Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Maaliyada Hiiraan announces he’ll be handing over the revenue of Hiiraan to Hirshabelle to create a unified Hirshabelle maaliyad


Obsessed kid.


Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
There are no permanent enemies and no permanent friends only permanent interests. Yesterday SL is different than now even me i was invited by Dubbe we are Neighbours he used to be our Hanoolaato boss in 2010 so i met there with many repent Isaaqs 🤣🤣
I joined it 2010. The dir police woman was one of them.
"In the beginning of 2008, Osman Abokor once again became one of the founders and organizers of the HANOOLAATO political party whose purpose was to unite, reconcile and bring back Greater Somalia and he became the first leader of the HANOOLAATO party. In his time of leadership in the HANOOLAATO party, he promoted membership and disseminated party ideas."

Zakia hussein was my friend i was close to shukaansi her wallahi she was looking for a decent guy 🤣

"Zakia is a proponent of gender equity and has been an advocate for the youth, serving as the secretary general of the Hanoolaato Party, a Somali youth advocacy group"

Zakia wants chad Majeerteen sxb not Xawaadle :drakelaugh:

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
Good job, they have to pay their taxes or else President Guudlawe will have to go Hiiraan with his troops, enforce law and order and make them pay their taxes. Any moryaan spoiler going against the President’s authority will have to be arrested.
whatever happens in the south is none of our business don't get involved

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
You think XL are like Dhulbahante we sympathized with you bc of using our Macawisley as inspiration but you always be ruled by Isaaq even now they have huge Jaamac siyaad mercenaries sxb thank you for the war only it will unite South and North based on Ali Jimcale and Cigaal dream as Edna adan said today 🤣🤣
isaaq never ruled shit they were always our raid victims and there's no js mercenaries sxb
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Taxes collected from Matabaan and Gerijir districts only started going to Hiiran administration in 2020 and now it will go straight to Hirshabelle accounts and we will cut out the laangaab middle man in the process. Hiran administration waa lagu kala baxay. Now it’s just maqaarsar.

Mudane Guudlaawe has our support and we look forward to getting our share of Hirshabelle development projects in our two districts, Matabaan and Gerijir.
Old link before Dabageed weighed in. Im still laughing at your sharanshuur news. The gaaljecel will pay canshuur at liqliiqato bridge even if they collect canshuur in there xaafad they will pay twice🤣🤣

The iljeex matabaan were always part of Galmudug we dont consider them reer hiiraan and garijir is in Galgaduud we dont want you stop is qorqorka so even they had isbaaro its for us Galmudug. Our customs are located in Kalabayr and janta kundisho in Baladweyne both HG and Gaaljecel will pay again when entering jidka Xawaadle 🤣🤣

Kalabayr(Galgaduud and Ethiopia trucks)

Finally we called Dabageed to fire sharanshuurta and iljeex guy who will not be replaced by another iljeex let us see what can Abgaal do in Hiiraan.

You are doing for us a favour to get rid of Isbaarist Guudlawe. Hassan sh had enough of him since this.
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Taxes collected from Matabaan and Gerijir districts only started going to Hiiran administration in 2020 and now it will go straight to Hirshabelle accounts and we will cut out the laangaab middle man in the process. Hiran administration waa lagu kala baxay. Now it’s just maqaarsar.

Mudane Guudlaawe has our support and we look forward to getting our share of Hirshabelle development projects in our two districts, Matabaan and Gerijir.
Very good news for everyone involved Mashallah. This is what I call win win win.
Very good news for everyone involved Mashallah. This is what I call win win win.
GJ live in the largest neighbourhood (Howlwadag) in Beledweyne and are also DC of degmada Beledweyne. In all honesty the city belongs to them realistically. The man is fully onboard with the unification of taxes. West Hiraan is AS controlled and the natives are Gugudhabe. Don’t forget the Bantus like makane that live in central Hiraan (the river banks). Matabaan and gerijir districts in East Hiraan is Habargidir goof and inshallah they will work with their kin in Jowhar and will eat soon when development starts.


GJ live in the largest neighbourhood (Howlwadag) in Beledweyne and are also DC of degmada Beledweyne. In all honesty the city belongs to them realistically. The man is fully onboard with the unification of taxes. West Hiraan is AS controlled and the natives are Gugudhabe. Don’t forget the Bantus like makane that live in central Hiraan (the river banks). Matabaan and gerijir districts in East Hiraan is Habargidir goof and inshallah they will work with their kin in Jowhar and will eat soon when development starts.
Will be interesting to see Xawaadle’s next move. I assume it will be complaining to HSM. Gaaljecel politicians, saraakiil and elders backed this move. And this is their ugaas with HSM just a couple days ago. FGS policy should of course to be to unify Hirshabelle revenue and everyone gets their just share of investment. Rather than being held hostage by one person like the last couple years. The federalising of finances agreement makes this required.

