Australia who are fully fleged federal states.

If Australia has MP/SENATOR ratio of that for 25 million people. Somalia being around 15 million maximum should only have parliament that is 60% of that quota since 15 million from 25 million is only 60%. So Somalia parliament should be in reality 90 MPS which makes sense based on our 'districts' being around 90. Plus 45 Senators for a population of 15 million there is no need for more than that plus we save in our govt running costs by not over-representating the nation and looking like a kangaroo nation.

PL simply demands for it's population of 4.5 million including sool/sanaag it's percentage quota. 4.5 million from 15 million is 30% which is what farole keeps telling these baboons in the nation, PL qaadan mayso wax ka yar 30% of qoondada Somaliyeed for beelaha 'harti' up north. JL waa sheeko kale oo absame-harti-sade need to sit down and talk real and drop emotions and start proper electoral representative democracy not clan democracy or clan communist of 4.5.

You are right when seats are limited competition and excellence arises but since seats are so inflated it leads to the worst people being able secure a position due to clan quotas which is a communist philosophy waryaa call it what it is then sugar coat it, it's 'clan shuuci' since shuuci can be applied everywhere not just economically but racially, ethnically, tribally, politically thru one party systems.
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Me and @Calaf @Dues Ex Machete will come on Somalia TV and admit for 15 million population no more then 90 MPS is required at lower house and 45 senators in the upper house. It will lead to competition and the best of the best due to the limited seats available. We won't disagree at all at this stage of the debate. But watch that nigga explode when I say PL is 30% of that nation with all the available data references provided thru water well/dams/barkad calculation and 'area sq' calculations of all our cities-towns-villages and 'density' applied and finally throwing his god damn sade face to base-line of garissa census as another base-line just to re-enforce this ground reality by continously using various reference points and evidence for him to look at that is heading towards the route of 30% for Hartis in PL is only fair and was always the 'case' prior in the old days of governance.

When I say PL demands 30% of that 90 MPs and 30% for the senators he will call upon an emotional rant purely because it's PL see what i mean and the reason is totally emotionally driven crap that needs to end and minds of reason come together.

PL deserves it 30 MPS for the lower parliament and it's 13.5 senators. This is for not just Majerten but all Hartis in PL that constitute 220,000 SQ km of land of 630,000 SQ KM land space of the nation.

We will also sit with his ass about JL and send @Jablibax inu soo dhiciyo 'xaqqa puntland' oo aan la xishoon dambe waxaa xishooda bakhti langaab ah. Watch him explode on pure emotion and not rationality, he simply hates the fact that PL will be 30% of Somalia power-sharing ayuu diidan yahay keliya not the actual evidence supporting it as that is to hard to refute since it's practical and in his face the data points.

GM deserves nothing more then 1.6 million, 1 million quota for HG and 600k for sade/murusade/abgaal as they constitute only 30,000 SQ KM combined and 45,000 SQ KM is HG. GM portion is 1.6 million of 15 million which is 10% of Somalia 90 MP allocation and senator allocation, this is now looking like a real parliament based on adjusted population ratio district formula. GM is 10% of the power of Somalia and PL is 30%. JL arinteeda waa arin kale oo @Farjano-Walad iyo beesha sade iyo beesha harti loo farisan doono cause lama xishoonayo anymore.

The case of Mogadishu is what it boils down too and since it's federal city, it's powersharing has to reflect 'federal' nature or else it takes upon the 'face' of not the capital, that shit will be reserved to PL/JL/GW/SW/SL who will get their fair share on the capital thru their locals in Mogadishu, so xitaa taasi wala wada lee yahay since magaladu ayaaba federal ah ileen dawladi federal ayaa fadhiso and it's powers will be 'designated' thru a 'federal law' like all capital cities in the world
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@Dues Ex Machete @Calaf where do u get this idea 'gedo' is 85,000 SQ KM. Are u confusing this with 'SQ meter' kkkkk cause your land is more likely to be 85 SQ KM which is the size of holding only 8 villages per sq km, that's more realistic. But this idea it's 32000 sq miles or 85000 sq km is pure rubbish, just look at it waryaa and it's smaller then nugaal goof which is 26,000 SQ KM.


300 MPS vs a population of 15 million(maximum) is far too much representation. That's an MP per 50000 people, imagine that nigga, that is literally 50000/6 per house which means every 8000 homes in Somalia has an MP, how can anyone with a rational brain accept this nonsense.

@Western4Life good point for raising it up, 8000 homes do not deserve an MP and is total nonsense.

