There was a higher Arabian (identity-based) gene flow into North Africa than some populations like Lebanese, for example. We also have to consider that small infrequent of the DNA footprint can be Punic, and the Arabian peoples were not pristine but admixed with Levantines as well. So overall, I don't think it is correct to say that Arabization did not come with Arabian-identifying, genetically Southwest Asian, with possibly Levantine secondary structure (or vice versa). There was a mixing of people to a certain extent. And then you have actually highly Arabian higher frequency in some tribes in North Africa, of course.That admixture is overstated; the vast majority of the Maghreb is still genetically indistinguishable from classical times. The Arabs successfully Arabized the Maghreb and Egypt, but the population remains unchanged in genetic terms.
@Periplus and OP want us to be some rabid arabphobic people despite Arabs (Arabian Peninsula) being the closest people to us culturally outside the HOA.A Yemeni is far closer to me than some Igbo from Nigeria getting beat up by Berbers and Spaniards in Northern Africa
U stay getting attacked when ur neutral on most topics.Whenever have I ever been Arabphobic?