/gq/ - General Questions that dont deserve their own thread

This is a container thread for simple questions that dont deserver their own thread.

If you have a question, that you feel, will propably not find an answer for it on Google, Yandex etc etc. You can ask it here.

Better here, than randomly derailing threads with basic questions.
Imao, I dont even know what it is yet, just a found a thread, in which @Periplus said the following:
FKD is probably one of the most classless, rachet, ignorant, stupid, backward and mentally colonised past time I’ve heard of.

It makes sense that most of the Somalis that partake in it are from the UK or continental Europe.

Says a lot.

I will keep your warning and the above in mind as I look into it.

Internet Nomad

I wish there was a glossary for clan abbreviations and organisations as i would read these 2-3 letters abbreviations and don’t know who tf they are talking about.
Why do some somali people hate the icu? I don't know much about them but online it said that xamar was most stable and safe after the civil war during their time.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Why do some somali people hate the icu? I don't know much about them but online it said that xamar was most stable and safe after the civil war during their time.
Ooga booga ICU are x rival clan warlords
Angry Gorilla GIF


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
I wish there was a glossary for clan abbreviations and organisations as i would read these 2-3 letters abbreviations and don’t know who tf they are talking about.
Its great learning them all, Id rather not have a official list cause then youre gonna have a lot more impersonators and liars


EritreanPost 🇪🇷🇩🇯🇸🇴🇸🇩🇪🇬 |Eritrean news blogger
Why do some somali people hate the icu? I don't know much about them but online it said that xamar was most stable and safe after the civil war during their time.
Because of Qabil issues. Let me break the ice @CABDULWALI XASAN.

ICU was dominated by Hawy Somalis from Mogadishu whereas the TFG by Daroods from Puntland.

During the Somali civil war (I wish it never took place), Somalis from the ICU fought against Siad military government. Siads gov was dominated by Darood Somalis and ICU by Hawy Somalis.

After the 1990s, after the US intervened in Somalia, the ICU fought against pro American war lords. And local Hawys from
Mogadishu also fought againsh the US army (during black hawk down), because of the US war crimes in Mogadishu.

TFG got back from Ethiopia since 2003, Ethiopia was battling Itihad Al Islamiya and ONLF.

In 2006 ICU took over Mogadishu, and US ordered the TPLF led Ethiopian army to invade Somalia and to topple the ICU gov.

ICU had a lot of support in Xamar, they wanted to unite somalia based of
Islam, they promoted Somali nationalism, banned drugs, private gun owner ship and fought crime. ICU also wanted to reach out to Somaliland and reconcile with SL.

But then Ethiopian troops rolled into
Mogadishu (Iraq war style) and toppled the ICU. TFG took control and Al shabab was given a lifeline and took over most of the turf the ICU used to control.

ICU was disbanded, fled to Eritrea formed the Alliance of the re-liberation of Somalia led by Sheikh Sharif. ARS opposed the Ethiopian presence and opposed Al


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