Girls, Would You Ever ...

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If she knows she didn't consent. He took advantage of her. Bidaar needs to fix up and not be a rapist.

Bidar was out of his head too, how can he be expected to ask Brenda for consent in a situation that takes on a life of its own once senses are dulled by alcohol?

In such a scenario, it cannot be proved beyond reasonable doubt that Bidar had sex with Brenda without her consent as they were both off their head, and acting on instinct.

It would be a different case, if Bidar had taken Brenda back to his lair while she was unconscious. Even then, without video evidence or witnesses, how can it be proved beyond reasonable doubt if she has no recollection of how she ended up naked in Bidar's bed? If Brenda cannot recollect if she gave consent, tough! She should have thought twice before guzzling Prosecco like its Biyo.

Mr Wanagsan should not be charged with rape as it would go against the judicial spirit of fairness.
Hence why it’s hard to convict. Rapist get away with rape all the time...the law is on Bidaar’s side but if he is a rapist ...he is far from Wanaagsan.
Bidar was out of his head too, how can he be expected to ask Brenda for consent in a situation that takes on a life of its own once senses are dulled by alcohol?

In such a scenario, it cannot be proved beyond reasonable doubt that Bidar had sex with Brenda without her consent as they were both off their head, and acting on instinct.

It would be a different case, if Bidar had taken Brenda back to his lair while she was unconscious. Even then, without video evidence or witnesses, how can it be proved beyond reasonable doubt if she has no recollection of how she ended up naked in Bidar's bed? If Brenda cannot recollect if she gave consent, tough! She should have thought twice before guzzling Prosecco like its Biyo.

Mr Wanagsan should not be charged with rape as it would go against the judicial spirit of fairness.
Hence why it’s hard to convict. Rapist get away with rape all the time...the law is on Bidaar’s side but if he is a rapist ...he is far from Wanaagsan.


What I don't get is how she can report a rape if she's not sure if she consent or not due to being under the influence... expecially if he was also under the influence!

Now if she's under the influence and he's not that can be considered rape because he took advantage of someone whose mind is not completely there.

Hence why it’s hard to convict. Rapist get away with rape all the time...the law is on Bidaar’s side but if he is a rapist ...he is far from Wanaagsan.


On a serious note.

Western Society has to educate young girls that when they become adults, precautions must be taken when drinking in a public environment. Eff political correctness, women are more vulnerable than men when it comes to excessive alcohol consumption. Some men are predators, and would not think twice about pouncing on an insentient woman. It is a shame when common sense not is that common anymore.

Nonetheless, in rape cases, by making redundant the legal concept of 'beyond reasonable doubt', innocent men will end up going to jail. That ain't justice.
What I don't get is how she can report a rape if she's not sure if she consent or not due to being under the influence... expecially if he was also under the influence!

Now if she's under the influence and he's not that can be considered rape because he took advantage of someone whose mind is not completely there.


I addressed the points you have raised in the post previous to the one above. Without firm evidence, it is difficult to prove rape occurred.
What I don't get is how she can report a rape if she's not sure if she consent or not due to being under the influence... expecially if he was also under the influence!

Now if she's under the influence and he's not that can be considered rape because he took advantage of someone whose mind is not completely there.

@anonimo class we read about a case about this girl who knew she didn't consent because she didn't know the guy prior to meeting him at the club the night before and she knew she was too drunk to consent and in her sober mind would have never agreed to follow a stranger to a hotel alone let alone...sleep with him.
The rapist made the mistake of taking her to a hotel with security cameras and the judge was able to view a security tape showing she was completely intoxicated and falling all over the place. The video captured the rapist guiding her to the elevator....
He declared that she was too intoxicated to have consented. But convictions are very rare due to the fact that in western countries they really value personal liberty...if they are going to arrest someone and take away their has to be done with out reasonable doubt.
On a serious note.

Western Society has to educate young girls that when they become adults, precautions must be taken when drinking in a public environment. Eff political correctness, women are more vulnerable than men when it comes to excessive alcohol consumption. Some men are predators, and would not think twice about pouncing on an insentient woman. It is a shame when common sense not is that common anymore.

Nonetheless, in rape cases, by making redundant the legal concept of 'beyond reasonable doubt', innocent men will end up going to jail. That ain't justice.

Very rarely do men get convicted with rape. Look at the statistics...

Blaming the victim is never the answer. class we read about a case about this girl who knew she didn't consent because she didn't know the guy prior to meeting him at the club the night before and she knew she was too drunk to consent and in her sober mind would have never agreed to follow a stranger to a hotel alone let alone...sleep with him.
The rapist made the mistake of taking her to a hotel with security cameras and the judge was able to view a security tape showing she was completely intoxicated and falling all over the place. The video captured the rapist guiding her to the elevator....
He declared that she was too intoxicated to have consented. But convictions are very rare due to the fact that in western countries they really value personal liberty...if they are going to arrest someone and take away their has to be done with out reasonable doubt.

