GOG MAGOG - "The Guardian Protectors of City of London" Parades

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Because it is clearly an ad hoc and you don't have an Islamic text to support the ridiculous reason why yajuuj and majuuj haven't been found yet despite their huge numbers

Gotta love the literalists :drakekidding::mjkkk:
If Allah created man then it's easy for him to hide this from they eyes of humans.
Allahu aclam, the Dajjalic system and the cinstant symbolyism in mainstream western society suggests we are already in the end time phase.

Theres one hole in your theory @Inquisitive_ and that is the fact that if Gog and Magog were already here why would they suddenly be equipped with arrows and cause havoc when Nabi Isse returns to slay Dajjal? He even seeks safety with the few believers remaining at Mount Sinai? I believe correct me if Im wrong. Allah will massacre them with a worm like disease.

It seems like the floodgates open then

No contractions there, the Romans tried to kill Jesus before (thought they killed him) and ransacked the entire city, who is to say they won't again come ? (this time being the spawns of Gog/Magog)

Allahu Aclam but my theory is that they will likely view him as the Anti Christ (Christian elements), they will be shocked when they realise he doesn't look like them and in fact looks like the people they look down upon instead, imagine what these racists horded will do?

The arrows likely symbolism like the description of Air-planes using Donkey or Dajjal riding a 'flying Donkey', keep in mind the vision is being explained to a people in ways they can understand in their contemporary time but we know today its symbolic language and it's referring to air-planes.

The arrows they shoot into the sky they already did to an extend again symbolic language, look up operation "fish bowl", they sent 100's of Nuclear missiles (both Soviets/Americans) into the upper atmosphere.

They are developing supersonic ICMB's now, who is to say they won't do this again with superior technology? I personally believe they did operation fish bowl after discovering we are in a dome enclosure and they tried to break through.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Very interesting and you maybe right, horta what is the relationship with Satan and Dajjal?

Also there's a hadith about Dajjal presenting a fake jannah and fake naar. The duped kaafirs will jump into naar believing it is jannah and vice versa for the believers

Is this also symbolic??

What I find most interesting is how the hadith states that every messenger warned his people (more then 220.000 as per hadith record) about explicitly the "fitnah" of Dajjal which linguistically means the 'liar'.

We know it's a strong sunnah to read the Dua seeking refuge from his Fitnah just before the end of our payers and some scholars held the view that this was 'fard' and the Salah would be incomplete without it.

Think about this for a moment, there is a reason Allah the most high has commanded all of his messengers (more then 220.000), to explicitly warn their nations about the fitnah of "dajjal" even tough we know he will only come physically during the end of times!

There is a reason to this and we know from sunnah such a command from our Lord is not in vain, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) informed us something specific not afforded to the other nations that (he will be one-eyed).

We can take this literally and symbolically at the same time, the one-eye occultic symbolism had been around since ancient Egypt centred around the Pyramids, today it's on the dollar bill, Hollywood, entertainment, sport etc. it's virtually everywhere, hence why every messenger warned his nation against this, we see the manifestations of all the lies today by the occultic masonic devil worshippers.

The hadith his first day like a year, second day like a month, third day like a week and the rest of the days like our days (physical appearance in our realm) begins to make sense.

Referring to his ruler ship over the world (Pax Britannica, Americana, Judiaca ) hence on the last stage comes his physical appearance were he will rule in person.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj will not come before Nabi Ciise (AS) descends to the earth and kills ad-Dajjal after that. For every one of the Muslim Ummah that has ever existed, Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj will be 999x that number.
Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj will not come before Nabi Ciise (AS) descends to the earth and kills ad-Dajjal after that. For every one of the Muslim Ummah that has ever existed, Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj will be 999x that number.

There is no evidence in neither the Quran or Hadith to support this position. I used to hold this position because it was a common view because no one really understood it.

Even Ibn Taymiyyah and his students thought the Mongols were Gog/Magog, you had Indian scholars like Iqbal and a few others whom believed they had been released and the hadith supports this if you read my posts I have touched upon this.

I have yet to to read a refutation, the 999 out of 1000 being Gog/Magog doesn't make sense if you take it literally, we know Christians/Pagans/Jews will go to hell including Munafiq Muslims and sinners not forgiven by Allah including likely those who abandon prayers, it makes no sense that all 999 will be Gog/Magog

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
There is no evidence in neither the Quran or Hadith to support this position. I used to hold this position because it was a common view because no one really understood it.

Even Ibn Taymiyyah and his students thought the Mongols were Gog/Magog, you had Indian scholars like Iqbal and a few others whom believed they had been released and the hadith supports this if you read my posts I have touched upon this.

