Get in if you're an incel/ or borderline incel

Just look at saudia and afghanistan because there’s no available women to talk to they resort to little boys.
Saudi and afghanistan having problems with homosexuality have nothing to do with not freemixing, if there was more freemixing it would result in more open homosexuality,
The west has so many qawm luut and there is 0 gender segregation.

Also not being able to talk to women in your daily life doesn't make you gay.


عادل | جامعة الدفاع العربي
Men bad bad good women good men bad bad men women bad men men good men women men women women


Online isn't real life, give a real life example
I can give you alot of examples of girls who loves so called "Badboys" because they play the part of acting like the most macho guy and are popular rude and egotistic, all the guys wanna be like him and all the girls want him.
Being a bad guy does not get you a girl, you have to fit the part, if you are pretending to be a badboy you will fail miserably
In real life, I had similar sitautions especially when I started to lift weights and get bigger/stronger. I was trolling as well and would ghost girls and would get so much more attention.

Keep in mind all of this is anecdotal so there's not entirely much evidence to back this up, but it ironically worked for me.

I'm pretty sure confidence plays a massive role.
Allah made it this way, and I personally don’t have a problem with it.

If I want women, I first must know what they want, which is a skill.

Once I acquire that skill, I then must learn the skills to keep a woman.

skill skill skill, some men want it all for free simple because they are good men.

That was enough in the 1980’s unfortunately your in the year 2022.

A man’s purpose in life, After the worship of Allah, is skill acquisition.

Change was inevitable my brothers. Adapt or die, it’s that simple and women have no heart for weak men.
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Men bad bad good women good men bad bad men women bad men men good men women men women women
This is hilariously true. Some of the best friends I made were women and some of the worst friends I made were men. Vice versa as well.

I hate these gender wars going on. There's far more important issues going on like tackling racism and eliminating poverty


Since you felt more confident or were more confident, would you say you were more open, jokey and just more assertive?
It honestly was a combination of all 3. I noticed these traits are traits that these "red pilled men" have whereas the softer kinder men usually got no play.

Funny because there's this whiteknight I know who would always defend the women in our circle so much from my roasts but the irony was that he just came off 4 failed relationships because his ex gfs use to cheat on him and abused him.

It's a sad world we live in.


I have also found that if you are from the hood and talk to more middle class people they seem to think you speak arrogantly and confidently much more because you grew up talking like that and it is way easier to get girls because some of them are enchanted by the way you talk for some reason, not talking about using slang but even using normal english just the way you talk is much more different to a middle class cadaan family who are very passive and soft in their speech
100000000000000000000000% this

I grew up in Rexdale(hood in Toronto, not so much anymore I believe) but god damn I still hold on to the current lingo and style and these women think im this badass gangster . It's so fucking hilarious LMAO. I don't even talk that way with my close friends/fam.

I also think personality plays a large role as well
It honestly was a combination of all 3. I noticed these traits are traits that these "red pilled men" have whereas the softer kinder men usually got no play.

Funny because there's this whiteknight I know who would always defend the women in our circle so much from my roasts but the irony was that he just came off 4 failed relationships because his ex gfs use to cheat on him and abused him.

It's a sad world we live in.
Women liked you because you were funny, assertive and confident. The douchebag behavior wasn’t what they were into. Look at the douchebag part as the bad side effects of a medication. The thing is, douchey men know how to be charming at least 30% of the time and they’re confident. It’s that 30% is what keeps women hooked, until they leave and can’t take it no more.

Your friend was cheated on because he didn’t have a back bone. Not because he was nice. Niceness doesn’t mean having no self-respect and no confidence.

The golden ratio that most women want is a nice man who is kind but is confident, has a back bone ( isn’t going to allow anyone to walk all over him) and knows how to make you laugh. Unfortunately, too many men operate in extremes.

You could say it’s the same for women in a way. Some women are doormats and can lack self-respect ( they give in to men too easily making men think they’re cheap, but it is really a bi-product of having low-self esteem and being too nice), then you get the other end of the extreme who are disrespectful, want to continually ‘challenge’ people and are aggressive.
100000000000000000000000% this

I grew up in Rexdale(hood in Toronto, not so much anymore I believe) but god damn I still hold on to the current lingo and style and these women think im this badass gangster . It's so fucking hilarious LMAO. I don't even talk that way with my close friends/fam.