The 100,000 rule like u said it leads to a maximum of 150 MPS which is still to much considering Australia ratio is 25 million only gets a 150 MPS that is a ratio of 1 mp per 160,000 people. We should make it 100,000 as bare minimum per MP, it will lead to a far more competitive politics where 100,000 ppl are vying for one MP, rather then 50000 people.

I am suprised with 4.5 because I know some clans do not have 50,000 people and have seats due to 4.5 and clan communism. There some clans that even constitute less then this and have an MP, showing u this 4.5 is totally not realistic and people will not support a govt that doesn't look representative of the nation.

For your 100k per mp, it will lead too competitive politics as the seat is 'limited' now and the 'demand' is high and hence competition is inevitable thru a 'democracy' of course and will lead to less clan and more trying to appeal to a more broader constituency then just going to your clan for your quota on 4.5 with no need for competition lol, it's already 'designed' to eliminate competition and not bring forth the best of the best.

But when Nugaal only has 5 MPS per it's 500k population, it will lead to a vicious competition and only the best will come out from there since they will need to appeal broadly across it's constituency which is 100,000 people and will lead to only 5 super smart candidates for their 500k portion of 5 mps and it won't be able to rely on 'tolka' since it needs to capture a far wider tribal demographic due to the district rule.

Cap that parliament to a maximum 150 MPS for the whole nation and make it 1 mp per 100k people so it eliminates 'tribalism' and will come down to pure qadiyad/idealogy/progress/security topics only as these topics are the things that resonates with a wider constituency where-as 4.5 u need to appeal merely to clan passion
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@Western4Life get in here and debate niyahow as Sade is off to the 'cadifad' tours let's keep this purely intellect as that actually produces something of benefit unlike emotions that causes conflict.

1 mp per 100,000 constituency is your rule right? if we expand it to 160,000 per mp, we are talking a total scope of 90-150 MP on total population of 15 million. U want the 150 MPS on what 'grounds'? when you know that Australia is 1 mp per 160,000.

If u tell me the actual grounding in what u say then I might accept it but I am still of the favor 90 MPS for a population of 15 million, using australia population ratio to mp as a standard. The senate will be split based on what your regional govt constitutes as a whole from that 15 million. So in the case of PL let's say it's 30% of Somalia as whole, then 30% of the senate and 30% of the lower house is strictly reserved or PL and u do the same with each region and their districts. This porportional now to pure numbers and not clan.

So if the total senate for australia population is 76 for a population of 25 million, your looking at 320k per senator, so a senator must represent 320k population and MP represent 100-166k.

Based on those figures Somalia total senate should be 15 million/300,000 senator ratio and gives a total of 50 while a maximum of 15 million/200,000 gives a total of 75. Within that ratio then it's split on 'regional govt' portions where PL gets it 30% and GM gets it's 10%. So PL will have 15 senators while GM has 5 and then u do this across the board uniformly following district/senate law on population to mp ratio of 1 mp for 100-160k and 1 senator per 200-300k population. This is now a properly adjusted parliament and senate that reflects that actual ground realities not something that was cooked up in 'carta' based on 'clan equalism'. A govt that is republic should stand for the people and nothing else which is constituencies not 'clan' because clan is broad thing and can mean 'clan members overseas, neighboring countries, etc' it can lead to a real shit fest where your not accountable to the constituency because you are allocated power on mere clan


@Dues Ex Machete we have satellite technology to calculate. If your interested in clan settlement Mx settle less than half of what Ogaden settle in JL alone without recording Bakool Sare. Gedo is an accessory to JL and was only added by Prof. Gaandhi out of “Daroodism” historically Gedo would be apart of KG.

There is no reason why Gedo would be any more dense either considering it is mostly pastoralist aswell so spare us that route.

Estimates are pretty useless, especially when the majority of Somalis are nomadic people. There should be a western-led census but I dont think Somalis are mature enough to know the truth; it may create more tension and contribute to more violence. Some census even include the number of livestock in an area.... Lol
A western census wouldnt likely include clan and even if it did there wouldnt be a consensus on it regardless like you said. If its pure numbers of population per district the UNFPA 2014 census is more than enough for Somali officials to work with if they wanted to.

People have no respect for clan territory down south. They will claim each others hometowns as their own out of opportunism. The clan lines definetly exist people just dont respect it.


@Dues Ex Machete we have satellite technology to calculate. If your interested in clan settlement Mx settle less than half of what Ogaden settle in JL alone without recording Bakool Sare. Gedo is an accessory to JL and was only added by Prof. Gaandhi out of “Daroodism” historically Gedo would be apart of KG.

There is no reason why Gedo would be any more dense either considering it is mostly pastoralist aswell so spare us that route.
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A western census wouldnt likely include clan and even if it did there wouldnt be a consensus on it regardless like you said. If its pure numbers of population per district the UNFPA 2014 census is more than enough for Somali officials to work with if they wanted to.

