Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Maaliyada Hiiraan announces he’ll be handing over the revenue of Hiiraan to Hirshabelle to create a unified Hirshabelle maaliyad


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
Your “customs” are located right outside of Beledweyne?🤣View attachment 268679You can double tax trucks that are going or leaving Beledweyne but we wouldn’t lose any sleep over it and the drivers of said trucks are your own people anyways🤣

also, do you think liqliiqato bridge in beledweyne is one way street? GJ will tax your ass too and I doubt you want to officially turn Beledweyne into another Gaalkacyo!:pachah1:

You’re really acting like you run shit in Beledweyne but you don’t. There’s a reason the gudoomiye of Beledweyne is GJ samoow😆

There’s a reason Xawaadle are scared of this cooperation between Cayr and GJ in Hiran. The majority are finally awaking to this dulmi from the minority :rejoice:

Mudane Guudlawe has the full support of both HG districts in Hiiran. Hiiraab and Gugundhabe cooperation is the answer to Xawaadle dowladdiid.

Their malnourished “general” xuud realized the hiiran state they used to run around with wasn’t going to be a reality without the support of other major stockholders in hiiran (GJ & HG) and now we will remind them again.
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Guul imbow!! The real reer hiiraan have finally stood up. I welcome this new change in Hiiran politics, make sure to include our uncles Ciise mudulood in the Beledweyne pie.

Hiraab and Gugundhabe:salute::salute:
If Gaaljecel are IDPs in Hiiran then explain to me how they hold just about as many positions as Xawaadle in Hiiran and Hirshabelle?🤣 Walle you’re as delusional as they come! GJ have just as many MPs in Hirshabelle and just as many positions if not more in Hiiran as Xawaadle. They’re your Gudoomiye in Beledweyne, show some respect.

As for “chasing my crazy adeer”, you should be grateful you only fought against Cismaan caato and few of his loyalist SNA fighters. We wouldn’t be hearing about Xawaadle today if you got the attention of Aideed and USC, ya laangaabow🤣
The Mayor of Beledweyne is Xawaadle, my subclan has always held that position since the birth of the somali state in 1960.

Don’t worry, Your crazy adeers little salbalaar Government was crushed in Hiiraan and his kin evicted. Your only good at hiding behind IDPs to provoke XL today 😂
If Gaaljecel are IDPs in Hiiran then explain to me how they hold just about as many positions as Xawaadle in Hiiran and Hirshabelle?🤣 Walle you’re as delusional as they come! GJ have just as many MPs in Hirshabelle and just as many positions if not more in Hiiran as Xawaadle. They’re your Gudoomiye in Beledweyne, show some respect.

Simple answer is we allow them those positions and this is where the problem stems from. GJ are abused in every corner of the country except Hiiraan and they take it foregranted. When HG were expelled from Hiiraan in the 90s, Xawaadle were about to do a number on GJ if the XL Ugaas did not stop the impending massacre.
The Mayor of Beledweyne is Xawaadle, my subclan has always held that position since the birth of the somali state in 1960.

Don’t worry, Your crazy adeers little salbalaar Government was crushed in Hiiraan and his kin evicted. Your only good at hiding behind IDPs to provoke XL today 😂
Baladweyne and dawlada hoose are run by the mayor/Duqa magaalada not the DC for baadiyaha galbeedka 🤣🤣
Simple answer is we allow them those positions and this is where the problem stems from. GJ are abused in every corner of the country except Hiiraan and they take it foregranted. When HG were expelled from Hiiraan in the 90s, Xawaadle were about to do a number on GJ if the XL Ugaas did not stop the impending massacre.
Ugaas Khaliif AUN is the reason they are here today. We should have finished them they would have respected us like how they respect Shanta Caleemo and Reer Cabdille. Today they are just a tool that Shabaab use against us and Hiraab. Waa in laga taqluusa.
The Mayor of Beledweyne is Xawaadle, my subclan has always held that position since the birth of the somali state in 1960.

