Global Relevance of El Salvador (I think I accidentally wrote an actual essay- but insha'Allah it's informative)

Omar del Sur

this is long but insha'Allah informative. I normally wouldn't post something this long but insha'Allah this will be informative for whoever reads it.

I've talked to a lot of people from El Salvador and my family member was just there recently... and I know the salvadoreños very well. and something I tell the salvadoreños all the time is how I was watching Arabic-language Saudi news- and they were talking about El Salvador.

You might not know much about the leaders of Honduras or Nicaragua. But you know who Bukele is. Do you know who was their president before Bukele?

My point is- ppl from totally different regions are aware of El Salvador- and this is kind of odd- why do you know about them but not for example Honduras?

And everything is qadr. What happens in Central America isn't usually brought to your attention- but for some reason you know about Bukele. Why? AMLO is president of Mexico, Mexico is a superpower compared to El Salvador- but you are more familiar with Bukele than AMLO and you might not even have known who AMLO is.

Allah willed that the entire world would hear about Bukele and El Salvador. But why? Why should people of far away regions hear about them?

Before Bukele was ever president- I met the salvadoreños and I was shocked how religious they are. I noticed how deeply religious they are compared to Mexicans.

And this is the reality. In terms of race, culture, language- Mexicans and salvadoreños are pretty much the same. But as much as I hate to say it, the salvadoreños tend to be more religious than Mexicans. That isn't to say Mexicans all are irreligious (traditionally, both Mexicans and salvadoreños are deeply religious) but I'm just talking on average.

So I was aware of this beforehand. El Salvador imo has more in common with Somalia than people might think. In Somalia- from what I hear, what happened happened with the fall of Siad Barre and in the face of calamity people turned to Allah. In El Salvador, they have known violence since the 1980's (maybe very late 70's I think).

El Salvador had civil war just like Somalia had civil war. they knew extreme poverty. hardship. illiteracy. Mexico has had it tough but not like El Salvador. so in El Salvador they were deeply religious and they became I think even more religious. you might not think El Salvador is religious based on their government, officially they are secular- but the people are deeply religious Christians. Mexicans were like that but things were not so rough and Mexican society has become increasingly irreligious (although many are still religious).

so we've compared Somalia, Mexico and El Salvador

Somalia: tragedy and civil war, people turn to Allah
El Salvador: tragedy and civil war, people turn to Christianity
Mexico: relative ease, irreligion grows

but that is not the end. I believe the story is like this:

El Salvador: tragedy and civil war, people turn to Christianity... they are deeply religious... El Salvador is one of the most dangerous countries in the world... Allah sees what is in their hearts and in His Wisdom and Mercy, Allah intervenes to save the people of El Salvador from being one of the most dangerous countries to being one of the safest... and Allah willed that El Salvador (a country which is normally obscure) would become the talk of the entire world!

the secularists should hang their heads and be quiet. Allah does bless people who believe in Him, Allah does bless nations and it is all one hundred percent real and whoever doesn't know is this ignorant of the reality.

in Mexico, the nation is experiencing divine punishment.

all the defeatist secularist losers who think the way to success is becoming irreligious- they are far away from the truth. the path to victory, for individuals or for nations, is through trust and reliance in Allah. In El Salvador, the people have had deep belief and Allah has answered their distress and blessed their country. and these are mushrikeen who don't understand tawheed. Allah still blessed them. if Allah did this for a bunch of polytheistic nasaara- imagine what He could do for Muslims.

Omar del Sur


I am telling you- there is a whole spiritual dimension to what's been going on in El Salvador. There is a spiritual dimension that I want the wider world to know about it because the newspapers I think might not be properly conveying it. But it's very much real and the material facts I think are sort of a secondary thing which are preceded by the spiritual side of things.