Old link before Dabageed weighed in. Im still laughing at your sharanshuur news. The gaaljecel will pay canshuur at liqliiqato bridge even if they collect canshuur in there xaafad they will pay twice🤣🤣

The iljeex matabaan were always part of Galmudug we dont consider them reer hiiraan and garijir is in Galgaduud we dont want you stop is qorqorka so even they had isbaaro its for us Galmudug. Our customs are located in Kalabayr and janta kundisho in Baladweyne both HG and Gaaljecel will pay again when entering jidka Xawaadle 🤣🤣

Kalabayr(Galgaduud and Ethiopia trucks)
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Finally we called Dabageed to fire sharanshuurta and iljeex guy who will not be replaced by another iljeex let us see what can Abgaal do in Hiiraan.

You are doing for us a favour to get rid of Isbaarist Guudlawe. Hassan sh had enough of him since this.
Your “customs” are located right outside of Beledweyne?🤣
You can double tax trucks that are going or leaving Beledweyne but we wouldn’t lose any sleep over it and the drivers of said trucks are your own people anyways🤣

also, do you think liqliiqato bridge in beledweyne is one way street? GJ will tax your ass too and I doubt you want to officially turn Beledweyne into another Gaalkacyo!:pachah1:

You’re really acting like you run shit in Beledweyne but you don’t. There’s a reason the gudoomiye of Beledweyne is GJ samoow😆
GJ live in the largest neighbourhood (Howlwadag) in Beledweyne and are also DC of degmada Beledweyne. In all honesty the city belongs to them realistically. The man is fully onboard with the unification of taxes. West Hiraan is AS controlled and the natives are Gugudhabe. Don’t forget the Bantus like makane that live in central Hiraan (the river banks). Matabaan and gerijir districts in East Hiraan is Habargidir goof and inshallah they will work with their kin in Jowhar and will eat soon when development starts.
There’s a reason Xawaadle are scared of this cooperation between Cayr and GJ in Hiran. The majority are finally awaking to this dulmi from the minority :rejoice:

Mudane Guudlawe has the full support of both HG districts in Hiiran. Hiiraab and Gugundhabe cooperation is the answer to Xawaadle dowladdiid.

Their malnourished “general” xuud realized the hiiran state they used to run around with wasn’t going to be a reality without the support of other major stockholders in hiiran (GJ & HG) and now we will remind them again.
GJ live in the largest neighbourhood (Howlwadag) in Beledweyne and are also DC of degmada Beledweyne. In all honesty the city belongs to them realistically. The man is fully onboard with the unification of taxes. West Hiraan is AS controlled and the natives are Gugudhabe. Don’t forget the Bantus like makane that live in central Hiraan (the river banks). Matabaan and gerijir districts in East Hiraan is Habargidir goof and inshallah they will work with their kin in Jowhar and will eat soon when development starts.
Top tier trolling :mjlol: Ku soco eebow kkkk!

You see how the iljeex spread their cheeks for you 😂, but when Waare was President and the finance Minister was XL they were screaming we are part of “GaLmUduG”!
Mudane Guudlawe has the full support of both HG districts in Hiiran. Hiiraab and Gugundhabe cooperation is the answer to Xawaadle dowladdiid
Let me tell you something, I obviously see that you bit the bait that my fellow Abgaal has passed to you (he is clearly trolling) and you have taken it serious.

This Gaaljecel you are talking about has been evicted from Kismaayo and Wanlaweyn and being dumped into Hiiraan by Ogaden and Shanta Caleemo. If you think Gaaljecel have any power in Hiiraan you are clearly mistaken. The subjects of Ogaden and Shanta Caleemo are residing peacefully in the IDP camps in Heegaan Strip in Beledweyne. It’s just a few Iljeex who are salty about the homes and property that were seized by Xawaadle in 94’ that think IDPs can help them inside the heart of Xawaadle.


We chased your crazy Adeer who had more weapons technicals then these miskiins, what can Gaaljecel do especially a clan that got chased by Shanta Caleemo WOMEN!!! And got their Ugaas killed in Kismaayo by Madoobe! Dadkaan ha ka waalin. That’s my advice.
@Prince of HS eebow instead of trolling let’s come up with ways to develop our Jowhar.

