Geography Now video on Somalia coming next

It’s not looking good folks


The ana carab coons are out in full force. No wonder why people think we’re Arab rape babies
Damn, reading the replies, yh this will be a mess.

Some saying we are Arab, some saying we're descendants of Kush empire, some saying we're related to Berbers... Somalis and identity issues :stressed:


We finally beat Medicare 🎊 🎉
If we have nothing to do with Arabs why is every second word Arabic? I guess you can attribute that to lack of creativity and 68...or were arabs
If we have nothing to do with Arabs why is every second word Arabic? I guess you can attribute that to lack of creativity and 68...or were arabs

Somali language predates Arabic and Islam adds Arabic words to all ethnic Muslim people's languages.

If you open a Somali dictionary, Somali - Somali dictionary specially, you will hardly see an Arabic word.

Before you insult people's intelligence, read up some info please. You seem to lack an in-depth knowledge of Somali.

The richness of Somali can be told in its nomenclature. The sun alone has eight names in Somali with each word relating to a time of the day.

Get educated.


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