I listened to Bukele talk to a woman who approached him and he denounced this "anti God" stuff- talking about promoting of lgbt in schools and this kind of thing. The woman brought it up, she asked him about it (I think she was a Christian activist of El Salvador) and he called it "anti God" and said he was going to shut it down. And I think it has been shut down.
Its always a pleasure to read your thoughts. You are legitimately one of the few who contribute to the consciousness of this place.

Its interesting to know your thoughts On Bukele and El Salvador, I am not familiar at all with the region and barley know much about this Bukele, other than a few recent interviews of his, I will have to think about this thread.

Do you think there is anything to him and the accusations that he is a Muslim? There was some controversy, I think during his campaign, a photo of him praying in masjid was discovered and he quickly distanced himself from it.

I wonder if it was all in the name of electioneering and that he had to distance himself, or there was some truth to it, there is also the case of his Palestinian lineage, of which is a mixture of Christian and Muslim Palestinians.

So I was aware of this beforehand. El Salvador imo has more in common with Somalia than people might think. In Somalia- from what I hear, what happened happened with the fall of Siad Barre and in the face of calamity people turned to Allah. In El Salvador, they have known violence since the 1980's (maybe very late 70's I think).

El Salvador had civil war just like Somalia had civil war. they knew extreme poverty. hardship. illiteracy. Mexico has had it tough but not like El Salvador. so in El Salvador they were deeply religious and they became I think even more religious. you might not think El Salvador is religious based on their government, officially they are secular- but the people are deeply religious Christians
Yes this was one of the things that surprised me, Bukele attested to much of this in one of his interviews I watched, he even accused MS-13 of being led by the Shataan and making human sacrifices to him.

Internet Nomad

✪͓̽W͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽t͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽r͓̽ ͓̽A͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽c͓̽✪͓̽
Bukele and his strong stance on crime shut down the leftist ideal of being soft on crime.

How often do you hear a story such as this
And westerners come across it and say I wish punishment like that was here.

People recognise when you’re dealing with evil you’re gotta be hard.

Being soft on criminals is being harsh on civilians.

Omar del Sur

before I reply to those who have commented.... one thing is they've turned El Salvador into a left-right issue.

what happened in El Salvador is like if a leader in Somalia took power and defeated Al-Shabaab.

defeating Al-Shabaab in Somalia or defeating MS-13 in El Salvador or defeating the cartels in Mexico... it shouldn't be a partisan issue.

anyone in their right mind should be able to come together and agree on fighting the khawarij/organized crime.

and I'm not criticizing @Internet Nomad for mentioning leftism/leftists in relation to this. because they are the ones who have made things a partisan issue.

leftist Latin Americans, conservative Latin Americans, Latin Americans of all different kinds of ideology- when we heard about what was happening in El Salvador, we were happy. it isn't politics. we were happy because we truly and genuinely care about the people of El Salvador.

but certain leftist elements... not all but many leftist elements... it makes me furious... it's like they look at El Salvador, have zero concern for the actual wellbeing of the people- and only look at it in terms of their nonsense false political ideology- and in terms of partisan political gain.... more concerned about their manmade ideology and political gain and uncaring about the actual wellbeing of those people who have been through a lot!

I don't think Bukele was originally supposed to be a right-wing or conservative candidate. I think his platform was rejecting both the left and right of El Salvador politics (FMLN on the left, ARENA on the right) and pushing a non-partisan anti-crime agenda. I think that was the actual original platform.

then Bukele beat the gangs. everyone in their right mind was happy about the good news- except some deranged leftists! instead of being happy like us who truly care about El Salvador and its people- they were angry because Bukele wasn't following their nonsense ideology. (and btw in Mexico, President AMLO is a soft on crime leftist and.... his approach which he called "hugs not bullets" has been a disaster... but international leftist busybodies are apparently more concerned about MS-13 members than about innocent ppl in Mexico being murdered, kidnapped, trafficked, etc).

