Girls of SS so gala ( including Abdijohn, naag ka soo qaada isaga)

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Sure okay.
I don't know what u mean by that phrase and I don't think I wanna know. My period heavy like f*ck but it lasts me like three days or four at times, but PMS is two weeks. So, I'm like senile 100% of the time.
It means you're very fertile too much eggs inside of you

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Sure okay.
I don't know what u mean by that phrase and I don't think I wanna know. My period heavy like f*ck but it lasts me like three days or four at times, but PMS is two weeks. So, I'm like senile 100% of the time.

Your bloody discretion, is it dark black or reddish like soil of caabudwaaq..

If it's dark black go quickly get marry because your body is giving you warning that your eggs are expiring anytime now


Your bloody discretion, is it dark black or reddish like soil of caabudwaaq..

If it's dark black go quickly get marry because your body is giving you warning that your eggs are expiring anytime now
Brown then gradually turns red. Thanks for your appreciation in this topic btw


This a educational thread. Never knew what tampon looks like or pad (did a quick google search).
I have a serious question when a girl plug herself up with tampon does she feel sexually stimulated during the day?

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot

Menace out of all the crazy shit you can talk about, now you want us to share what type of thing we use for our periods to determine our virginity? You asshole!

When you go to your gynecologist do you call him an asshole? This is a democracy, this is what a democracy is about, to do as you desire and say as you desire and even xoolaha aad ku aastid.

You see, I don't just blur out shit bc I have a point to make.


Tampons are dangerous, you've got to know your flow perfectly before you use them or you'll dry up and end up in hospital. That's what I learned from watching an episode of Nip Tuck. But pads are like nappies and I bet they smell if you don't change them on time.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
uhhh, I see. Thank you. But, what does it mean if your boobs feels like rock solid to the point your back hurts?

This means that you're number 1 lady of the night of Somalia


Tampons are dangerous, you've got to know your flow perfectly before you use them or you'll dry up and end up in hospital. That's what I learned from watching an episode of Nip Tuck. But pads are like nappies and I bet they smell if you don't change them on time.
aren't you a dude? ala hayaay :faysalwtf::what:
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