Governor Tesfeye of Ismaamulka Isaaqland commands to arrest Coldoon

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Same shit different toilet as far as I am concerned Mudane Waraabe.

I will be using Hutu/Faqash interchangeably. I do not care enough to differentiate between scum.
Abdikarim the ethiopian dog already lost by one pic

Go back to somnet where the murtad mod and his buddhist gayfriend protects u

Ethiopian dog? Who are you refering to Hutu boy?

somnet is well covered by members of the Saadat nation.
I am here to spread the glory of the Saadat nation here.

Still catching feelings from the Buddhist monk I see. I can imagine why, he is very eloquent
in expressing the utter contempt he has for the Faqash/Hutu nation.

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