I believe this is why nowadays Bukele has been associating with conservatives and right-wing of other countries. I think because the leftists turned against him for absolutely no legit reason and kind of forced him into the arms of the foreign right-wingers. and I don't blame him, I think he's just building alliances with foreign people and the leftists themselves made him unwelcome. ok next when I have some down time I will be responding to people insha'Allah, I'm sorry to have said this first before responding but it's just something I wanted to talk about.

Internet Nomad

✪͓̽W͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽t͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽r͓̽ ͓̽A͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽c͓̽✪͓̽
before I reply to those who have commented.... one thing is they've turned El Salvador into a left-right issue.

what happened in El Salvador is like if a leader in Somalia took power and defeated Al-Shabaab.

defeating Al-Shabaab in Somalia or defeating MS-13 in El Salvador or defeating the cartels in Mexico... it shouldn't be a partisan issue.

anyone in their right mind should be able to come together and agree on fighting the khawarij/organized crime.

and I'm not criticizing @Internet Nomad for mentioning leftism/leftists in relation to this. because they are the ones who have made things a partisan issue.

leftist Latin Americans, conservative Latin Americans, Latin Americans of all different kinds of ideology- when we heard about what was happening in El Salvador, we were happy. it isn't politics. we were happy because we truly and genuinely care about the people of El Salvador.

but certain leftist elements... not all but many leftist elements... it makes me furious... it's like they look at El Salvador, have zero concern for the actual wellbeing of the people- and only look at it in terms of their nonsense false political ideology- and in terms of partisan political gain.... more concerned about their manmade ideology and political gain and uncaring about the actual wellbeing of those people who have been through a lot!

I don't think Bukele was originally supposed to be a right-wing or conservative candidate. I think his platform was rejecting both the left and right of El Salvador politics (FMLN on the left, ARENA on the right) and pushing a non-partisan anti-crime agenda. I think that was the actual original platform.

then Bukele beat the gangs. everyone in their right mind was happy about the good news- except some deranged leftists! instead of being happy like us who truly care about El Salvador and its people- they were angry because Bukele wasn't following their nonsense ideology. (and btw in Mexico, President AMLO is a soft on crime leftist and.... his approach which he called "hugs not bullets" has been a disaster... but international leftist busybodies are apparently more concerned about MS-13 members than about innocent ppl in Mexico being murdered, kidnapped, trafficked, etc).

I believe this is why nowadays Bukele has been associating with conservatives and right-wing of other countries. I think because the leftists turned against him for absolutely no legit reason and kind of forced him into the arms of the foreign right-wingers. and I don't blame him, I think he's just building alliances with foreign people and the leftists themselves made him unwelcome. ok next when I have some down time I will be responding to people insha'Allah, I'm sorry to have said this first before responding but it's just something I wanted to talk about.
Okay the way it was described to the non-hispanic world was through the lens of right vs left. Media tends to distort things for their own audience rather then telling the story impartially. It’s good to know that the country is united under bukele.

They are an example of doing right by the people.

Omar del Sur

Its always a pleasure to read your thoughts. You are legitimately one of the few who contribute to the consciousness of this place.

Its interesting to know your thoughts On Bukele and El Salvador, I am not familiar at all with the region and barley know much about this Bukele, other than a few recent interviews of his, I will have to think about this thread.

Do you think there is anything to him and the accusations that he is a Muslim? There was some controversy, I think during his campaign, a photo of him praying in masjid was discovered and he quickly distanced himself from it.

I wonder if it was all in the name of electioneering and that he had to distance himself, or there was some truth to it, there is also the case of his Palestinian lineage, of which is a mixture of Christian and Muslim Palestinians.

Yes this was one of the things that surprised me, Bukele attested to much of this in one of his interviews I watched, he even accused MS-13 of being led by the Shataan and making human sacrifices to him.

I am not sure whether Bukele is a secret Muslim. I remember I saw an interview where they asked him about his beliefs and he gave a very Muslim-sounding answer. I think he must have had some connection with the din given those photos of him clearly praying salaah. If he is a Muslim, I think he would not reveal it because El Salvador is very Christian.