People have no respect for clan territory down south. They will claim each others hometowns as their own out of opportunism. The clan lines definetly exist people just dont respect it.

UNFPA never provided it's methodology that's the problem, if u don't provide a methodology, it cannot be seen what they did in their numbering count. My methodology is using Garissa as template since it has been censused, so don't say I am not providing one. If Garissa is 45,000 SQ KM for 1 million and Majerteniya is 150,000 SQ KM. It would be fair to say I demand 3.5 times the population of Garissa since I am 3.5 times it's size.

I also would say it's only fair if your smaller then garissa you work out how much smaller by size. Plus how did they measure density is another question, I can simply work out 100 by 100 meter area on my own which is only 5 properties to extropolate data from over a total city area sq. I doubt their is 6 people per household in each and every household in a city, so their needs to be 'variation average' to account for the differences so it's more realistic. Hamar in my calculation isn't larger then 2 million and isn't smaller then 1 million. It's safe to say it's 1.5 million. That's not including the camps tho as that reports to South west and no-one is allowed to include camps into their 'estimates' since it reports to another constituency.

PL was severely under-counted in UNFPA without any methodology provided except the UNFPA endorsed it, that doesn't mean the methodology is right. Plus we know how many dams we have, nigga other areas haven't even reached the 'dam' stage kkkk showing u their nomadic population is overly inflated, their still down to wells/barkads. JL is no more then 2 million in my opinion and probably around 1.7 million. PL however is 3.5 million for Majerteniya and Makhir/Khatumo is another 1.5 million for their 70,000 sq km land. Remember I am not making these numbers up, I am pointing to garissa goof and showing u their population as a baseline to work of.

It would be far more accurate if we simply listed every village in somalia and it's area sq and density levels at 'small sample' rate that is provable like 5 houses in 100 by 100 meter 'square' this method must be used in all estimations no matter where to extropolate a density rate, the rest is simple and pure calculations against the area sq of the total land mass.

Besides the settled population is larger then the nomadic population but not by much if you look at economic data. Somalia GDP is 7 billion, nigga 40-60% depending on who u read say is purely 'nomadic people' and their livestocks. That means anywhere from 40-60% is only settled and that is the consumption 'market'.

So if $7 billion is 40% nomadic that means they contribute $2.8 billion to the GDP thru their exports yearly, while the rest is imports into consumption urban markets cuz their futos are not producing anything but merely consuming thru remittance and welfare. So that mens 40% of Somalia total population will need to be reserved out for the nomadic population as a bare minimum which is 6 million and the rest is settled at 8 million into villages/town.

Trust me the 'war' is over this 'segment' and this requires u horta have 'large goof' for pasture or else the possibility to have livestock is limited due to land constraints, plus u need lots of water infrastructure and if that's lacking it's safe to assume your livestock is lacking also and as a result your nomadic population. But that segment of 6 million how much goes to PL wud be very large considering our 150,000 SQ KM goof in comparison to 'other areas goof' like 86,000 SQ KM for ISAAQ, 70,000 SQ KM for Makhir/Khatumo, 79,000 sq km for GM as a whole including sade/wacaysle/murusade. This is where it stops since nomadism isn't practised below the river well not at high rate anyways. Then it's down to gedo and lower jubba and it's pastoral population. Majerten has the largest reer miyi population is without a shadow of doubt within somalia proper just based on land size being able to sustain a large livestock population and hence large nomadic population will be natural side effect


@Removed that's why Sade is pissed of with JL, he thought he was going to get his 4.5 thru here kkkk and when he saw absame/harti with this look on them, he ran into the arms of hag 4.5 and clan shuuci


Sade Knowing full well he wouldn't be able to get thru his 'clan shuci nonsene as we are believers in landheer/langaab ratios politics kkkk. He ran to hag and said nimankasi 4.5 ma raban kkkkk take me in and save me from wrath of absame/harti kkkk who are not nudging but have their 'mathamatic' calculation game on and area sq game on, they even calculating nomads to ensure not a single clans-men of there is unaccounted for in Somalia over-all nomadic quota for nomads, thru measurement of wells/barkads and capacity levels and determining land size pasture 'territory' to ensure a livestock population can thrive n grow. Sade thinks he can fool us like he has hawiye and hawiye has him as a deal to keep Harti out kkkkk


@Removed I bet @Calaf @Dues Ex Machete know that Harti and Absame go out to the water wells and barkads and measure 'each drop' with their 'tongues' to determine how many livestock it can support by liter capacity, then work out the total water capacity across all nomadic territories and share based on 'liter' portion, so if sade has only 3 wells and determined 'liter' capacity and the over-all well and liter capacity in JL is 100 wells, Sade knows that we will only afford him 'percentage' of nomads that he warrants using water source as proof.

