Gonna hit 33 next month I feel this is when I officially expire xD


Because 25 still has a bit left before reaching perfection which is early 30s.
Isn’t the beginning of physical and biological decline in men in their 30s? This is when muscle deterioration sarcopenia, begins, and testosterone levels start to decrease. The 20s are your true peak years.
Isn’t the beginning of physical and biological decline in men in their 30s? This is when muscle deterioration sarcopenia, begins, and testosterone levels start to decrease. The 20s are your true peak years.
It’s down hill from there
Isn’t the beginning of physical and biological decline in men in their 30s? This is when muscle deterioration sarcopenia, begins, and testosterone levels start to decrease. The 20s are your true peak years.
Depends how you define peak. A Gymnasts for example will hit their peak at 18-19 as that’s when they are still able to do those monkey stuff that requires you to be flexible. After that age they become useless. Every age has its peak depending on what you are looking at.

18 year old has higher testosterone than a 25 year old but it doesn’t mean that an 18 year old is at his peak. Peak of sperm “motility” which is how fast a sperm can swim is highest in men in their early 20s but sperm “quality” hits its peak at 30-35. Sperm starts to deteriorate after 35.

Here is the study with over 6k participants

Physical decline starts somewhere after 32 hence why the age of Jannah is 33 which is 32 in solars years we use.
I am a year older, and I've noticed that, Alhamdulilah I'm still swift on foot like a horse, sharp of mind and quick with the hands; so say Alhamdulilah that we're not 'that' old yet.
As far as marriage goes, remember if you take care of yourself, you can have kids later, that is, to say, get your/our lives together first. Imam Ahmad Hanbal didn't have a kid until 40, he was busy seeking Ilma. I have a friend who just had his first son at the age of 42. InshaaAllaah we'll get there if Allaah wills.
What's the holdup, sxb. What is it that holds you back with women?

You don't owe me an explanation by the way. I'm just curious.

It's fine. I just don't want to be tied to one person 24/7 and their nagging and whining. It sounds awful to me.

It’s okay unc we’re all headed there if we’re lucky. On a serious note alxamdulilah you’ve made it this far and may allah grant you many more years of happiness and success ameen.


The most important question..did the BidaarReaper come to collect his due ?? 🤣

I'm on finasteride so it's not as bad as it would normally be. I've been growing it out as well

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Early 30’s is the physical and mental peak for both genders. Young, strong and healthy, but also mature.

Even though people try to convince women, that our peak is 18 :mjlol:

Women peaking in their 30s is western feminist BS. Nor is it for men
Hit the gym, sort out your diet, have a good skincare routine, sort out whatever bidaar situation you've got going on dress well. You'll be fine abti. Attracting women in their early 20s is like shooting fish in a barrel at this point wallahi. Guys their own age can't think their way out of a paper bag and are generally plagued with weird insecurities. She-zoomer stocks are at an all time low:hemad: