#Goonicide Dude Offs Himself After Video Of Him Gooning To Waitresses Goes Viral


🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
Why was this nacas naked in the first place

Sexual deviant. I knew a pizza delivery woman who told me she would have two repeat customers who either jerked off at the front door and be told to leave the pizza and take the cash on the table and another woman who would shake her ass and have the same instructions.
Sexual deviant. I knew a pizza delivery woman who told me she would have two repeat customers who either jerked off at the front door and be told to leave the pizza and take the cash on the table and another woman who would shake her ass and have the same instructions.
Well that lowers my empathy for him abit, horrible for all his relatives who lost a loved one tho, RIP.

Internet Nomad



~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
So he frequented a coffee shop called Bikini Beans. Is Bikini 👙 Beans 🫘 the Hooters🦉of the coffee ☕️ world 🌎?

Also, their business model uses slogans of female empowerment and sex appeal to sell coffee as though it's the Player's Club. All that is missing is a garter and cash dispenser.

America is crazy, and there are so many sexually depraved nimaan out there. This was bound to occur.


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
Poor kid imagine asking ur mom “Hooyo what happened to dad?” And she’s like “oh baby he killed himself after he got caught whacking it to fast food workers.”

But fr tho what was the play tho he had his pants fully down only a blind person wouldn’t notice. He would’ve prolly gotten away and busted his nut if he put a blanket on his lap and did his business under it.
This is disguising and an indicator of the degeneracy of America. Why on earth do they have sexualized food spots like Hooters and these coffee places? They use women like exploitative objects to summon dog like men who can’t contain themselves. A sexualized society that showcase women in this way produces these nutcases.

Bring back modesty, ban prn, ban these pathetic sexualized restaurants that make money from men’s pathetic lust.
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The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
This is disguising and an indicator of the degeneracy of America. Why on earth do they have sexualized food spots like Hooters and these coffee places? They use women like exploitative objects to summon dog like men who can’t contain themselves. A sexualized society that showcase women in this way produces these nutcases.

Bring back modesty, ban prn, ban these pathetic sexualized restaurants that make money from men’s pathetic lust.
I don’t think that will happen in the west especially in America everyone alive has taken the Hollywood kool-aid and most states won’t ban corn the ones that do will simply see a rise in VPN sales or a case in the Supreme Court

The sexual revolution in 60s caused this way to late to turn back the clock if your seriously upset just move to a Muslim developed nation like Oman


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
This is disguising and an indicator of the degeneracy of America. Why on earth do they have sexualized food spots like Hooters and these coffee places? They use women like exploitative objects to summon dog like men who can’t contain themselves. A sexualized society that showcase women in this way produces these nutcases.

Bring back modesty, ban prn, ban these pathetic sexualized restaurants that make money from men’s pathetic lust.
These places exist because theirs a supply and demand these women need jobs but the only skills they have are their body and the men are horny and have money that they wanna spend to see ass and titties it’s a simple equation.


Isn't it easier to bust a nut on Onlyfans or ? This guy is gonna be committing suicide every day in jahannam just for this stupid shit.


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
Isn't it easier to bust a nut on Onlyfans or ? This guy is gonna be committing suicide every day in jahannam just for this stupid shit.
It’s a fetish it turns him on when there’s an element of risk the fear of possibly getting caught makes the orgasm more intense for him. Once he got caught and saw the consequences of his actions he realized how pathetic he is and ended his life on the spot.