Look at this underdeveloped muddy town. We need to come up with development and not allowing red eyed invaders from Galmudug talking about our affairs.
Let me tell you something, I obviously see that you bit the bait that my fellow Abgaal has passed to you (he is clearly trolling) and you have taken it serious.

This Gaaljecel you are talking about has been evicted from Kismaayo and Wanlaweyn and being dumped into Hiiraan by Ogaden and Shanta Caleemo. If you think Gaaljecel have any power in Hiiraan you are clearly mistaken. The subjects of Ogaden and Shanta Caleemo are residing peacefully in the IDP camps in Heegaan Strip in Beledweyne. It’s just a few Iljeex who are salty about the homes and property that were seized by Xawaadle in 94’ that think IDPs can help them inside the heart of Xawaadle.

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We chased your crazy Adeer who had more weapons technicals then these miskiins, what can Gaaljecel do especially a clan that got chased by Shanta Caleemo WOMEN!!! And got their Ugaas killed in Kismaayo by Madoobe! Dadkaan ha ka waalin. That’s my advice.
Adeer, leave Gaaljecel alone they r not Hawiye and were in Jowhar before Abgaal and Hawadle. In Xamar they dont allow them shit. Daahir jeesow and most gaaljecel are pro Daarood let them hala qaraabtaan mx. In Kismaayo they joined Daarood wallahi like Ahmed Adan now Bahgareen Osman maxamuud.

Gaaljecel are harmless clan waa naga daba hadlaan so they can get shit at our EXPANSE like Jowhar conference they got 6 seats and HG 5 because of Hawadle boycotting it they got 12 to keep them away from us. Whenever there is a problem with xl and hiraab they go to idaacadaha to get some thing out of this but you will never hear xl and Gaaljecel fighting it happened only in Jowhar after Maxamed dheere used them. These kids think after the luberation if qoraxsin it will hurt xl when it will cause a war between jijeele and gaaljecel. Have you seen jijeele meetings with hawadle now bc of Gaaljecel. Another baaducade girl was attacking daahir jeesow for claiming galbeedka . بأسهم بينهم شديد


Waxaan arkaa in Xildhibaanada 𝐆𝐚𝐚𝐥𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐥 ayba is lahee siiyeen Galbeed Hirshabelle oo maalin walba 24saac Tvyada la taagan anagaa ka masuul ah Galbeedka Hirshabelle in badan waan ka xishooday laakiin waxaan arkay ineysan xishooneynin.

Maalin hore ayaan arkayay Kaladire oo u jawaabayo wiilasha 𝐁𝐚𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞 oo dhahaayo dhuusa geel ur iyo caraf midna malahan taas oo ka micna ah 𝐁𝐚𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞 B&T ma ahan saaka waxaan arkayay Jeesow oo asna Galbeedka bararaq la soo taagan.

Hadii Galbeedka Hirshabelle aa Gaaljecelow dagantihiin kaligiin waa leysku joogaa Qaladka ugu weyn waxaa iskaleh 𝐁𝐚𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞 iyo 𝐉𝐢𝐣𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐞 oo dadkaan aan xishooneynin dadnimo u dugsanaayo.

Bal wakaasaaye 𝐆𝐚𝐚𝐥𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐥ow 𝐁𝐚𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞 la'aantiis inaa ka maarantaan aan aragno waa leysku fadhiyaa waryaada anagaa nooga timaadeen Galbeedka Hirshabelle waxaan 𝐁𝐚𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞 iyo 𝐉𝐢𝐣𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐞 raali ka eheena walaahi ineydan sameen karin waaba is mahdiseene kawarama.

galbeedka Shabaab aa isku heesa kadib xl ay u soo kala dhuumanayaan 🤣🤣



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Adeer, leave Gaaljecel alone they r not Hawiye and were in Jowhar before Abgaal and Hawadle. In Xamar they dont allow them shit. Daahir jeesow and most gaaljecel are pro Daarood let them hala qaraabtaan mx. In Kismaayo they joined Daarood wallahi like Ahmed Adan now Bahgareen Osman maxamuud.
Adeer, Gaaljecel are slaves/condoms of Hiraab especially HG. They are a tool that Hiraab use when they cannot confront us and challenge us directly. It’s the second card they use after Shabaab. Raxanweyn says the same thing I’ve listened to Shanta Caleemo.

