Greater Israel Explained: The Israeli Plan to Conquer the Arab World (Somalia ties into this i'll explain)

Pay close attention to what he says at @11:35 , basically goes in on the false narrative of the middle east (Somalia is connected to this)

He says:
The Cartoonish caricature of ''The Middle East'' as a region that is hopelessly condemned to thousand year old ethnic and religious conflict is one of the greatest lies that's ever been perpetuated in the post 9-11 era. This narrative that convinced millions of people that turmoil and conflict were intrinsic parts of Arab society concealed the reality that these were really intrinsic parts of British and French colonial strategy and U.S world domination.

Apparently he says that 80% of Arabs across all lines in the region voted for Pan-Arab state called ''Greater Syria''

The map of what it would have looked like.

@Galool @EritreanPost_ @Abdisamad @Aurelian
Not only is Somalia connected to this, (Contrary to what seccessionists claim) Greater Somalia (Al-Soomalyaah) was a country long expressed by Somali Sheikhs and was expressed by all Somalis and defined to the world outside. So the idea of political fractured identity is not real for us either. As it was not for Arab as well who expressed a Pan-Arab political identity.
I’ll add onto this, the Dervish ambassador to the Ottomans even laid out the borders of the traditional Somali territories describing that it reaches as far south as Mogadishu and as far west as the borders of Al-Habasha (around Harar) & has always been independent.

And Somali local leaders across regional lines introduced themselves as the ''Emir of Somalis':
I’ll add onto this, when the Sultans corresponded with foreigners outside of the Somali peninsula, the Sultans would style themselves as the “Emir of Somalis” as shown when the Majeerteen Sultan wrote letters to the Arab Sultan of Ras Khaimah or when the Ajuran Sultan Olol Dinle dealt with the Italians. It’s been shown that although the Somali peninsula was ruled by many different Sultanates, Emirates, or Sheikhdoms, when it came to dealing with international powers they came under a common identity and nation.

The concept of a greater united political and cultural geography inhabited by the Somali people can even be taken back to the 13th century Somali Scholar Fakr Ad-Din Al-Zayla in his description of the ''Land of Zayla'' )

''Its the country opposite of Yemen on the upper reaches of the red sea and what is connected to it from the Indian Ocean, its a country called in Egypt and Levant as the Land of Zayla''

This ties into this all ties into this next part at @8:17 in the video where he shows Isreal's plot called ''The Directions'' in which their aim is to exploit the various sectarian divisions in Arab countries as they did in Lebanon, in a larger strategy to fracture the Arab world.

This is the same thing that Ethiopia tried to with Somalia by exploiting our various regional/clan differences in a grander scheme to fracture Somali society

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I read what you wrote. I don't doubt that there is an Ethiopian conspiracy against Somalis, as it is in their best interest, along with other groups that benefit from a weaker Somalia. However, I'm still trying to understand how Somalia is connected to the Greater Israel Project.
I read what you wrote. I don't doubt that there is an Ethiopian conspiracy against Somalis, as it is in their best interest, along with other groups that benefit from a weaker Somalia. However, I'm still trying to understand how Somalia is connected to the Greater Israel Project.
Somalis are included among Arabs. I know many will hate and downvote this due to immature emotionality, but these are the facts.
I read what you wrote. I don't doubt that there is an Ethiopian conspiracy against Somalis, as it is in their best interest, along with other groups that benefit from a weaker Somalia. However, I'm still trying to understand how Somalia is connected to the Greater Israel Project.

I remember reading documents about this Greater Israel dream that the Israelis wrote about in the 80s.

They believed that the only way it could be accomplished was by engineering the balkanization of neighbouring arab countries along sectarian lines. For example, Syria, Iraq, Sudan and even Egypt. Why? Because as small mini-states they would no longer pose a threat to the existence of Israel and their dreams of becoming the new ruling powerhouse in the middle east.

So how does that involve Somalia? Well we are a muslim nation situated along the red sea a vital strategic area for Israel. Just look at what the Houthis are imagine a strong Somali state with a navy that could put pressure on Israel by blocking their access to the red sea?

Even though Somalia is not mentioned in the papers, i believe no doubt that in inner Israeli circles they genuinely wish for the red sea and horn of Africa to come under Ethiopia who they see as a friendly nation. I also believe they had a part to play in the MOU signed between Somaliland and Ethiopia.

Its not about Israel vs Arabs. Rather, Israel sees any strong muslim state in the Middle east as a threat to its existence.
I read what you wrote. I don't doubt that there is an Ethiopian conspiracy against Somalis, as it is in their best interest to have a weaker Somalia. However, I'm still trying to understand how Somalia is connected to the Greater Israel Project.

I'll explain in this next part. That Ethiopia is a political regional arm of Isreal that attempt to replicate the same thing with Somalia as Isreal have done with Arabs and they are helping eachother to weaken/fracture the larger Arab/Muslim world.

This ties into this all ties into this next part at @8:17 in the video where he shows Isreal's plot called ''The Directions'' in which their aim is to exploit the various sectarian divisions in Arab countries as they did in Lebanon, in a larger strategy to fracture the Arab world.