I 100% believe not only MS-13 but also the cartels are involved with satanic witchcraft rituals.

Omar del Sur

Okay the way it was described to the non-hispanic world was through the lens of right vs left. Media tends to distort things for their own audience rather then telling the story impartially. It’s good to know that the country is united under bukele.

They are an example of doing right by the people.

You got it right. They have made it into a left vs right thing whereas.... in the Spanish-speaking world... it is very different.

You say the country is united under Bukele. You have it right but the entire region is united behind Bukele. The Spanish-speaking world is united behind Bukele. If this was a Spanish-speaking forum and you were to post against Bukele, it would be like someone coming on here and unironically shilling for Ethiopia.

Bukele is a real life modern example of people versus elites. Bukele I think has played a game and made alliances with influential right-winger foreigners. But the white people English-language leftist press, the foreign imperialist forces of the NGOs, fake human rights defenders, international leftist forces are against him.

Bukele is not internationally isolated like Bolsonaro. Bolsonaro was like the Taliban or something, Russia, the US/West and China were all against him at the same time. Same with Keiko Fujimori in Peru.

I saw somebody say something like "us Africans we must shake this mindset of wanting to work with non-Africans".... I have never been to Africa and I haven't seen myself if the laws of physics work differently there.... but in Latin America... if you are an internationally isolated force you are eaten by people who DO have money, weapons support from the US, Soviets, etc.... therefore the Latin American revolutionary is very friendly with foreign powers and loves to have friends from other places because he will play them against the US or whoever it is he's against. Fidel brought in foreign support and played Soviet support against the US. General Huerta worked to have Britain and Germany back him against the US under Woodrow Wilson. Porfirio Díaz played European interests against the US (and therefore the US backed a revolution against him, they did him like Gaddafi- except Porfirio Díaz tried to avoid bloodshed and peacefully fled the country). Bukele is playing right-wing foreigners against the leftist foreigners.

That is for the international world. Within the Spanish-speaking world, the people are united behind him. Either the Latin American leftists agree with his anti-crime policies or they are too intimidated to speak against him because they know it will be unpopular. A few Latin leftists tried to criticize him and met massive backlash and opinion overwhelmingly sided with Bukele against them.

Nayyib Bukele to my knowledge is the most popular leader on this earth at this time. I think more than 90% of the votes were for him in the most recent election. When my family member was there, people had his picture in their stores and there were Nayyib Bukele t-shirts being sold. I have never in my life to my recollection seen someone wear or sell a Trump or Biden t-shirt.

If anyone believes that Bukele is some sort of El Salvador wing of the Republican party (as the the Republicans would like to have people think- they want to be associated with Bukele... and Bukele sort of goes along with it for his own strategic reasons- foreign leftists are going to be against him anyways)... that is total nonsense. 90% of the salvadoreños are Republicans? no, Bukele is not an extension of US or foreign politics, he is man of the people.

Also if you listen to the interview he did with Al Jazeera two years ago, he openly disassociates himself with both left and right and basically claims to be neither. He's not like Bolsonaro, as Bolsonaro also is more tough-on-crime but Bolsonaro is blatantly a man of rightism. Bukele is an independent who was more pushed into dealing with international rightists.

Omar del Sur

I am posting something I wrote and never posted. I didn't post it because it was too long. I apologize it is ridiculously long and I ask who doesn't want to read it to scroll past it.

It is called the Nayyib Bukele of Africa.

The Nayyib Bukele of Africa

bismillahi rahmanir raheem,

in this thread I want to talk about somebody who I think was very badly mistreated when he was alive and who I think is still not treated right by people today. (also I warned u in the title- this is long.)

