Good times.

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Your superior
That's true but to the point that you run the enemy of your country (64 war,77 war) and get trained and paid by their Ethiopian government and use their country as base to attack your own country!!!! That thing only says a lot. The Muslim brotherhood in Egypt and Tunisia fought their governments for years but the never took money or army from Israel.

siyaad was the biggest threat to the somali race. If his plans came through he would've wiped out all isaaq and hawiye and took their lands .


Your superior
@Canuck are you denying your clan benefited most from siyaad. he literally took wealth and land from other clans and gave it to you.
siyaad was the biggest threat to the somali race. If his plans came through he would've wiped out all isaaq and hawiye and took their lands .
And leave the country empty. Our population at 1991 was 5 millions. If he killed half the population of country, who will work and build the nation?


Your superior
And leave the country empty. Our population at 1991 was 5 millions. If he killed half the population of country, who will work and build the nation?

he was planning to settle ogaden in isaaq regions. his plan for Mogadishu was to clean hawiye which is why USC and SNM joined together as well as most other clans.


Your superior
Haha which clan the MJ that he poisoned their wells or Warsangali that had to run out of the country?

MJ were later brought into the fold. Morgan came into his closest circle and mj fought for him in 1991. He never did anything to warsengeli
MJ were later brought into the fold. Morgan came into his closest circle and mj fought for him in 1991. He never did anything to warsengeli
He put them Warsangali in prisons they were very educated and had to leave the country
This is saado calis attack against afweyne government

Saado cali - " Dadki gobanimo dhadhaliyey, miyaa dhulka lagu xumeeyay(Did the (government) really destroy the land of The people(Isaaq) who gave birth to somalinimo and unity) "

"Dhamaan reer waqooyi aaawey, maxaa odayadi kadhirifay, Haweenki maxaa dhameeyey. maxaa dhalinyarodi laayey, dhalanki maxaan uweyney?" (Where are the ppl of waqooyi, what provoked their elders? Why were their women exterminated? Who killed all the teenagers? How many babies are missing..)

Imo siyad should have assassinated them. A lot of people seem to hate dictators but honestly they are good for the country. Look at Gaddafi, during his dictatorship, life in Libya for a Libyan was good. So what if they keep the power and take money? They have the countries interests at heart. They are better than today's politicians that are willing to sell out Somali girls as maids for money.

They were traitors who went to their 600 years enemy and got trained, money weapons and military base to attack their own country. Even after siad barre was gone why they didn't try to build the country? No because they are on Ethiopia 's payroll and their job was to destroy Somalia not to build it.


Your superior
They were traitors who went to their 600 years enemy and got trained, money weapons and military base to attack their own country. Even after siad barre was gone why they didn't try to build the country? No because they are on Ethiopia 's payroll and their job was to destroy Somalia not to build it.

lol siyaad was a traitor.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
They were traitors who went to their 600 years enemy and got trained, money weapons and military base to attack their own country. Even after siad barre was gone why they didn't try to build the country? No because they are on Ethiopia 's payroll and their job was to destroy Somalia not to build it.
Illahay naarta siyaad barre haku foogayo inqaar qaboha amiin dheh
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