Don’t worry, Your crazy adeers little salbalaar Government was crushed in Hiiraan and his kin evicted. Your only good at hiding behind IDPs to provoke XL today 😂
The mayor of Beledweyne is indeed Xawaadle but you do know who he takes orders from, right?🤣

Mudane Cismaan Dhicisow Dhuubow is the District commissioner of Beledweyne as whole and your Xawaadle mayor comes under him😆

We don’t need to hide behind anyone in Hiiran our position is clear. HG and GJ just have shared interests in Hiiran.
Simple answer is we allow them those positions and this is where the problem stems from. GJ are abused in every corner of the country except Hiiraan and they take it foregranted. When HG were expelled from Hiiraan in the 90s, Xawaadle were about to do a number on GJ if the XL Ugaas did not stop the impending massacre.
Stop fabricating lies. GJ got those positions because Beledweyne and hiiran are theirs just as much as it’s Hawadle’s. Xawaadle know they can’t antagonize GJ or Beledweyne will be split into two like Gaalkacyo😆

Also @Macawisley I forgot to address this earlier
You can clearly see how these iljeex kids were acting on here… they have isir neceeb against our clan.
if these iljeex folks hate a clan, they hate MJ and XL the most.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black🤣

You and this 50 y/o man-child can’t go a day without making a thread crying about HG and showing your hatred but we’re the ones with the hatred and isir naceeyb? Fck off🤣
Guul imbow!! The real reer hiiraan have finally stood up. I welcome this new change in Hiiran politics, make sure to include our uncles Ciise mudulood in the Beledweyne pie.

Hiraab and Gugundhabe:salute::salute:
Inshallah imbow😆

We will quell laangaabs isbaaro against HS’s state building. Bi’itnillah.
Guul imbow!! The real reer hiiraan have finally stood up. I welcome this new change in Hiiran politics, make sure to include our uncles Ciise mudulood in the Beledweyne pie.

Hiraab and Gugundhabe:salute::salute:
kkkkk Halyeey Cali Jeyte not just he finished Al Shabaaab but he also finished the labaxo udeejeen who created Jawiil in 2005 on condition to be unarmed like we gave eng cadawto leave jawiil within 24 hours and he did. As a good clan with Culture we dont target masaakinta among us but we have smart policy and that is to move next to them and outnumber them. This is what we dud to Udeejeen who wanted to have degmo in the middle of us. We established Feerfeer Somalia the main district that jawiil will be under it and then we settled between kalabayrka. You see that mountain in the middle? Its called Sariiraale we built ceel and baraago in it and our nomads have started settling it. This will be new jawiil xaafad in the middle of kalabayr. We have army in kalabayr abd customs no single udeejeen is employed this led their youth to go to Xamar and we are marrying their girls 🤣🤣

Mark my words there wont be jawiil in 5 years it will be known as feerfeer and sariiraale.








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Adeer, leave Gaaljecel alone they r not Hawiye and were in Jowhar before Abgaal and Hawadle. In Xamar they dont allow them shit. Daahir jeesow and most gaaljecel are pro Daarood let them hala qaraabtaan mx. In Kismaayo they joined Daarood wallahi like Ahmed Adan now Bahgareen Osman maxamuud.

Gaaljecel are harmless clan waa naga daba hadlaan so they can get shit at our EXPANSE like Jowhar conference they got 6 seats and HG 5 because of Hawadle boycotting it they got 12 to keep them away from us. Whenever there is a problem with xl and hiraab they go to idaacadaha to get some thing out of this but you will never hear xl and Gaaljecel fighting it happened only in Jowhar after Maxamed dheere used them. These kids think after the luberation if qoraxsin it will hurt xl when it will cause a war between jijeele and gaaljecel. Have you seen jijeele meetings with hawadle now bc of Gaaljecel. Another baaducade girl was attacking daahir jeesow for claiming galbeedka . بأسهم بينهم شديد

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Waxaan arkaa in Xildhibaanada 𝐆𝐚𝐚𝐥𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐥 ayba is lahee siiyeen Galbeed Hirshabelle oo maalin walba 24saac Tvyada la taagan anagaa ka masuul ah Galbeedka Hirshabelle in badan waan ka xishooday laakiin waxaan arkay ineysan xishooneynin.

