Gucci Mane 1017 rapper Lil Wop comes out as gay

Hiphoo starting to be open now AAs are the most gay community
puke GIF
Wow “lil wop” what a very creative artistic name that sounds pretty suitable for a recording artist, wow what a fine upstanding American citizen indeed, a true pillar of society. :trumpsmirk:
I thought 1017 was supposed to be a gangster label. I think a rapper got dropped coz of snitching yet this is the type of stuff they do behind the scenes. Aint no such thing as a bisexual man. It's either you a or not. There is no in between.
propaganda at its finest. They really trynna push this gay agenda

Nalaaye floxks

Life is like a sandwich, the bread comes first💰💯
Wow “lil wop” what a very creative artistic name that sounds pretty suitable for a recording artist, wow what a fine upstanding American citizen indeed, a true pillar of society. :trumpsmirk:
1017 is a walking L since they dropped coach da ghost, what’s crazy is that 1017 signed him because of that song and now they wanna drop him because of the same song that you got him in:pachah1:

