Great Firewall

Internet Nomad

Is china's great firewall one of the best ideas they have ever come up with? A free and open internet might have become the unforeseen Achilles' heel of liberal democracies. Elon Musk purchase and total corruption of the discourse in America and the bots that filled all social media sites have shown how vulnerable democracy is to malicious forces weather domestic or international. Democracy relies upon the average voter being in touch with reality however algorithms have pushed people into fear mongering echo chambers constantly radicalizing them by regurgitating footage of their political enemies doing whatever triggers them the most.

How will democracy survive in the post truth world where context can be fabricated? Will they have to censor and heavily monitor the internet in which they will abandon their former principles of privacy and free speech becoming the thing they wish to destroy? Or will not adjust with the wave and crash?

Internet Nomad

Another problem is old media like CNN, FOX and BBC have biases but they have some level of accountability and fact checking. New media on the other hand has little of both and the incentives to be first is far more hyper-competitive in the social media sphere.


The truth seeker

Get Rich or Die Tryin'
It’s an amazing thing nations need to protect there culture and protect there people from western filth it also allowed the chinise to develop there own technological giants there now the sole rival to the US

Free and open internet is the Achilles heel of the globalist liberal system they have to maintain control of the narrative you see this with the UKs new “online safety laws ” and Germanys hate speech units digital currency , digital ID , forced watching of propaganda like the television show adolescence, etc or Justin in Canada freezing bank accounts for protesting this is all done to prevent the masses from waking up western world is becoming shit hole


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