Girls back home...

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Its mostly dudes with zero prospects and pedophile adeers that go back home to look for a spouse.

Did he take her with him back to the qurba? If so then its too late he outlived his usefulness she would have disposed of him like a defunct product anyways. She probably wouldnt give 2 fucks about the divorce.

No shes still in somalia even though they been married 2 years still no child. He says he visits once or twice a year.

But hes contemplating divorce cuz a guy who lives nearby helps her buy groceries cause the shops aren’t close and this guy happens to have a car and he doesnt like that he help her soo yeahh
I believe it's the Somali guys who were rejected by the girls here in Canada that are most inclined to marry girls back home.

They're bitter at the fact that Somali girls haven't really showed them any love. So to spite them, they go out of their way to marry a girl from back home in Somalia


Marriage back-home is for people that are serious about it. I know a Canadian friend of mine that was a bad boy in his heydays
now he is a sheikh settled with a nice girl and has a baby back-home. Sometimes you have to leave the west lifestyle if it influences
you too much.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I believe it's the Somali guys who were rejected by the girls here in Canada that are most inclined to marry girls back home.

They're bitter at the fact that Somali girls haven't really showed them any love. So to spite them, they go out of their way to marry a girl from back home in Somalia

I think it depends on what kind of a man you are. If you are weak, and want to live in a fantasy life without taking responsibility, marry from back home. If you want to be a man with balls, marry the best girl here


No dictator can imprison a population forever.
There are pro's and cons on marrying in the west or in Somalia. A girl from Somalia will probably switch up on you the minute you bring her to the west. Girls in the west cant cook for shit or take care of themselves.

You may be better of with a girl back home but your mind's gotta be right and dont bring her overseas for a long while.
Guurka waa calaf. You just don't know who you'll end up with.

But girls back home aren't necessarily better than girls in qurbaha and vice versa.


Diaspora Somali women are IMHO better than the women back home in terms of value and financial contribution to the household. More Somali women from the west are educated, financially independent and share the same language, humor and interests which I think is very important for a long-term marriage. However, I'd understand Somali men preferring to marry Somali women back home because some of the women in the Diaspora have high standards that those guys simply don't meet.


closer to god we africans
or maybe some ppl just like the strict gender roles of our culture nd dont want a westernized 'do some chores warya/ my career is important /my hooyo will raise our kids' wife


Top Mali in the 6ix
I understand where some of these men are coming from.You rather marry an innocent girl from back home then some girl from Toronto with a 100+ body kill count


. . .
Marriage back-home is for people that are serious about it. I know a Canadian friend of mine that was a bad boy in his heydays
now he is a sheikh settled with a nice girl and has a baby back-home. Sometimes you have to leave the west lifestyle if it influences
you too much.
So basically he goes back home, does the deed and gets her pregnant and leaves her there to come back to the West. Sooner or later that girl is going to have enough of being used just to breed. What's the point of marriage when you're even in the same continent.


. . .
:faysalwtf:Da fuq are the guys in here smoking? Like seriously, are you retarded?

There's plenty of good girls in UK/America/Europe. Who are you to generalise and accuse females living out here of being used as the village bike when most of you guys are male s Anyways. Ain't nobody want your broke, uneducated, drug dealing ass.
Statistics show Somali females are actually doing much better education, career wise etc so don't come at us with that bullshit.
Mashallah to the sisters doing their thing:yousmart:


So basically he goes back home, does the deed and gets her pregnant and leaves her there to come back to the West. Sooner or later that girl is going to have enough of being used just to breed. What's the point of marriage when you're even in the same continent.

He lives back-home happily for 7 years, I met him in the summer. Don't rush into conclusions.


. . .
I don't have a problem with guys going home to get married but what gets on my nerves is when you disrespect and insult us out here:lawd:
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