So when we work out his 'ratio' of water we can then work out his nomadic quota from JL over-all nomadic quota and say '3 well ayaa uu dhigantan' and he will then jump up and scream YAA ALLAH ABSAME/HARTI MA NAXANE, KKKKKK AS HIS FUTO RUNS TO 4.5 CLAN SHUCI-DOME OF HAWIYENIMO AND SAYS WAR IGA GABTAN RAGGAN OO WAX KASTO HISAAB KU DHUFTO, XITAA BIYAHA KAMAA AMAN GALO KAB IYO LAX


@Removed u know your basic maths right? it's impossible to say your 'pastures' are tiny and your livestock is large, it's not mathamatically possible as a small pasture will not support a large livestock population. So it can be measured what sort of 'area sq' of pasture creates what sort of livestock population. Since livestock population is reflection of nomadic population also.

So that 6 or odd million nomads nation wide will also be calculated throughly niyahow as no-one is going to settle anything less then their true representation nationally and regionally, even pastoral density exists just like urban density and this will also be taken into consideration around water and pasture but it will be balanced on the probabilities of reason as how can a huge livestock population survive in '2 sq km area' of pasture kkkkk it makes no sense since they will die out is the natural assumption and that asshole will need to leave the nomad game and become an Isaaq langaab in the city kkkkk.

But also the measurement of wells need to be done as not all wells are equal as some are for more water production indicating larger herd population then other wells. This can be worked out by how many liters each camel requires and what is being pumped out of that well and extropolated based on over-all water production to work out over-all livestock population from this a simple ratio can be applied on nomad to livestock ratio. Unfpa simply doesn't show any metholodogy indicating it was 'estimates' out of it's ass on pure satellite and PL won't accept it untill a methodology is provided that is practical. No satellite captures nomadic areas nor even village since not aall villages are on satellite as they haven't been requested to google.


Majerteniya population for land mass of 150,000 SQ KM from north-mudug-nugal-bari with a population ratio of 60/40 indicating 40% are only settled into villages and town yet 60% are nomadic will require another 'estimation' process in the nomadic population. There is roughly 6 million nomads in Somalia over-all population, we can work out how to share this but please bring in your damn 'pasture land size' data as a 'starter' as that is going to tell you a-lot.

Nigga with 32,000 SQ KM pasture isn't going to have the same livestock population as a raw nigga with 150,000 SQ KM pasture, that alone is going to send the debate into a frenzy of 'lets calculate pastoral density' and then a raw nigga like me will be lets go to your 'damn wells' for survey and measure the water output and settle on how much one camel/sheep/goat consume in a day.

This will then tell us baseline to work out the water well production against the water consumption of a single camel, sheep, goat. If your producing 100 liters a day of water and we know 10 liters of water is needed a day for livestock. Then we can assume 10 liters means x 100 liters which gives u total 1000 livestock around that well, we will do the same with the barkad, which is even smaller then that well so their figures will be halfed or more. PL has 10 fucking sand dams and building sub-surface earth dam niyahow, that alone should send shivers to nomadic niggas who know the game about water production means large livestock consumption and hence larger nomadic population area, plus with a grazing territory of 150,000 SQ KM should send niggas into fear.

In all honesty intaysan arintu heerkasi gaadhin, we should simply be gentlemans and use reason. If somalia is 630,000 SQ KM, and Majerten sits on 150, 000 SQ KM. We demand 23% share of the livestock population as bare minimum. If your sade and your pastures is 32,000 SQ KM, then workout your ratio per somalia over all land mass. Same goes for HG 45,000 SQ KM, same goes for Isaaq 86000 SQ KM, same goes for makhir/khatumo 70,000 SQ KM. Baseline that shit of the somalia landmass and your 'daaqsin 'territory' kkkkk and work out your ratio. Since we know the nomadic population will constitute around 6-8 million depending on what figure u accept regarding settled/nomadic ratio but it's usually either 40-60% of somalia total population of 15 million. Your playing with in 6-8 million nomadic population count and if u know your daaqsin and somalia land mass, just divide that and find your percentage of that 6-8 million nomads and sit down. If u want to go down deep, well we can do that nigga on wells/dam/barkad in your goof being calculated on over-all water production value and the subsequent livestock population will be evident.

Majerteniya love us or hate us but we are brutal and talk facts, very few niggas can hang with us because they prefer the dahir alasow 'tabloids' and shit