His name is Tshombe and first I'd like to make a disclaimer. this thread is very likely to offend ppl- I don't want to offend ppl but just to explain my viewpoint. if i disagree, I invite you to prove me wrong. but let's not insult anyone.

ok. let me zoom out a bit. and I zoom out a lot here but this is really about Tshombe.
if we stop a random person and say "halt! name some African heroes!"
who are the African heroes? according to how things are taught, the Pantheon of Africam Heroes is: Thomas Sankara, Patrice Lumumba and Kwame Nkrumah

I'm not looking to belittle or offend anybody. But if you ask some random person to name African heroes, those are the names you'd likely hear. but how come the Mad Mullah and Abd al-Krim don't get listed with Thomas Sankara and Patrice Lumumba?

do ppl not think there may be an agenda behind the list? it's as though the message of the list is not merely to celebrate Sankara and them- but to teach people that to be an African hero they should be a radical leftist. the list is as though blm selected it.

I want to be very frank. I believe... ok as far as Abd El-Krim... it could be that he is excluded because he was Berber not black- which misrepresents Africa's diversity but anyways.... I believe the reason the Mad Mullah isn't given the same treatment as Sankara and Lumumba is because the Mad Mullah was fighting fi sabi Allah and he wasn't some radical leftist person. if the Mad Mullah had been some leftist socialist person and killed by the British, I think he'd be listed next to Sankara and Lumumba. so I think the list is manipulated to promote leftism.

Tshombe imo is also a victim of the bias in how history is taught. Bukele is a current example. The media desperately wants you to hate Bukele. He's not allowed to be portrayed as a hero because he's not some socialist leftist person. you can find plenty of foreign (in this context- not Latin American) media willing to sell you stories of Latin leftists from Che to Evo Morales being saints.... but a man who genuinely has the people behind him.... the media hates his guts because he's not pushing the kind of ideology they want. I saw a 1980's documentary from some big US news outlet... I think CBS... where they painted the Communist Sandinista guerrillas as good guys... so the media will support communists but... Bukele?! oh, no... not Bukele... Bolsonaro is kind of similar. he said some genuinely racist things and he is an evil zionist guy, no doubt... but he was actually fighting Western cultural marxism. in their own way, Bolsonaro and his supporters were resisting cultural imperialism and rightly trying to stop cultural Marxism from being imported into Brazil. he was an evil guy, though, I'm not denying that.


Tshombe literally was forced to fight against the UN. Tshombe went against Lumumba. Lumumba was pushing black nationalist socialist type stuff. from what I understand it went like this....

Lumumba takes power, has black nationalist slash socialist policies.... white Belgians are removed from technical type positions.... to my understanding, the problem is that the native Congolese have not yet been trained to take over the positions... so removing the whites from certain technical positions... I think leads to trouble... and then the socialist policies.... the socialist policies lead to problems economically... so I know Lumumba is seemingly universally portrayed as a saint... but Tshombe saw things differently... he doesn't agree with Lumumba, he leads the Katanga region of the Congo in declaring independence.... now what?
the UN jumps in. they send in white Irish soldiers (many of whom are racist) to invade Katanga.
I'm not out to disrespect Sankara-Lumumba-Nkrumah. but personally I admire Tshombe more than any of them. the man was being forced to fight an invasion from the United Nations. from what I understand- in Katanga, Tshombe is letting the white people stay on in certain positions. Malcolm X called him an Uncle Tom. I'm not attacking Malcolm X but I disagree. To my understanding, Tshombe was in no way an "uncle tom"- it is that he wanted the whites to stay on in certain technical positions until he could get the Katangans trained for the spots. and also there was this different mindset of Africans and whites living in harmony rather than conflict. and Tshombe was following regular free market capitalist economics and getting good results.

this is why I say Tshombe imho is the Nayyib Bukele of Africa. wallahi to my understanding... Katanga was doing very well compared to Lumumbaist Congo because of Tshombe's policies.... from what I understand, Katanga was on its way to being an African success story...
but why was Katanga not allowed to succeed? because they were advancing but not along the path that foreign leftists thought they should follow so the UN decided Katanga had to be destroyed. that is what happened.

