Grown ass men watching anime.

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I get what your trying to say but you don't really know shit about anime. Your under the assumption that all anime is a bunch of indhoyar s with big ass eyes going on fruity adventures. But there's a wide variety of anime. Some are extmerly dark and have lots of gore, bet your ass couldn't stomach 1 episode of some of these. There's a lot of anime that cover very mature themes.

I don't get the hate on the animation aspect either. Shows like Archer, Family guy and Archer are extremely popular... lmao the funny thing is I don't even f*ck with anime but I've watched some really good anime movies that were very dark and gorey ( I'm a huge horror fan )
You've seen the light brother
I thought the same thing but when my cousin introduced Attack on Titan to me two summers ago I have been hooked. :drakewow:

I'm only interested in 2-D girls now. :banderas:

You have seen the light

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
nah honestly i grew out of anime since gundam seed, dbz and death note since grade 9 high school i just focused on sports i lost passion in watching cartoon since robot chicken on teletoon lmao
so you have a problem with men who watch Japanese animation, but wouldn't mind a man who watches an american animation, like The Simpsons...

This place is really slow minded


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Waa yaab Horta ghost maxa weeye the biggest culprit, what grown ass man would have a cartoon as their avatar.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
so you have a problem with men who watch Japanese animation, but wouldn't mind a man who watches an american animation, like The Simpsons...

This place is really slow minded
A cartoon is a cartoon bradar American Iska dhaaf ee Sri Lankan hata ha noqdo waa wada isku mid.
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