Maalin hore ayaan arkayay Kaladire oo u jawaabayo wiilasha 𝐁𝐚𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞 oo dhahaayo dhuusa geel ur iyo caraf midna malahan taas oo ka micna ah 𝐁𝐚𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞 B&T ma ahan saaka waxaan arkayay Jeesow oo asna Galbeedka bararaq la soo taagan.

Hadii Galbeedka Hirshabelle aa Gaaljecelow dagantihiin kaligiin waa leysku joogaa Qaladka ugu weyn waxaa iskaleh 𝐁𝐚𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞 iyo 𝐉𝐢𝐣𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐞 oo dadkaan aan xishooneynin dadnimo u dugsanaayo.

Bal wakaasaaye 𝐆𝐚𝐚𝐥𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐥ow 𝐁𝐚𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞 la'aantiis inaa ka maarantaan aan aragno waa leysku fadhiyaa waryaada anagaa nooga timaadeen Galbeedka Hirshabelle waxaan 𝐁𝐚𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞 iyo 𝐉𝐢𝐣𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐞 raali ka eheena walaahi ineydan sameen karin waaba is mahdiseene kawarama.

galbeedka Shabaab aa isku heesa kadib xl ay u soo kala dhuumanayaan 🤣🤣
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Everything you right is shuban and delusional. We and Gaaljecel have nothing against each other. In fact in Xamar Gaaljecel live with us and when you blocked the roads going through to Dhusamareb back when you were being cleansed from Xamar by HG and just before Aato roled up in Beledweyne we used Gaaljecel route. We’ve been allies in JL and HS in the past. Gaaljecel hadaad iska celi kartid iska celi. But making up some delusion that it’s in their best interest that you rule Hiiraan :mjlol:

Of the guys you posted like Aadan and Jeesow they both support this. Here’s jeesoow calling jeyte a eastern Hiiraan Governor and saying he should give over taxes and doesn’t have any interest in liberating Western Hiiraan

And here’s Aadan support for this


Also imagine threatening to collect custom taxes at beledwyene and thinking this is a win.

For starters this will be recognised as isbaaro as it won’t be accepted by Hirshabelle. Second you’d be taxing your own goods twice as customs would be taxed at the Hiiraan and Galgaduud border again as goods leave for Galmudug or come in from there. So good luck with trading with the North
Everything you right is shuban and delusional. We and Gaaljecel have nothing against each other. In fact in Xamar Gaaljecel live with us and when you blocked the roads going through to Dhusamareb back when you were being cleansed from Xamar by HG and just before Aato roled up in Beledweyne we used Gaaljecel route. We’ve been allies in JL and HS in the past. Gaaljecel hadaad iska celi kartid iska celi. But making up some delusion that it’s in their best interest that you rule Hiiraan :mjlol:

Of the guys you posted like Aadan and Jeesow they both support this. Here’s jeesoow calling jeyte a eastern Hiiraan Governor and saying he should give over taxes and doesn’t have any interest in liberating Western Hiiraan

And here’s Aadan support for this View attachment 268713View attachment 268716
View attachment 268717

Also imagine threatening to collect custom taxes at beledwyene and thinking this is a win.

For starters this will be recognised as isbaaro as it won’t be accepted by Hirshabelle. Second you’d be taxing your own goods twice as customs would be taxed at the Hiiraan and Galgaduud border again as goods leave for Galmudug or come in from there. So good luck with trading with the North
explain to me iljeex boy how can you use "Gaaljecel route" in Hiiraan? Even if you go through Ethiopia you will need to go beyond qalaafe and Shilaabo what keeps you away from shabelle is the Hawadle and OG wall between Shilaabo and mustahil you can't go through feerfeer district wich is Hawadle.