I also think personality plays a large role as well
Glad to see a brother understands, this must be a universal rule.
It happens here in the UK aswell
Women liked you because you were funny, assertive and confident. The douchebag behavior wasn’t what they were into. Look at the douchebag part as the bad side effects of a medication. The thing is, douchey men know how to be charming at least 30% of the time and it’s that 30% that keeps women hooked, until they leave and can’t take it no more.
I think it is also how you make yourself look, if you are a tall handsome guy whos a bit of a douche its different to an ugly medium sized guy who acts like a douche, thats why I say you have to be yourself because pretending to be a bad boy and a charasmtic manly guy who asserts himself is gonna look emberassing on a weirdo.
If you are a genuily nerdy guy then nerdy girls will like you some girls even like nerds
when I was in college their was this 5'4 asian kid and he was so nerdy and somehow he found a girlfriend in a couple days and she was a weirdo aswell
point being if you act like yourself you will just attract people who want you


Women liked you because you were funny, assertive and confident. The douchebag behavior wasn’t what they were into. Look at the douchebag part as the bad side effects of a medication. The thing is, douchey men know how to be charming at least 30% of the time and it’s that 30% that keeps women hooked, until they leave and can’t take it no more.

Your friend was cheated on because he didn’t have a back bone. Not because he was nice.

The golden ratio that most women want is a nice man who is kind but is confident, has a back bone ( isn’t going to allow anyone to walk all over him) and knows how to make you laugh. Unfortunately, too many men operate in extremes.

You could say it’s the same for women in a way. Some women are doormats and can lack self-respect ( they give in to men too easily making men think they’re cheap, but it is really a bi-product of being low-self esteem and being too nice), then you get the other end of the extreme who are disrespectful, want to continually ‘challenge’ people and are aggressive.

You know you're spot on with this part "The golden ratio that most women want is a nice man who is kind but is confident, has a back bone ( isn’t going to allow anyone to walk all over him) and knows how to make you laugh. Unfortunately, too many men operate in extremes."

I did support them a lot especially when it came to their personal projects/businesses and they did commend me a lot on that.

It's weird because most of the women I talk to are super progressive lefty liberal types yet they laugh at my jokes/memes(misogynistic ones as well)

To be fair I roast both sides(red pill as well). I'm like a clown I guess LOL
This is hilariously true. Some of the best friends I made were women and some of the worst friends I made were men. Vice versa as well.

I hate these gender wars going on. There's far more important issues going on like tackling racism and eliminating poverty
Ive never had a gender war in real life, I am convinced this is something only online, noone cares about gender wars in real life. Bored people on the internet trying to create drama


Ive never had a gender war in real life, I am convinced this is something only online, noone cares about gender wars in real life. Bored people on the internet trying to create drama
EXACTLY. I don't hear none of this shit irl.

Though the internet is a place where we can air out our true feelings on certain topics. Maybe most people aren't comfortable enough to tell people in real life.
EXACTLY. I don't hear none of this shit irl.

Though the internet is a place where we can air out our true feelings on certain topics. Maybe most people aren't comfortable enough to tell people in real life.
Also this stuff about women this women that, in my experience women are too easy to get, they are too nice, they are good people most of the time, they will sacrifice their entire life for a bum, they don't care about sex and materialistic things as much as men, when I go onto the internet 21 year old jerry who saw everyone else get girls but not him because of his own issues makes up stuff about women to complain about.
I even think that women nowadays would be willing to live in a traditional household and not work and raise kids as long as you earn enough money.
But twitter is so funny that it doesn't matter if everything men say on their is xaar because it is just jokes the way they say it even if you disagree.
Real incels are a rarity. It's just mostly retards who try and punch above their weight. Please stay in your lane if you're a 5/10 DYEL with a beach ball gut and toothpick for arms clearing >£2000 post-tax lol

Most of these guys aren’t incels, they’re redpill. The world ‘incel’ is overused. If these guys were serious about settling down, they could book a trip to Xamar, Hargeisa, Bosaaso or even Nairobi.

Also, women aren’t loved unconditionally. If that was the case, why are women 6x more likely to be divorced when they get a terminal illness like cancer compared to that of men?

Redpillers need to start being more self-aware because it’s embarrassing. Another fun fact, women have become less hypergamous. The data simply doesn’t support their self-pitying.

Both men and women aren’t loved unconditionally. Only your parents and your children do. That is the nature of the world.
I see you're still fighting the good fight :heh:
Real incels are a rarity. It's just mostly retards who try and punch above their weight. Please stay in your lane if you're a 5/10 DYEL with a beach ball gut and toothpick for arms clearing >£2000 post-tax lol

I see you're still fighting the good fight :heh:
Heyyy, you’re back! What happened to your old account?

Not necessarily fighting, more like imparting pearls of wisdom lol.
Heyyy, you’re back! What happened to your old account?

Not necessarily fighting, more like imparting pearls of wisdom lol.
Nothing, took some time off to focus on work and forgot the login details lol
You know what they say about casting pearls before zoomer swine.


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