Great news, Somali’s can now apply for an Italian visa for higher education directly from Mogadishu


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
this is what a capital should be
A place where you come to for opportunities

Somalis from all over the country will flock there to grab this opportunity


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
We want travel visa :mjcry:
Yes our current one is xar. They think we all AS
this is what a capital should be
A place where you come to for opportunities

Somalis from all over the country will flock there to grab this opportunity
Xamar has always been that, it’s time it reclaims its purpose. If the other embassies follow suit, Somali’s will be in a good position.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
This is the same matter but a different topic, HSM owned university gets some backing. Hormuud needs this aswell.


A Laandheere always pays his debts
Someone should do a thread on Somali universities/students and exchange programmes. That is where our best & brightest would find the opportunity to leave (and then inevitably return). There is no sharaf in taahriib. But there is sharaf & ilbaxnimo in seeking education abroad, tacliinta wa hormur. I may create something like this if I get time, a website/service dedicated to exchange programme. Probably in honour of Xassan Cali Mire (Xassan Cali Mire international scholarship service, along those lines). Bringing Sharaf back to Somali nation.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Someone should do a thread on Somali universities/students and exchange programmes. That is where our best & brightest would find the opportunity to leave (and then inevitably return). There is no sharaf in taahriib. But there is sharaf & ilbaxnimo in seeking education abroad, tacliinta wa hormur. I may create something like this if I get time, a website/service dedicated to exchange programme. Probably in honour of Xassan Cali Mire (Xassan Cali Mire international scholarship service, along those lines). Bringing Sharaf back to Somali nation.
There probably is something like that, a mega thread for education opportunities in Somalia is needed here, haven’t seen any myself, they all just fall under the “development” section.

If our secondary schools provided scholarships that would be the last piece to the puzzle. Does this xassan cali more institute still run and does it have more info I can catch up on?
Someone should do a thread on Somali universities/students and exchange programmes. That is where our best & brightest would find the opportunity to leave (and then inevitably return). There is no sharaf in taahriib. But there is sharaf & ilbaxnimo in seeking education abroad, tacliinta wa hormur. I may create something like this if I get time, a website/service dedicated to exchange programme. Probably in honour of Xassan Cali Mire (Xassan Cali Mire international scholarship service, along those lines). Bringing Sharaf back to Somali nation.
Didn’t the University of Toronto have a program years ago with a school in PL where they accepted Pl degrees? Thought I read that somewhere. The problem is, if you stay in Som and get a degree, where are you going to find a job? It’s hard enough to do that in the west. Some people have mentioned skilled trades for Somalia and I completely agree. Somalia would be much better off with thousands of people who can build homes, install electricity, repair roads, put in plumbing, build furniture, industrial goods, etc etc. Currently we have none of that and those are some of the most lucrative careers in the west. Our people are averse to getting their hands dirty.


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