Guudlaawe seems to be doing the job Waare and Cosoble failed at, mudane build a unified and fair state iA. And Guul beesha Gugundhabe for speaking up for your rights in this new HS waa loo simanyahay. More Development and projects to West Hiiraan iA.
Guudlaawe seems to be doing the job Waare and Cosoble failed at, mudane build a unified and fair state iA. And Guul beesha Gugundhabe for speaking up for your rights in this new HS waa loo simanyahay. More Development and projects to West Hiiraan iA.
This is the president of Hiiraan State until royal Hawadle family restores back Hirshabelle within this year and kicks out the squatter Abgaal. We have one customs now in our Xawaadle Kalabayr 😎


Our new settlments in the other side of the mountain in the middle of Kalabay

See the same mountain jeyte has finished Jawiil 🤣🤣🤣
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Guudlaawe seems to be doing the job Waare and Cosoble failed at, mudane build a unified and fair state iA. And Guul beesha Gugundhabe for speaking up for your rights in this new HS waa loo simanyahay. More Development and projects to West Hiiraan iA.

Guudlaawe failed too he was VP for both of them and now him and Dabageed failed. Jug jug meeshada joog waaye.

Guudlaawe failed too he was VP for both of them and now him and Dabageed failed. Jug jug meeshada joog waaye.
ninkaad kabahaada ka toloneysid kabihiisaa la fiiriyaa. What have they done with Jowhar taxes? No service at all no roads nothing. They dont have bank and auditor like us the money from their isbaaro goes to Guudlawe pocket stright. Our money goes to the bank first not Jeyte. This system was created by our former hawadle finance minister who worked 30 years in the banks of Kuwait and Maleysia there is no one more educated in Hirshabelle than mohamed dheere even Waare is not close to him. He used to work for Kuwait bank in the 80s when they used to depand on somali teachers

He left kuwait and moved to Canada then worked in Maleysian bank

Hiiraan was like what is now jowhar before him he just didnt take the money to Jowhar. When jowhar taxes are not going to guudlawe rather to the bank we can talk about " unification of taxes" what they want now is to steal our money like they stole jowhar money

This is daily expanses of maamulka paid by the bank not Jeyte he just does supervising role. These officials are from all clans. There is a budget for service and security.

In Jowhar guudlaawe has just kitchen in his house every body eats from without paying them 🤣🤣

Look police office gets paid more than Dabageed

WAR DEG DEG Ah: Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Hiiraan ayaa ku amray Shaqaalaha Bankiga Magaalada Beledweyne iney Lacagaha Maaliyadda ee soo xaroodo sidaan maamulaan

Jikooyinka Maamulka ayaa loo Qorsheyay sidan

1. Xafiiska Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Hiiraan 300$
2. Xafiiska G/xigenka Maliyadda & siyasada 100$
3. Xafiiska Guddoomiyaha Degmadda Beledweyne 100$
4. Xafiiska Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Hirshabelle 100$
5. Taliska Saldhiga Degmada Beledweyne 200$
6. Taliska Xabsiga dhexe Ee Beledweyne 200$
7. Taliska Nabadsugida Degmadda Beledweyne 100$
8. Xafiiska Taliyaha Booliska Hirshabelle 200$
9. Xafiiska Maxkamadda Ciidamada qalabka sida 50$
10. Xafiiska Maxkamadda madaniga 50$
11. Xalinta maalinlaha 600$
12. Taliska Guutada 5aad 200$
13. Afhayeenka Maamulka Gobolka Hiiraan 30$
14. Ciidanka xalinta ku jira Ee la dhex geeyay Beelaha dagalamaa 200$

Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Hiiraan Md. Cali Jeyte Cismaan ayaa gabi ahaanba jaray Lacagihii gunooyinka ahaa Ee la siin jiray ilaalada Masuuliyiinta Maamulka Gobolka Hiiraan oo maalin walba ay ku bixi jirtay 500$



Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
Abgaaloow stop the ciyaar 😂 waa isnaqaana
Xawaadlow hadii idinkaba hawiyenimo iyo abtinimo diideen umada kale xitaa ma soo dhaweyn karno?!

If we can’t have you as our allies in Hiraan surely you can’t blame us for seeking it elsewhere:manny:


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