how many people talk about "Black Wall Street"? many ppl talk about "Black Wall Street" but how many know about Katanga? if Black Wall Street deserves to be remembered, doesn't Katanga's struggle against UN invasion deserve to be remembered as well?

anyways, El Salvador and Katanga are the same story. the leftists don't truly care about your well-being, they will want to stop you from succeeding if you are not following the kind of ideology they want you to follow.

sadly, Katanga's story is much sadder than El Salvador's. leftist BUSYBODIES are outraged that El Salvador went from one of the most dangerous countries in the world to one of the safest. they would be happier if El Salvador was like Haiti! meanwhile us who truly care about the salvadoreños- us their fellow Latin Americans, we are overwhelmingly cheering for Bukele and for El Salvador. the foreign imperialist leftist forces get so mad that Bukele doesn't take orders from them- they don't feel our pain when it comes to things like my relative in Mexico being "disappeared". They don't feel outrage over innocent, honest Latin Americans being victimized by gangs and cartels but they want to defend the criminals when Latin people do what's necessary.
Katanga is the same story but sadly the leftist busybodies of the world managed to actually invade and destroy Katanga by force.

now that poor Tshombe and his struggle are gone... they build monuments to who they like but they completely leave buried the story of Tshombe and Katanga... as a true anti-imperialist, however, I never forget.
I am not sure whether Bukele is a secret Muslim. I remember I saw an interview where they asked him about his beliefs and he gave a very Muslim-sounding answer. I think he must have had some connection with the din given those photos of him clearly praying salaah. If he is a Muslim, I think he would not reveal it because El Salvador is very Christian.
There is propably nothing to it, and may just be the countries media kicking up dust.
In any case, I am happy for El Salvador. They have suffered for a long time and it surely must be a watershed momment for them. I pray that they continue to grow and heal from this point on.

I 100% believe not only MS-13 but also the cartels are involved with satanic witchcraft rituals.
If you too are certain of this, this is troubling. Most people, myself included are of the opinion that they were just oppurtunists who found themselves in gang terf wars.
sadly, Katanga's story is much sadder than El Salvador's. leftist BUSYBODIES are outraged that El Salvador went from one of the most dangerous countries in the world to one of the safest. they would be happier if El Salvador was like Haiti!
I think the reason why the prevailing liberal societies and especially its singular media class are really irked (in reality, troubled) by El Salvador is that, Bekele proved that punitive punishment works, incarceration works. That crime and punishment are not relics of the Victorian/Napoleonic eras but viable mechanisms of a modern society.

That idea that all it takes to bring a state from total chaos or a state of nature, is a strong central government that through sheer force imprisons malignant, bad actors of its populace is very troubling to them.

That criminality is actually not that complicated of a problem that needs completely new approach to it, such as psychoanalyst, replacing community councillors with the police force, the decimalising and legalising of drugs, the instituting of prostitution, so on and so on, until you have civilised and socialised the very act of criminality, to make the act, no more different than cycling. Then the problem would be solved, for there are no criminals.

Bukele modelled for the world at large, that the old model works just fine and its the only viable model for poor countries.

Omar del Sur

If you too are certain of this, this is troubling. Most people, myself included are of the opinion that they were just oppurtunists who found themselves in gang terf wars.

yes I am convinced of it and it is common knowledge amongst Latin Americans that the cartels and them are involved in satanic rituals.... I found this just as an example but we already know this kind of thing is going on... this lady they caught her offering human hearts to la santa muerte

"Michelle Angelica Pineda, aka “La Chely," was wanted in Mexico for allegedly leading an ultra-violent gang crew that cut out the hearts from the dismembered bodies of its victims as offerings to La Santa Muerte, FBI and Chihuahua state officials said."