You won't make a good lawyer.:drakekidding:

Due to the presence of evidence, it was logical to reach such a judgement. However, without proof, who was to know if she was BS? Like I said, young women should be more careful where, and with whom they binge drink.

Very rarely do men get convicted with rape. Look at the statistics...

Blaming the victim is never the answer.

Loosening the law to make it easier to accuse men of rape with no firm evidence is not the answer.

It is also not about blaming the victim, in the real world, women should be made aware that they are at risk of rape every time that they binge drink. Common bloody sense.
You won't make a good lawyer.:drakekidding:

Due to the presence of evidence, it was logical to reach such a judgement. However, without proof, who was to know if she was BS? Like I said, young women should be more careful where, and with whom they binge drink.

Loosening the law to make it easier to accuse men of rape with no firm evidence is not the answer.

It is also not about blaming the victim, in the real world, women should be made aware that they are at risk of rape every time that they binge drink. Common bloody sense.
Tell me where the law is loosened? Telling women to be more careful when they drink does not solve or put a stop to the crime. Rapists will find other ways to rape...then you'll tell women to be careful of what they wear , to not walk alone late at night...rather than working on a creating a safer, less patriarchal, oppressive society.

P.s I hate lawyers didn't crush my dream.
Tell me where the law is loosened?

I didn't say the law has been loosened, I was arguing against getting rid of the 'reasonable doubt' concept in order to increase rape convictions.

Telling women to be more careful when they drink does not solve or put a stop to the crime. Rapists will find other ways to rape...then you'll be tell women be careful what you were, don't walk alone late at night...rather than working on a creating a safer, less patriarchal, oppressive society.

As long men and women exist in this world, rape will always occur. However, women can take some steps to give them a fighting chance of avoiding rape such as not binge drinking in certain social settings, or alone, so as not to be an easy target for the rapists in our midst.
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Yeah t if you were too drunk to not remember whether she gave you consent...that's rape. Fair and Simple. And she can take away consent half way through the act. While you are inside her...she can tell you to stop and if you don't that's rape.
How's that rape? If she gets hammered and can't remember, that's because she is a grade A . Nothing wrong with that. I love those s, but why is it my job to jog their memory? Also, what if she raped me? I've grown weak with age. A young woman can overpower me these days. Who's to say I'm not the victim of sexual exploitation baayo?
:comeon:Anonymity is not my steelo.

I idealize the ways of the praying mantis; I'd decapitate my bedmate afterwards, even if it was consensual-- let alone a lowlife rapist:stevej:.
That's brutal. But is it true the praying mantis beheads its lover? The single parent families must be off the charts in that species. No wonder there's so much teenage delinquency. I heard certain species of spiders kill the males who impregnate them. See, this proves my thesis that women are truly evil organisms. No man would do such a thing.
What I don't get is how she can report a rape if she's not sure if she consent or not due to being under the influence... expecially if he was also under the influence!

Now if she's under the influence and he's not that can be considered rape because he took advantage of someone whose mind is not completely there.

Who cares if she's under the influence? I have had so many women take advantage of me whilst I was under the influence of jaad, and some of them were horrifically ugly. I would not have slept with them for a million dollars if I was in my right mind. But you don't see me calaalcaling.

Rape means getting screwed under coercion. Not this feminist baloney about not remembering where you left your knickers.

You and Angela Davis are anti-men terrorists. You'll be dealt with by the libertarian mujahedeen.


That's brutal. But is it true the praying mantis beheads its lover? The single parent families must be off the charts in that species. No wonder there's so much teenage delinquency. I heard certain species of spiders kill the males who impregnate them. See, this proves my thesis that women are truly evil organisms. No man would do such a thing.
It's not as common as it's made out to be, but it does occur sometimes.
As for the spiders, I'm guessing you're talking about 'black widows'? It's a similar case with them as well; misunderstood by misogynist male scientists (jk). The male half of the species is just as capable of such 'evil', not to mention-- they're 'ageist' too:icon lol::

"But in the species Micaria sociabilis, males are more likely to eat the females than be eaten, a new study found. Meanwhile, age might be a dooming factor for the female Micaria sociabilis. There was a peak in reverse sexual cannibalism when males from the summer generation encountered older females from the spring generation, the researchers found. What's more, not even virginity or big body size, often considered signs of mating quality for spiders, could save the older females from male cannibalization."
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