I have yet to to read a refutation, the 999 out of 1000 being Gog/Magog doesn't make sense if you take it literally, we know Christians/Pagans/Jews will go to hell including Munafiq Muslims and sinners not forgiven by Allah including likely those who abandon prayers, it makes no sense that all 999 will be Gog/Magog
"Allah divided mankind into ten parts. Nine tenths constitute Ya'juj and Ma'juj while the remaining one tenth constitutes the rest of mankind."

"They will pass by a river and drink from it, until they leave nothing behind, and the last of them will follow in their footsteps and one of them will say: ‘There was once water in this place.’ They will prevail over the earth, then their leader will say: ‘These are the people of the earth, and we have finished them off. Now let us fight the people of heaven!’ Then one of them will throw his spear towards the sky, and it will come back down smeared with blood. And they will say: ‘We have killed the people of heaven.’ While they are like that, Allah will send a worm like the worm that is found in the noses of sheep, which will penetrate their necks and they will die like locusts, one on top of another. In the morning the Muslims will not hear any sound from them, and they will say: ‘Who will sell his soul for the sake of Allah and see what they are doing?’ A man will go down, having prepared himself to be killed by them, and he will find them dead, so he will call out to them: ‘Be of good cheer, for your enemy is dead!’ Then the people will come out and let their flocks loose, but they will not have anything to graze on except their flesh, and they will become very fat as if they were grazing on the best vegetation they ever found.'”

From these ahadeeth is shows that:

1) They are far more numerous than the rest of mankind, only Allah knows how.
2) Their numbers will be so much that they'll turn rivers dry when they drink from it.
3) When Allah kills them all, the animals will have nowhere to graze on except their flesh showing that their numbers aren't a symbolic or metaphorical.
4) These people are primitive people, they were described as not even being able to speak properly and the idea that they built this technologically advanced civiliation we are living in is just ludicrous.

Also, many of the minor signs haven't even passed yet (such as Arabia turning green) and the appearance of Ya'juj & Ma'juj is a major sign that will certainly not be doubted.

Khalid Hussein

بسم الله الرحمن الر حيم
Maybe there's a spiritual dimension to this....

Seeing that the British Empire largely brought about change around the world and was committing oppression in the form of ethnic cleansing, one of the trademarks of Gog and Magog in the Quran is them being Mufsideen, perpetrator of fasad.
Gig and Magog are on this earth but they are hidden from Everyman and animal. Gig an jmagog are going to come and destroy everything even they shoot arrows and think they killed the people of the sky. But the muslims will make dua and Allah will a worms that will kill them

Khalid Hussein

بسم الله الرحمن الر حيم
There is no evidence in neither the Quran or Hadith to support this position. I used to hold this position because it was a common view because no one really understood it.

Even Ibn Taymiyyah and his students thought the Mongols were Gog/Magog, you had Indian scholars like Iqbal and a few others whom believed they had been released and the hadith supports this if you read my posts I have touched upon this.

I have yet to to read a refutation, the 999 out of 1000 being Gog/Magog doesn't make sense if you take it literally, we know Christians/Pagans/Jews will go to hell including Munafiq Muslims and sinners not forgiven by Allah including likely those who abandon prayers, it makes no sense that all 999 will be Gog/Magog
Gig and Magog is going to come after dajjal. Prophet Jesus will be on the earth after dajjal

Khalid Hussein

بسم الله الرحمن الر حيم
There is no evidence in neither the Quran or Hadith to support this position. I used to hold this position because it was a common view because no one really understood it.

Even Ibn Taymiyyah and his students thought the Mongols were Gog/Magog, you had Indian scholars like Iqbal and a few others whom believed they had been released and the hadith supports this if you read my posts I have touched upon this.

I have yet to to read a refutation, the 999 out of 1000 being Gog/Magog doesn't make sense if you take it literally, we know Christians/Pagans/Jews will go to hell including Munafiq Muslims and sinners not forgiven by Allah including likely those who abandon prayers, it makes no sense that all 999 will be Gog/Magog
The ones who follow Moses and the followers of the messiah and all of the prophet will go to paradise so as the largest nation who follows prophet Muhammad will go paradise. That a lot.

The mongols are related to the gog and Magog because they came from Japheth or yafith. Japeth is the father of all Turkic people. This is from Ibn kathir.

Gog and Magog will so much it is unimaginable. Only Allah knows best
Interesting that again I come across this "Gog, Magog" Secret protectors of the City of London, from a long fascinating article from "Veteran today" on the Khazarian Mafia (KM) , it's the most read site by Veteran's/Top Army people.

I recommend this very long article to understand the infighting going on very deep within the military industrial complex, the best piece I have read.

Here is the extract mentioning "Gog Magog being the protectors of London" the Rothschild Mafia's entire History in Depth

A secret name for these KM Chieftains which run much of the world out of the City of London is Gog and Magog, despite what so many historians believe is the secret name of Russia which it is not. It is the secret name of the top KM, and apparently represents where they originally came from

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