Greater Somalia Was Possible

Lord of Warshiekh

Friend of a Selected few, The Rt.Hon.
Oh no I kind of noticed that already I was just correcting your mistake.

Some of the users have gone beyond weaboos and have become wehraboos. Clarification for those who don't know what it is.

history or alternate history fan who is firmly entrenched in the belief that Nazi Germany's Wehrmacht was the best military in history, without a single flaw. Effectively, a Wehraboo is any obsessive Wehrmacht fanboy/fangirl who doesn't like historical facts getting in the way of his militaristic fantasies. While not necessarily, many Wehraboos can become Nazi apologists. The cliché of German Techwank can be a common fetish for many Wehraboos.

Lookin' at you here @Lord of Warshiekh
Also, I acknowledge the failures, War crimes, and the technological weaknesses (some aspects) of the Wehrmacht.

I respect any commander I believe deserves respect: this includes Genghis Khan, Khalid Ibn Walid, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, the Iron Duke, Mehmed the Conqueror, Hannibal, Caesar, and Scipio.

Just because you may have seen 1 thread about my admiration of the success of the German people, it doesn’t mean I am a full supporter of every single action by them. I condemn the Nazis like any person, and I have even exposed their lies about ‘purity and Arianism’.

Delete your retarded and reckless post before I report you for lying about me


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Wait? Why was this thread put into Qashin? Unfair.

Oh shi- I just realized this is about WW1 so I deleted my post. Germany was screwed by Yahuud in WW1 and betrayed. The treaty of Versailles was a huge humiliation for them. The Rothschild backked Allies were instrumental in destroying the German currency and reducing it to peanuts, we all know the German response.


If anything them fighting each other in ww1 and ww2 was the best thing that happened to former colonies as it meant they were weaker and home and couldn't afford to stay in africa or the middle east anymore.

If germany wanted to help the dervish, then they would have armed us so we could take down british aircraft, but they didn't because needless to say they didn't value african affairs.


Certified Liin Distributor
If anything them fighting each other in ww1 and ww2 was the best thing that happened to former colonies as it meant they were weaker and home and couldn't afford to stay in africa or the middle east anymore.

If germany wanted to help the dervish, then they would have armed us so we could take down british aircraft, but they didn't because needless to say they didn't value african affairs.
They didn't have the capacity to arm us and they spent the little resources they did have fighting a massive guerilla war in their colony of Tanzania and were able to continue fighting until news of the armistice reached them.


If anything them fighting each other in ww1 and ww2 was the best thing that happened to former colonies as it meant they were weaker and home and couldn't afford to stay in africa or the middle east anymore.

If germany wanted to help the dervish, then they would have armed us so we could take down british aircraft, but they didn't because needless to say they didn't value african affairs.
german actually did arm the dervish, there was a german engineer making automatics weapon for sayyids men.
even the ottoman gave there support to the dervish, they even called sayyid the emir of somalia


german actually did arm the dervish, there was a german engineer making automatics weapon for sayyids men.
even the ottoman gave there support to the dervish, they even called sayyid the emir of somalia
Damn. I still don't know with the germans. We don't know their true intentions and how they would have felt about somalis and after having won the war and defeated the allies. Perhaps they would have renegaded and attacked the ottomans and later us.


Damn. I still don't know with the germans. We don't know their true intentions and how they would have felt about somalis and after having won the war and defeated the allies. Perhaps they would have renegaded and attacked the ottomans and later us.
this what kaiser wilhelm said a
after his stay in costantinopel
“My personal feeling in leaving the holy city was that I felt profoundly ashamed before the Moslems and that if I had come there without any Religion at all, I certainly would have turned Mahommetan!”


german dervish relations.png
anyways here proof of the german mechanic called emil kirsch who helped the dervish fight against british.


I was told Somali teams gathered and drug the stones on camel skins; and that the architect was a Yemeni paid by the Ottomans. What I didn't know was that the masons were also Yemenis.....
dude chill out it's one sentence from book goes over modern somali overal.
Imagine wishing nazis won the world war :susp:

I don’t know what they are teaching you young ones at school but throw the whole education system away.

WW1 darling not WW2, inf act if germany won in 1918 Hitler would not come to power, the Germans were really screwed with massive reparations, taxes, industries forced to close etc and land given away


👾pʅɹoʍ pǝʇɐʅǝxᴉd ɐ uᴉ ƃuᴉʌᴉʅ👾
It was never possible. With tribalism other tribes are seen as different ethnicities so there is no united Somali people.


It was never possible. With tribalism other tribes are seen as different ethnicities so there is no united Somali people.
maybe now but never?
if it's never possible why do kenyans scaremonger about somali politicians having ''dual loyalty''or tplf hunting down somalis oficials in ethiopia who have ''the greater somali outlook''

However, in the past few years the federal government spearheaded the criminalisation of the Greater Somalia Outlook and the removal of former officials of Somalia from positions of authority. The feeling in Addis Ababa that the SNRS became politically unstable and suffered from chronic corruption because of bad influences brought by former officials of Somalia contributed to this move.24 Moreover, both the tataki and the civil service used the criminalisation of those who worked in Somalia in order to consolidate their role in the region. In fact, some accuse the tataki of aggressively pursuing this agenda so that some of their competitors in the regional government would be out of service.25 After the criminalisation of the Greater Somalia Outlook, Ethiopian Somalis who worked for the government of Somalia as military and intelligence officers, cadres of the then ruling party of Somalia and diplomats were prohibited membership at the SPDP and from assuming political positions in the region (Andinet 2004: 13). As a result, many officials who were accused of working for the Somalia government lost their positions. Within the SNRS, this decision appeared to be divisive and remains unpopular (Samatar 2004: 1147). Moreover, the decision to outlaw those who worked for the government of Somalia was applied selectively. For instance, some informants allege such top officials of the region as Mohamoud Drir26 and Abdulrashid Dulane27 who were at the forefront of criminalising the Greater Somalia Outlook, were themselves involved in it.28 Critics within the region also underline that the decision made to isolate those who worked for the former Somalia government was not only an illegal infringement on the citizenship rights of the concerned individuals but also divided the people of the region.29


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