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Can someone tell me if these words are loaned or authentic afsomali

ansax v. be valid, legal ~ legitimate .
ansax vl. n. legality, validity
ansixi v. legalize, validate


Can someone tell me if these words are loaned or authentic afsomali

ansax v. be valid, legal ~ legitimate .
ansax vl. n. legality, validity
ansixi v. legalize, validate
Probably modification of imported صَحَّ meaning "to be healthy, to be in order, to be strong, to be correct, to be faultless, to be unblemished, to be unshakable, to be permissible, to be true"
But i might be wrong
Probably modification of imported صَحَّ meaning "to be healthy, to be in order, to be strong, to be correct, to be faultless, to be unblemished, to be unshakable, to be permissible, to be true"
But i might be wrong

This is the response I got from r/learnafsomali

"I always thought this word was a loan word. But after some research it may actually be a native somali word. First here's the definitions. ansax¹ m.l 1. A. ah.: wax diinta ama sharciga waafaqsan. 2. ld ansixid. ansax² f.mg1 (-xay, -xday; -sixi) Wax diinta iyo sharciga waafaqsan noqosho. ansaxin m.dh (qaan.) Ansixin heshiis qoraal ah ama dukumenti oo la siinayo caddeyn saxiixid ah, oo aad sameysay mid rasmi ah.

When I transliterated the word the arabic meaning was advise or recommend. Which is different from the meaning it has in somali. Another thing it may come from the word sax meaning correct or valid in some contexts. All in all it may or not be a loan word."