The truth seeker
Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
Europe is in economic and millitary decline they have lost influence over there colonies in Africa and Asia (How they got rich )and are dependent on america which is a death sentence in this era of strategic competitionYes he's cornered them can't wait for trump to start his presidency to see what moves he makes around that region most likely we might see an American expansion with little resistance from Canada and Europe.
The United States under Biden expanded its EEZ and now has the largest in the world the arctic and pacific are where power is located this century and europe outside of Denmark has been shut out of both
These people prioritized regulation and creating a welfare state over economic growth like how many European companies do you know or are on the world wide top 10 (only ones on the list are American, Chinese and a Saudi state sponsored aramco ) There immigration and aging population is a ticking time bomb the lazy natives will soon realize nothing good lasts forever .
East Asias economies surpassed Europes in 90s and America is now part of the pacific cooperation group which does not have a single European country involved .