This is the same thing that Ethiopia tried to with Somalia by exploiting our various regional/clan differences in a grander scheme to fracture Somali society

It is also important to note that Isreal and Ethiopia shared with eachother a common cause and a common identity: Isreal backed Ethiopia in their war with Somalia in 1977 and in 1964.

The CIA wrote the following: “𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘌𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘰𝘱𝘪𝘢'𝘴 𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘢𝘯 𝘳𝘶𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘐𝘴𝘳𝘢𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘢𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘧𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘔𝘶𝘴𝘭𝘪𝘮 𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘪𝘳𝘤𝘭𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘤𝘵''


Isreal w was even urging the United States to back Ethiopia.

More info on this thread:

Ethiopia also borrowed schemes from Isreal to replicate Gaza situation on Ogaden: And make Ogaden into the new Palestine

A qoute from Ethiopian officials and military personels:

To this very day they exchange techniques and support eachother:

Even their sudden push to claim the red sea is connected to Isreal expansion and control
of this against Muslims, as soon as the war in Gaza and Axis of Resistance resumed:
It is. That is why Ethiopia started claiming they need to protect the Red Sea and need control there, it is to "protect it" against Muslims for Israel and their kuffar alliance.

Same with their ploy in Egypt in Ethiopias dam project is an attempt to weaken regional Muslim power and they get funded by Isreal.
They do not want Muslims to have any strong military or independence so it was inevitable. It is in their interest of self preservation to resist this.

They will come for the Egyptian military too eventually. They are the ones who funded and helped Ethiopia build its dam to weaken Egypt. They want the Muslim world to be weak and further divided so that no one rises in the future that could fight them.
Somalis are included among Arabs. I know many will hate and downvote this due to immature emotionality, but these are the facts.

We are politically, economically, culturally and religiously connected to the Middle Eastern/Arab world and thats how the world sees us.

We are also seen us the vanguards of Islam in the region and a threat to their Christianity and secularism. A united strong and developed Somalia would limit their reach and influence in that strategic region.

Somalis are deluded if they buy into Pan-Africanism and Pan-Horner ideology. Except for Eritrea . Ethiopia is a hostile anti-Islam territorial expanionist nation and other African countries are colonial stooges who see us as Arab infiltrationists and worship Ethiopia.

Ethiopias anti-Islam genocidal leanings is blatant in our modern times, its not part of some bygone medieval era crusade: It will never change as we see now with Abyi Ahmed
But historically they really collectively hated Muslims and were plotting to wipe them out of existence any given chance they got.

Habesha Christians hate Habesha Muslims and even Oromo christians strongly despise Muslim Oromo's, its deeply embeded idealogy.

''There was the strongest hate from the Christian side towards the Muslims''

''Somali supported the Muslims and Haile Selassie supported the Christians''


Same even during the Derg, a column from 1987 documenting interviews by Ethiopian Muslim refugees in Somalia : Their Christian Church Patriarchs would issue decrees to destroy the Muslims. ''Korans destroyed, koranic schools closed, prayers forbidden, and mosqes destroyed. Their materials were desecrated by the army who used them to construct state buildings

Ethiopia: 'Destroy the Muslims'

And other African countries supported Ethiopia against us on the diplomatic front as well in 1977 and 1964. Only Muslim middle eastern/Muslim nations supported us.




Somalis should understand the geo-political situation they were born into and make pragmatic decisions, its not about preventing making enemies or getting people to like you. We don't have to be friends with anyone.

Isreal, United States, Iran and China have plenty of enemies do you think they give a crap? They are invested in protecting and expanding their interests. and protecting their countries sovereignty. They ally strategically with those who share the same interests.

We have traitor politicians saying ''Ethiopia waa walaalkeeni'' and unilaterally join ''East African community''. Do you see the United States claim that Iran is their brother? or vice versa? Do you see Norway with its marine resources and economic protection clause join the European Union? They also try to limit foreign influence into their countries affairs.

If Somalis fully grasped the situation they were born into and their geo-political and economic history their positions and actions will be made more clear to them.
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Great thread sister jazakAllah khayr! I was just reading your posts on another thread and thanking you for your work on it. You explain things much better then I ever could!

Somalia is not unique, the struggle and weakness of the last couple of centuries is because of the fall of the Muslim world and its subjugation to the hostile west.

You are best in sharing the history of it all, you can see how they systematically empowered the ethiopians against us not just by distorting history but expanding their reach against us, then they turned to the next phase to stoke divisions. I would argue we have been quite difficult for them and their designs and they have struggled in achieving their goals.

Look at nearly every region of the Muslim world and you will see the same story, look at the Muslims of the subcontinent, how they have been weakened and divided. How they empower the hindus against them and how close they are allied with the west and zionists.

It is a kuffar alliance against Islam/Muslims.

You will notice this is all an extension of history. For centuries the weak and delusional ethiopians were the agressors making threats on our land and even threatening to dam the nile to weaken the Muslims. They have been empowered today by the west/zionists but even then, they are weaker, more divided, genocide each other constantly, they always lose in combat against us despite the upper hand they have, and they are less productive then us. So they have struggled.

