geeljire science: somali medicinal herbs


A mere finger can’t obscure the sun.
u probably also know it comes with strong lipido. no wonder hindus are at 1.5billion.

I’m only taking it for digestive purposes and to increase my fibre intake. I’ve read it works better on males on that front. Geeljires should switch from caano geel if they wanna catch up.:yacadiim:
I’m only taking it for digestive purposes and to increase my fibre intake. I’ve read it works better on males on that front. Geeljires should switch from caano geel if they wanna catch up.:yacadiim:

caano geel is amazing too, but I agree, most faaraxs should replace their sugary tea with a cup of xulbad in the morning.


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
Have you guys heard of sibir ? it's made from cactus (dacar) plant , sibir is usually used as a laxative for acid reflux, constipation etc. It works laakin the taste :mjcry:



Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
have you ever had it? I refused to eat that when I was younger, but it was used a lot in our house. reer miyis swear by these herbs.

haa sxb back in the day it was the preferred daawo for calool bixin, qarasta :kendrickcry: etc every second todobaad we had to take it :francis: They do the job despite the awful taste, it's the reason reer miyiga don't have these issues that reer magaal have. I mean when the last time you heard reer miyi complaining about calool xanuun etc
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One time some sheikhs gave me some potion that I had to smell to prove I wasn’t possessed the trick is its mixed with some sort of sulfur or ammonia that will make you react no matter what.

In the end my whole family was tied up and/or “water boarded” :farmajoyaab:
One time some sheikhs gave me some potion that I had to smell to prove I wasn’t possessed the trick is its mixed with some sort of sulfur or ammonia that will make you react no matter what.

In the end my whole family was tied up and/or “water boarded” :farmajoyaab:

why did he think you were possessed ? :chrisfreshhah:


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
One time some sheikhs gave me some potion that I had to smell to prove I wasn’t possessed the trick is its mixed with some sort of sulfur or ammonia that will make you react no matter what.

In the end my whole family was tied up and/or “water boarded” :farmajoyaab:

Part of hidaha iyo dhaqaanka you know, prefer the tahliisha than garaaca when it comes to jinn possession
haa sxb back in the day it was the preferred daawo for calool bixin, qarasta :kendrickcry: etc every second todobaad we had to take it :francis: They do the job despite the awful taste, it's the reason reer miyiga don't have these issues that reer magaal have. I mean when the last time you heard reer miyi complaining about calool xanuun etc
it's just so bitter. it's bitter than xulbad, and that shit is bitter.