Abgaal just use them to enforce the agenda that Hiiraan is shared but Jowhar isn’t 😂 in order to keep staying as Hirshabelle presidency they just use them as stairs and discard with them after they are done.

but HG hate your entire existence and that you possess one of the most fertile regions in southern Somalia and that it’s under your control. They hate that fact and cannot swallow it. You can clearly see how these iljeex kids were acting on here… they have isir neceeb against our clan. The reason being they are going to be totally reliant on us for food and resources in the coming years therefore they want one of their slaves to be in control of that region so they can be indirectly control of it that’s why this whole Hirshabelle system is built like this to isolate Xawaadle kkkk. They try to empower Gaaljecel and co to challenge XL authority but it fails. They been trying for 30 years and since we eradicated their filth from Beledweyne.

if these iljeex folks hate a clan, they hate MJ and XL the most.
Adeer, Gaaljecel are slaves/condoms of Hiraab especially HG. They are a tool that Hiraab use when they cannot confront us and challenge us directly. It’s the second card they use after Shabaab. Raxanweyn says the same thing I’ve listened to Shanta Caleemo.

Abgaal just use them to enforce the agenda that Hiiraan is shared but Jowhar isn’t 😂 in order to keep staying as Hirshabelle presidency they just use them as stairs and discard with them after they are done.

but HG hate your entire existence and that you possess one of the most fertile regions in southern Somalia and that it’s under your control. They hate that fact and cannot swallow it. You can clearly see how these iljeex kids were acting on here… they have isir neceeb against our clan. The reason being they are going to be totally reliant on us for food and resources in the coming years therefore they want one of their slaves to be in control of that region so they can be indirectly control of it that’s why this whole Hirshabelle system is built like this to isolate Xawaadle kkkk. They try to empower Gaaljecel and co to challenge XL authority but it fails. They been trying for 30 years and since we eradicated their filth from Beledweyne.

if these iljeex folks hate a clan, they hate MJ and XL the most.
we never fought with Gaaljecel in Hiiraan we always had Jijeele as proxy militias 2005, 2011, 2016 so they r not threat to us. Now the UPD dislike Gaaljecel bc they r pro Farmaajo and Fahad they see Hawadle kuwii Farmaajo hilfaha u qaadey oonot just Hiiraan but Hirshabelle looga danbeeyo. Guudlaawe and Jowhar Abgaal r shit isbaaro, interfight, shabaab kalkaal so using them in facebook cannot help them in reality. Hawadle will use the Jijeele weapon once shabaab goes!

This is 2011 when we handed over Howlwadaag to Jijeele. Omar Dheee AUN in this video he attacks hawadle when in reality it was Jijeele. By the end of the video you see col Jijeele saaq Cabdulle defending dooxada inside Howlwadaag

Col isaaq cabdulle and ahmed inji jijeele army joinning dooxada before the capture of Baladweyne 2011. They defected from the Cabdi Yuusuf Hiiraan State. Iljeex kid abd dameer shabeele never heard of jijeele vs Gaaljecel wars and hawadle being behind it 🤣🤣


Let me tell you something, I obviously see that you bit the bait that my fellow Abgaal has passed to you (he is clearly trolling) and you have taken it serious.

This Gaaljecel you are talking about has been evicted from Kismaayo and Wanlaweyn and being dumped into Hiiraan by Ogaden and Shanta Caleemo. If you think Gaaljecel have any power in Hiiraan you are clearly mistaken. The subjects of Ogaden and Shanta Caleemo are residing peacefully in the IDP camps in Heegaan Strip in Beledweyne. It’s just a few Iljeex who are salty about the homes and property that were seized by Xawaadle in 94’ that think IDPs can help them inside the heart of Xawaadle.

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We chased your crazy Adeer who had more weapons technicals then these miskiins, what can Gaaljecel do especially a clan that got chased by Shanta Caleemo WOMEN!!! And got their Ugaas killed in Kismaayo by Madoobe! Dadkaan ha ka waalin. That’s my advice.
If Gaaljecel are IDPs in Hiiran then explain to me how they hold just about as many positions as Xawaadle in Hiiran and Hirshabelle?🤣 Walle you’re as delusional as they come! GJ have just as many MPs in Hirshabelle and just as many positions if not more in Hiiran as Xawaadle. They’re your Gudoomiye in Beledweyne, show some respect.

As for “chasing my crazy adeer”, you should be grateful you only fought against Cismaan caato and few of his loyalist SNA fighters. We wouldn’t be hearing about Xawaadle today if you got the attention of Aideed and USC, ya laangaabow🤣