Nothing really is new.
O you who have believed, do not take as intimates those other than yourselves [i.e., believers], for they will not spare you [any] ruin. They wish you would have hardship. Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is greater. We have certainly made clear to you the signs, if you will use reason.

Here you are loving them but they are not loving you, while you believe in the Scripture - all of it. And when they meet you, they say, "We believe." But when they are alone, they bite their fingertips at you in rage. Say, "Die in your rage. Indeed, Allāh is Knowing of that within the breasts."

If good touches you, it distresses them; but if harm strikes you, they rejoice at it. And if you are patient and fear Allāh, their plot will not harm you at all. Indeed, Allāh is encompassing of what they do. 3:118-120
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Insane stuff. Replace Isreal with Ethiopia and replace the agreement Isreal undertook with Britain in exchange to be granted Palestine with the Anglo-Ethiopian agreement and the rest fits dead on with our case.

Makes me certain that Isreal was directing Ethiopia's actions on the foreign policy front against Somalia and Egypt, through their various advisors they sent to them.

What he said towards the end is so poignant:

''The struggle against zionism it's not simply about defending the Palestinians, rather it's about regaining the power and the unity that was stripped from Muslims with the fall of the Ottoman Caliphate'
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''How to weaken our enemies. We have these regional enemies, .. the plan is that we have to create as much internal conflict as possible. We need to exacerbate sectarianism basically. Lets say the Sunni side is getting to strong, lets arm/fund the Shia side, We see the shia getting too strung we'll fund the Sunni side'''
''As long as they are fighting eachother, they are not going to have time for us, they are going destroy eachother. We don't have to worry about it''

At least they realize it's an external ploy and it's a driven by proxies, the division in the Arab/Muslim world.

Somalis are stuck believing that the division in our society is something inherent to us, its always been like this and we are dad qabiliste iyo anarchist iyo wax qasan camal ah.

The greatest con ever.
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At least they realize it's an external ploy and it's a driven by proxies, the division in the Arab/Muslim world.

Somalis are stuck believing that the division in our society is something inherent to us, its always been like this and we are dad qabiliste iyo anarchist iyo wax qasan camal ah.

The greatest con ever.

That is the greatest issue with Somalis, many, not all, genuinely believe this has nothing to do with the outside world and is a problem caused by us. Of course there are puppets, but to understand how to fix the situation we have to know what is really going on and understand what is happening with the world.

The propaganda has worked on some but it can be reversed. It just takes some people like yourself sharing these informative posts. The Sheikhs understand the issue and have been speaking on it as well.

Good thing is information spreads fast amongst Somalis. So they will understand.

Also keep in mind there is a lot of cyber warfare going on in the world so there are agents who pretend to be Somali who will propagate that it is Somalis and Muslims and their religion that is the issue and to liberalize and abandon religion and the divide further will be the solution. That is there job, they are not all Somalis. Keep that in mind.

People have to be clear about their beliefs and goals so as to not be manipulated so easily.
@Idilinaa you will notice a lot of zionist propaganda accounts now openly disparaging Somalia and praising Somaliland along with Ethiopia and the UAE. It is just another clear indication that it was always a zionist plan. Ethiopia and UAE are client states of Israel. They do its dirty work.

The biggest known zionists propaganda accounts are all of a sudden all promoting dividing Somalia. The balkanization in Somalia and all Muslim countries was always created and maintained by the zionists/west.

Expect to see a lot more of this propaganda.
Ethiopia is being directed by the UAE which is directed by israel/zionists. All over the Muslim world UAE is the front for the zionists to attack and dismantle every Muslim country.

It is called the yinon plan. Even after dismantling the Khilafah and creating nation states in its place the nation states itself became a problem for them and the idea is to further divide every Muslim country into smaller weaker useless states that could never pose a threat.

Since the news of the Egyptian troops the UAE based arab zionist media accounts have been activated. Egypt is obviously acting in its own interest which aligns with ours along with Turkey.

Expect more propaganda out of the UAE (really israeli zionists) upset their plan is threatened.

Throughout all of history, it has never been the habesha that are a threat but it has always been their masters propping them up to attack Muslims.

This Amjad character is one of the most vile arab zionist accounts out of the UAE (a govt bot).


israel through its proxy uae wants control of the red sea. Egypt does not want ethiopia on the red sea as it puts them in danger, that is why they are in Somalia. Turkey also does not want uae/israel axis to gain control either. That is all this is.

Ultimately, their designs will not work which is why they are lashing out online. I hope you all start to understand who is pushing dismembering Somalia and see who it benefits and who it harms. It is a project to weaken Muslims and benefit the enemies of Islam and Muslims. Similar projects have been and are being carried out in most Muslim countries.

Anyone aligned and supporting this should know they are carrying out zionist projects to weaken and control the Muslim world which will be to your loss in this world and the next.
Even the gaalo habesh are catching on. How can a Muslim happily support zionist designs? There are Isaaqs thanking him in the replies and quotes and gaalo are suspicious about it.

The fact that there has been no serious push back in SL against Edna Aden appearing on Israeli TV and their closeness with UAE (Israel in reality) is shocking. It is different to all of Somaliweyne.


